
Her or Me

It's a story between two people that were each of them in couple but fell in love and also couldn't get out of their relationship, will they be able to live their love? What is coming to them?

Emmanuelle_Malok · Urbain
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3 Chs

That Girl

'Since I was born I've never had a marvelous day as yesterday. God did you just transform into a human and took her apparence '

I'm Sean Lisnow. I'm in my latest twenties. My family is not that Rich but we leave by what we have. I have a magnificent girlfriend. Lee Brown. Lee Brown and I have been dating for two years. She's the sister of my best friend.

I remember the day I met her, what an innocent pretty girl, calm. I didn't really want to date her at the beginning but one day as I was coming back home I overheard a conversation my dad had with my Mum saying that the had to be closer to the Dan and the only option was marriage knowing he was the only male child. He couldn't accept that. They won't choose for him his life time partner, no not this. They have already chosen all the rest: his school, his career and everything.

He won't allow them to choose a woman for him. He then jump at the opportunity in front of him. Never did he know she has also be eyeing him so when he asked her out she didn't turn around and just said yes. Since then they have been dating and never was he interested in a girl other than Lee but who was that girl? Where did she comes from? What has she done to his heart?

' oh my dearest honey producer' he thought.


The Brown mansion.

"Hello my loving brother, the most handsome guy, the only one I love , my..."

"Please save your praises, what do you want". He very well knew his sister. She can never praise him for nothing, so better she just spilled the beans.

" Ah can't you be gentle. How do you intend having a girl when you never say thank you to praises, you dumbass"

"What did you just say!" he yelled. Infact he wasn't really in the mood to blabber with her. He just caught his girlfriend with another guy and she didn't even bother to come after him and this mother's baby want to disturb him. Ahhhh!

" Nothing bro, just wanted to know if Sean is coming" she couldn't continue she knew something was definitely wrong but uttering a word now will be wishing his death.

"So you can't wait to see him. Relationships are not worth it, not at all" and he left running to his room.

"..." What's with him today. No what's with them Sean didn't call her yesterday something he has never done before, now her brother saying relationship are not worth. That's so unusual.

'Let me just try calling Sean maybe he's ill and couldn't respond' she thought.

Before she could dial his number the door open and she heard : " Brandon I'm confused I..." 'Thanks to the Lord's I didn't finish my words, but I thought she wasn't home'

Sean :" Hey babe what's up, I thought you were out of town?"

Lee : " yeah but I finished earlier so I came back to meet you thinking you were maybe ill? So why didn't you call yesterday, nor did you answer my calls?"

Sean : " Sorry I slept very early yesterday and I was busy all day..."

Lee : " but this..... Never mind, so tell me why are you confused?"

Sean : " oh nothing just a business mater with Brandon"

Lee : " you know I can help right?"

Sean : " of course babe just that this time around I don't want to bother you, it's nothing really big..."

Lee :" hmmm Okay if you say so. I missed you so much darling..."

Sean: " I too my flower" and he placed a fake smile because he knew that he wasn't even thinking of her yesterday.

Lee: " okay babe let me tell you...." she started telling him what she did and all what she experience during her trip but Sean wasn't even with her he was thinking of Bee, his marvelous Bee.

' When will I get to see you again? I don't even know your family name to go look for you, where do you come from angel, Who are you beautiful?

Oh my darling Bee you've stolen my heart, you now make me doubt of my feelings for Lee, but wait was I really going to tell Brandon that I'm not sure of my feelings for his sister? What an idiot I am, I would have lost a friend. Now I don't know what to do Bee !

Lord come have mercy, I think she's my soulmate. That girl Bee....

Hi guys sorry to be uploading a little late. I'm still a student and we haven't yet close school. unfortunately we're also at our exam period so I can't be regular in the uploading. You might notice some grammar, vocabulary errors please help me correct them. I'm not that good at English. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Emmanuelle_Malokcreators' thoughts