
Awoken Desires

Suddenly, I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling hot all over. A deep, yearning need coursed through me, one that only Richard could fulfill. I needed him because my body was reacting in a weird way something I had never felt before. Picking up my heavy stomach and aching body, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and slowly made my way past my room, out into the hallway, and toward Richard's room. Each step felt like an eternity, my mind filled with a mix of nervous anticipation and longing.


When I reached his door, I hesitated for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open without knocking. The room was dimly lit by the moonlight filtering through the curtains, casting a soft glow on Richard as he slept.


I walked over to the bed, my steps careful and quiet. Richard looked so peaceful, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. For a moment, I simply stood there, watching him, feeling a surge of affection. Then, driven by an overwhelming need, I climbed onto the bed and gently over Richard.


The movement stirred him from his sleep. His eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, he looked disoriented. Then, seeing me, his expression hardened. "Ava?" he murmured; his voice thick with sleep. "What's wrong?"


"I... I need you please just for tonight I can't endure anymore," I whispered, my voice trembling while I unfastened his pant zip, please Richard, I need you.


Richard's eyes searched mine, and without a word, he reached out, and turned me over careful, not to press down on my stomach.


He stared into my eyes, searching for any hesitation, any sign of doubt. Seeing none, he bent down slowly and kissed me. The touch of his lips was gentle at first, testing the waters, but I responded with an intensity I hadn't realized I possessed. I opened up to him, kissing him back fiercely, torn between emotion and desire.


Our kiss deepened, becoming a fervent exchange of longing and need. Richard's hands moved to cradle my face, his fingers threading through my hair as he tilted my head slightly, allowing him better access. My own hands found their way to his back, gripping the fabric of his shirt as if to anchor myself to this moment.


As our mouths moved together, exploring and claiming, I felt a surge of heat pool in my belly. It was a fire that consumed my thoughts and drove me closer to him, seeking the solace and connection only he could provide. His lips left mine momentarily, trailing a line of soft, burning kisses down to my neck. I gasped, my body arching involuntarily at the sensation. Each kiss sent ripples of pleasure through me, igniting a passion that had long been dormant.


Richard's lips lingered on my neck; his breath warm against my skin. He found a sensitive spot just below my ear, and I shivered, a soft moan escaping my lips. He returned to my lips, capturing them once more in a searing kiss that left me breathless. His kiss was more urgent now.


I clung to him, my fingers tracing the contours of his shoulders and back, memorizing every detail. Our breaths mingled, the room around us fading into nothingness as we became lost in each other.


Richard's hand slid down my back, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us. The warmth of his body seeped into mine, and I felt a sense of completeness, as if I had finally found the missing piece of myself. His lips left mine again, tracing a path down my jawline and back to my neck, his kisses slow and deliberate, driving me wild with anticipation.


I tilted my head back, giving him more access, my breathing ragged and uneven. "Richard," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. "I need you." Please.


He pulled back slightly, his eyes locking onto mine. The intensity in his gaze took my breath away. Then slowly his hand moves towards my pussy. Removing my panties I could feel his hand rub against my cunt, suddenly he pushed his hand into my cunt

My head bumped against the edge of the bed, a surge of warmth coursing through my veins as his hand tantalized me. I pressed my leg against his back, drawing him nearer, my hands cradling his head to keep his hand in place as I rocked my cunt around his hand.

"He bends down, kissing me deeply while his fingers maintain their rhythmic movements inside me, his thumb tracing circles and applying gentle pressure. His other hand gathers my hair, securing my head as his tongue mirrors the movements of his fingers, asserting his presence. I feel my legs tense as I push against his hand, and he responds by easing his touch, pulling me back from the edge. I shatter into multiple orgasms one I had never felt before, unraveling beneath him, only to build up once more, climaxing again, calling out his name."

In that moment of ecstasy, I did not know when I fell asleep and even the time Richard cleaned me up and put on a fresh night wear for me.

The next morning, as I slowly roused from sleep, the first thing I noticed was that my clothes had been changed. I couldn't help but smile and blush at the realization that someone had taken care of me while I slept. Casting a quick glance around, I noticed that Richard, the person whose room I was in, was nowhere to be seen. Despite his absence, I couldn't shake off the warm feeling of gratitude that washed over me.


Taking my time to fully wake up, I sat up in bed, relishing the comfort of the soft sheets and the gentle morning light filtering through the window. However, as I moved to swing my legs off the bed, I felt a faint vibration coursing through them. It was a subtle reminder of the events from the previous night, leaving me momentarily stunned and breathless.


Carefully, I settled back down, allowing myself a moment to collect my thoughts and emotions. After a brief pause, I summoned the courage to stand up, albeit slowly, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness bubbling within me. The events of the previous night had left me slightly shaken, but also oddly exhilarated.


With cautious steps, I tiptoed outside of Richard's room, peeking around corners and listening intently for any signs of movement. Satisfied that the coast was clear and my presence undetected, I silently made my way back to my own room, trying to contain the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me.


Just as I reached for the doorknob to my room, a sudden and unexpected sound pierced through the quiet morning air. It was Tommy, calling out in excitement, "Mommy! I've been looking all over for you."