
Full House

Edgar looked at the people sitting around his home. He had never thought that a day will come when each room would be occupied.

He was most amused by the sulking man standing beside his princess. Jayden was someone he had come to trust with his girl's safety.

He suddenly felt lonely. Each of his children had a partner. Max sat joking around with Beau. Beside them, Emilio sat, holding Isabella's hand.

His gaze moved towards his last born. Travis's face looked stoic as ever but his hand was wrapped around the little girl by his side. Though he had expected it, it felt quite unbelievable.

Then, there was Lorenzo and his friend Ava. Finally, Jayden and his princess. Oh, how could he forget, the little boy in Jasmine's arms.

She looked good holding him. Their little boy was grown up too. Looking at the youngsters, he was the only one without a partner. So sad!