
Confessions and Apologies

Laying in bed, a peaceful silence hangs in the air. She was afraid to ruin it but knew that they had to talk. Living with Levi taught her the importance of communication.

As he liked to put it, her opinion and feelings mattered to him. Maybe that was why they hardly argued or fell out with each other.

Whenever either felt disgruntled, they would share their displeasure and find a solution together. It always put her at ease and made her feel safe with him. 

Levi was having the same thing going through his mind. Unlike Arya, he was trying to think of the best way to break the silence without making things awkward. 

He decided to go with his heart. " I missed you every second that I spent without you. When I decided to be away, I felt that I needed the distance.

For almost two years now, my life revolved around you. I am not blaming you for it, baby. It's because I love you so much that I forgot the rest of the world."