
Games fools play

Bella walked into the cafe feeling tired. She had a good night's sleep but also very early morning. She wasn't sure about her decisions but since she trusted her mother, she planned to contact Jasmine in the day.

The cafe was buzzing with activity since most people dropped by for breakfast before work. The teenager changed into her work uniform, tied her hair into a neat bun, and walked out of the changing room.

Things were going smoothly for almost the whole time. Customers walked in and out. This kept her too busy to think of anything. Bella approached the counter to carry the placed orders to the table.

The middle-aged man walking behind the counter smiled at her as he prepared a hot cup of espresso. Bella waited on him with a smile of her own.

" Bella, I can see we are having a nice day. It's good to see you smiling. Here is the order for table 7."