
Caught Jerking off

Though I had been awake for a while, but I immediately closed my eyes tight and pretended to be sleeping as soon as I felt Richard coming awake. He sat up and stared down at me for a few moments, then gently removed his hand from under my head. I kept my breathing even, listening to the sound of his footsteps as he moved to the bathroom. The water ran for a short while, and soon he returned with a wet cloth. He carefully removed the old one from my stomach and replaced it with the fresh, cool towel. His touch was unexpectedly tender, and I fought to keep my eyes closed, savoring this rare moment of affection.

After tending to me, Richard quietly left the room. I waited, making sure he was gone, before daring to open my eyes. A smile crept across my face. It had been so long since I had felt such care and attention from anyone, let alone a man. The memory of his gentle touch filled me with tingling butterflies in my belly.

 Trying to seat up on the bead, when I heard a soft knock on the door, followed by the excited voice of Tommy. "Mommy, I'm awake!" he shouted, bouncing into the room without waiting for a response. He jumped onto the bed, his face full excitement which made me emotional.

"Good morning, sweetheart," I said, smiling at his energy. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes!" he exclaimed, bouncing on the bed. "I want pancakes!"

I laughed and nodded. "Okay, let's go make some pancakes. But first, let Mommy freshen up."

Tommy nodded eagerly and jumped off the bed. I slowly got up, feeling the weight of my belly, and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Tommy waited patiently, his excitement barely contained. Once I was ready, we went downstairs together, hand in hand.

At the kitchen door, the nanny was already waiting. She looked up as we approached, giving me a polite nod. "Good morning, Ma'am. Good morning, Tommy."

"Good morning," I replied. "Has my husband left for work?"

The nanny shook her head. "No, Ma'am. He's in his study room."

I nodded, trying to hide my surprise. Richard rarely stayed home this late. "Thank you," I said, and turned to Tommy. "Let's get those pancakes started, shall we?"

Tommy cheered and rushed to the kitchen counter while placing his stool at the edge of the counter. I joined him as we began to prepare breakfast together. I mixed the batter while Tommy carefully measured out ingredients, his small hands making a mess but his concentration endearing.

As we cooked, I couldn't help but glance towards the door that led to Richard's study. What was he doing in there? Was he thinking about our conversation last night? The tender way he had cared for me this morning? My thoughts were interrupted by Tommy's cheerful chatter, and I forced myself to focus on hat we were doing at the moment.

"Mommy, can I flip the pancakes?" Tommy asked, eyes wide with excitement.

"Sure, sweetie," I said, handing him the spatula. "But be careful, it's hot."

Tommy nodded seriously, and with my guidance, he successfully flipped his first pancake. His face lit up with pride, and I couldn't help but smile.

After a while, the pancakes were ready. Tommy sat happily at his table, eagerly devouring his breakfast. I made sure to leave some for the nanny, who had gone to busy herself elsewhere. I placed the remaining pancakes, along with a cup of coffee and some honey, on a tray. The nanny had mentioned that Richard preferred his breakfast served this way, so I decided to follow her advice.

Balancing the tray carefully, I made my way to Richard's study, following the directions the nanny had given me the other day. My heart pounded as I approached the door. I knew he probably wouldn't answer if I knocked, so I decided to just open the door and enter while I hoped for the best.

But what I came face to face with was something I had not expected. Richard was at his desk his huge shaft in his hand while he stroked it profusely. My breath caught in my throat, and for a moment, I could only stare blankly at the scene in front of me. He was moaning loudly while calling out my name, and also completely unaware of my presence.

The cup fell from the tray, shattering the silence with a loud crash. Richard's head snapped up, his face flushing with shock as he realized he was no longer alone. Our eyes met for a fleeting moment, and in his gaze, I could not explain the lust and desire I saw in his eyes.

I didn't wait for an explanation. My cheeks burning with humiliation, I turned on my heel and fled back to the kitchen, my heart racing and my mind spinning. The image of him in that vulnerable state was seared into my mind, and I struggled to process the unexpected encounter.

Once back in the kitchen, I leaned against the counter, trying to steady my breathing. The reality of what I had just witnessed was almost too much to bear. Taking a deep breath, I composed myself and returned to the living room, where Tommy was still engrossed in his game.

"Mommy, look! I built a fort!" Tommy exclaimed, beaming with pride.

"That's wonderful, sweetheart," I said, forcing a smile. "It's the best fort I've ever seen."

Tommy's face lit up even more at the praise, and he continued playing. I sat down on the couch, watching him, my mind racing. What was I supposed to do now? How would I ever face him again? What was I going to do if he confronted me for entering his study without knocking?

Just then, the nanny returned, her expression concerned as she took in my pale face and the trembling in my hands. "Ma'am, are you alright?"

I nodded quickly, not trusting myself to speak. The nanny looked like she wanted to say more, but she held back, respecting my silence. She busied herself with tidying up, and I was grateful for her unobtrusive presence.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. I tried to keep myself occupied, playing with Tommy and helping the nanny with household chores, but my mind kept drifting back to the image of my husband jerking off to my name.


Finally, night came, and as I lay in bed after putting tommy to sleep in his room, the events of the day replayed in my mind. I couldn't shake the image of what I had caught my husband doing in his study. My body ached with the sudden urge for a man's touch

Restlessly, I turned onto my side and began to touch my body, my hands gliding over my skin in an attempt to calm myself but it was not doing enough. The memory of Richard in his study was vivid, and I found myself unable to focus on anything else. My whole body felt hot and I could feel the wetness of my urge in my cunt.

With a sigh, I slipped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. The cool tiles felt refreshing against my bare feet as I turned on the shower, letting the water run until it was ice-cold. Stepping under the spray, I shivered as the chill enveloped me, but it was exactly what I needed to clear my mind.

The cold water shocked my system, helping to wash away the lingering thoughts and emotions. I stood there for a few minutes, letting the water surge over me, until I finally felt calm enough. Turning off the shower, I dried myself off, wrapping the towel tightly around my body.

Returning to the bedroom, I slipped back under the covers, the sheets feeling warm against my freshly cooled skin. The rhythmic hum of the standing fan provided a soothing backdrop, and I focused on its steady whir, willing myself sleep.