
Her Name is Muse

"Muse?" Hajoon said to the girl who was eating just beside him at a different booth. She looked up at him with a mouth full of rice. She furrowed her eyebrows before swallowing her food hardly. "I'm sorry, I think you have me confused with someone else!" Liane said as she stared at Hajoon who had his bucket hat nearly covering his face. "Sorry," Hajoon said subtly, "you just look a lot like her..." This story is about Kim Hajoon; a artist who's having some writers block writing his next song for his solo album. Trying to refresh his mind, he visits a local museum that just recently added new art exhibits for viewing. While admiring a black and white art piece, he noticed a interesting girl staring at the art piece just beside him. A girl who was for some reason grabbing his attention in every way possible. But she wasn't even doing anything. She was just standing there ... but why was Hajoon so intrigued? He wanted to know who she was .. "My name is Muse!”

Asiyaabaazi · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
4 Chs


As the train pulled into Busan Station, I gathered my things and stepped out into the humid air. The bustling station was alive with the sounds of commuters and the clatter of footsteps. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed towards the museum, determined to find the inspiration that had so far eluded me.

The Busan Museum of Art was a haven of tranquility amidst the city's chaos. I paid the entrance fee and wandered through the halls, letting my mind drift as I observed the exhibits. Paintings, sculptures, and photographs filled the rooms, each telling its own story. But still, no words came to me.

I found myself standing in front of a large abstract painting, lost in its swirling colors and chaotic lines. I tried to decipher what the artist was trying to convey, but the meaning escaped me. I sighed and moved on, my footsteps echoing in the nearly empty gallery.

Turning a corner, I stumbled upon an exhibit that caught my attention. It was a series of photographs, each one capturing moments of love and connection between people. Couples holding hands, stealing kisses, laughing together. The raw emotion in the images stirred something deep within me.

I stood there for what felt like hours, studying each photograph. There was one that particularly drew me in. It was a black and white image of a young couple sitting on a park bench, their foreheads touching gently. The look in their eyes was one of pure contentment, as if they had found a world within each other.

I pulled out my journal and started to write, the words flowing effortlessly for the first time in months. The verse took shape, inspired by the silent conversation between the couple in the photograph.

"Whispers in the quiet, hearts speaking in soft tones,

A love that's unspoken, yet all the world knows.

In the hush of a moment, where time stands still,

Two souls find solace, in a promise they fulfill."

I paused, rereading the lines. For the first time in what felt like forever, I felt a sense of satisfaction. The words felt right, as if they had been waiting for this moment to be written.

Feeling a renewed sense of purpose, I continued exploring the museum, jotting down lines and phrases as they came to me. Each exhibit, each piece of art, seemed to unlock a part of my mind that had been closed off for too long.

As I wandered into another gallery, I stopped in front of a striking black-and-white painting. The stark contrasts and bold brushstrokes drew me in, holding my attention captive. I stood there, lost in the interplay of light and shadow, trying to unravel the emotions hidden within the monochrome hues.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a woman standing a few feet away, also absorbed in the painting. She was a foreigner, with striking features and an air of quiet elegance. Her presence seemed to amplify the painting's allure, adding a layer of mystery and intrigue.

I glanced at her, and she caught my eye for a brief moment before returning her gaze to the artwork. There was something captivating about her—a subtle grace that drew me in, much like the painting itself. I felt an unexpected spark, a flutter of curiosity that I hadn't experienced in years.

I tried to focus on the painting, but my thoughts kept drifting back to the woman. Her expression was serene, yet there was a depth in her eyes that suggested she was lost in her own world, much like I was. I wondered what she saw in the painting, what thoughts and feelings it evoked in her.

Unable to resist, I stole another glance at her. This time, she turned towards me and smiled, a small, knowing smile that seemed to acknowledge the connection we both felt to the art before us. It was a fleeting moment, but it left a lasting impression.

I pulled out my journal and started to write again, the encounter with the woman infusing my words with a newfound energy.

"Eyes meet in silence, where shadows dance and play,

In a world of black and white, colors find their way.

A fleeting glance, a shared embrace,

In the realm of art, we find our place."

I reread the lines, feeling a surge of excitement. The words flowed effortlessly, as if they had been waiting for this very moment. I glanced at the woman once more, but she had moved on, disappearing into another part of the gallery.

Feeling a mix of longing and inspiration, I continued exploring the museum, jotting down notes and phrases as they came to me. Each exhibit, each piece of art, seemed to unlock a part of my mind that had been closed off for too long.

As the day turned to evening, I found myself in the museum's café, sipping on a cup of coffee and reviewing my notes. The museum had done its job, sparking a flame of creativity that I thought had been extinguished. I felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, I could finish the song and deliver something worthy to my fans.

Packing up my things, I decided to take a walk along Haeundae Beach. The cool breeze and the sound of the waves provided a soothing backdrop as I continued to ponder the song. The verse I'd written in the museum felt like the missing piece, and now, I could see how it would fit into the larger whole.

As I walked along the shore, my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a message from my producer, reminding me of the upcoming deadline. I smiled to myself, feeling more confident than I had in a long time.

"Almost there," I replied, before slipping my phone back into my pocket.

The sun was setting over the ocean, casting a golden glow over the water. I sat down on the sand, watching as the day turned to night. The city lights began to twinkle in the distance, and I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

I knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy, and there would still be moments of doubt and frustration. But for now, I was content. I had found a spark of inspiration, and that was enough to keep me going.

As the stars began to appear in the night sky, I pulled out my journal one last time and started to write. The words flowed like the waves, each one bringing me closer to completing the song. And for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was exactly where I was meant to be.