
Her promised soul

" What's the difference between the love of your life and your soulmate?" - I asked, staring at the dry paint peeling off the wall " One is your choice, and the other is not " - he softly replied It's known that when soulmates are separated by death, the partner that has survived would describe the feeling as overwhelming, intensely deep grief. But have you ever wondered, what would happen if your soulmate died before you've met them ? Are two souls really meant for each other since the beginning of time ? It wasn't a question that kept me awake at night until, a mysterious voice had become the only thing I wanted to hear. I craved physical touch from someone physically unavailable. A connection between two souls so deep that I could sense a smile that I've never seen before. What happens if I fall in love with someone else ? Will you still be there watching over me or do I have continue life never hearing your voice again ?

Michaela_Rhys · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Chapter Eight

I become light headed and drop the tray of tiny packets of sugar on the floor, luckily they are all in packets and I didn't make a mess. I try to hold onto the counter as the noise becomes too much. I'm shivering, why? Why is my body this ice? Why do I feel like this, the café is never this loud. The noise intensifies, as if to compensate for every second of calm I just had. I bend down and attempt to clean up my mess but instead crawl beside the coffee stand, knees bent against my chest and my hands around my head.

" Nattie , what's going on? Are you okay?"- Astrid asked rushing towards me and kneeling down to check if I'm alright

She opens a bottle of water and feeds it to me. Astrid is a mystery most times, she's a difficult person to read and whenever someone gets close to her and tries to understand her, she has always pushed them away in attempt to protect herself. She's always been my best friend but I've always been like the bigger sister in this relationship, ignoring the fact that I'm way shorter then her.

"Ouch!"- I shout waking up

" Natalie! Wake up" - she says after slapping me

Just when I thought she had become soft and caring

" Did you just"- I shout in unbelief

" Yes, go outside and get some air " - she demands

The noise did not stop, but it is getting softer as I walk outside through the back of the café. I don't understand what I'm hearing, it's all clutter. People talking but I can't hear anything clearly, sounds of car hooters, and this feeling that had come upon me. It was ice,I could barely move myself that I had to crawl across the floor.

" Ah! "- Matteo screamed, I could hear him breathing as heavy as someone after climbing a mountain.

Suddenly it stopped, the noises stopped. The shivers gone, I don't feel dizzy anymore.

" What just happened?"- I ask softly

" What happened? "- he growled, his heavy breathing becoming louder as if he was walking right towards me

" You did this! You and your friend with whatever dark magic. You tried to get rid of me" - he accused

" What No"- I try to defend " Matteo! What happened? Where were you. I couldn't hear you "

" Liar, you sent me there "- he said this time in a softer tone.

" I swear that I didn't, Matteo what happened? "- I plead

" Hey Natalie, just wanted to check up on you. Is everything okay? "- Jake asked

Jake is my boss's son, he helps at the café too

" I'm okay, I'll be there in a minute"- I try to say while catching my breath

" You fainted, you look pale and you're definitely not in a state to handle the lunch rush. I'll get Astrid to take you home. I'll cover your shift "- he suggests


Astrid called an uber, I still feel weak. Matteo hasn't stopped talking since, his upset and thinks that i did something to get rid of him.

" Are we not going to talk about what just happened? "- Astrid asked concerned

" sure, which part Astrid? Your fake astronaut or the part where I fainted?" - I snapped

" I'm going to allow this since you're going through alot recently, but if you don't appreciate me being here, I'll leave you to get home by yourself" - Astrid sternly replied

I agree that I shouldn't have snapped at her. I'm not upset with Astrid, there is just too much of noise, i can barely hear myself . I cannot think clearly

" It was peaceful, for the first time in weeks, I could breathe but It's just that he, he wasn't there... I.." I begin to stutter

" do you think it's related to finding out that you're soulmates? " - Astrid questions

" Astrid, this just doesn't make any sense. I would never date a guy like him. He is arrogant and has a gigantic ego. He is too sarcastic for my liking" - I say trying to convince myself that I don't enjoy his company and occasionally try to imagine a face to that English accent.

" Is it that you'd never go for a guy like him or that he wouldn't go for a girl like you "- she questioned, now facing me with her legs crossed on the seat

"Ouch, i thought we were on my side" - I sighed

"sorry love, I'm trying to help. And if you want to make progress, we need to be honest with ourselves" - Astrid admits

" You don't even know him"- I pout

"Admit it Natalie, considering all the fictional characters you crush on... If any of them gave you the attention, you'd kneel in a heartbeat" - she smirked

If I'm being completely honest with myself, yes. I have always leaned towards the villains and badboys but that has always been fictional. Agreed,I have bad taste in fictional characters. My first boyfriend, my ex was an absolute arsehole but that relationship did not last long until I realised that my life is non-fiction. Badguys in real life are just jerks, whatever they do is to benefit themselves. There was no tragic backstory and reason for his arrogant behaviour.

" This isn't a fictional novel Astrid, I'm a sapiosexual "- I mutter. That is also true. I am attracted to intelligence. Which is a trait that most villains posses so I am not completely lying.

" Might want to snap back to reality or you might get hit by a truck"- Matteo announces

Of course there was no truck but we have arrived at my apartment. The uber driver has just been patient and not rude

" Want to tell me what happened now? Maybe Astrid could help "- I suggested

" You have both helped enough, thank you for the effort "- he said sarcastically