


The prostitute, Langdon, was looking bamboozled as she stood there and watched. She could clearly see the cogs of his brain working hard to understand the situation. It was the same face he made last night which almost scarred her for life. The feeling of chills, and bugs crawling under her skin was alarming when she remembered what he offered last night, or what he voluntarily did. She almost threw up the food she personally cooked.

Vanishing the scarring thoughts from her mind, she looked on, waiting for his decision with a blank expression.

"Which district? What do you mean?" He asked befuddled.

"I said choose a district you want to go to." she repeated, itching to leave the man on his own devices. She had a busy day ahead. A lot of things need tending to and the longer he decides, the longer he'll disrupt the flow of her chores.

"You already bought me. If you are not aware that means ownership in the district. You owned me." He gestured at himself like the thought of returning him to where he came from was offending his senses.

"We are not in a district, the rules your district has doesn't apply to me," She tossed the burlap bag that used to cover his head when he was kidnapped in his direction. It was already filled with necessities he needed.

"You must decide quickly. We need to walk for days, and I would appreciate it if I can return to my usual day." She added and turned around to check on Rain. He was back after guiding the kidnappers quite late in the night.

Also, the dark clouds were now lurking closer, and it caused her agitation. It would usually rain after the dark clouds set in, but it is not the case this time. It seems like the clouds were packing in all of its water and would let it fall in one swoop. Totally a bad idea.

"I don't want to return to District 5." He mutters, the distaste in his voice evident.

"That is why I'm telling you to choose and decide right now. You don't want those clouds to rain on us." she pointed upwards while he followed the action with his eyes.

"It looks ominous." He commented, his confusion now has a tinge of fear.

"More than ominous. You must decide now. If you want, I could guide you toward District 4. They treat people with respect in those parts." she suggested, finally spotting Rain on one of the bushes near a strangler tree.

"I have been working as a sex worker for years. That life makes living a little luxurious, still, I am tired of that life. I want to start anew." He explained.

She looked at him and was met with electric blue eyes pining for pity. It does nothing to her or whatsoever. Dealing with people and their demanding emotions were exhausting and she wanted nothing of it.

"Choose." She remained firm. "I won't take you to D5, alright. You can start anew in other districts. You can be whatever you want but a prostitute."

"Can't I stay here with you? I can do anything. Serving you would be no difficulty at all. I could provide pleasure every day. You can use me an–"

"Shut that mouth." She said with emphasis. The events last night resurface in her mind once again. She visibly shuddered at the picture.

"I could please you anytime you want, whenever you need. Anything you want." He added, eyes begging in her direction. She saw how he took a step closer as if he wanted to hold her hand and beg for more.

"I thought you were tired of being a harlot?" The sarcasm in her voice was overflowing. He did not mind it one bit. Instead, he made himself look more helpless, and desperate.

"You own me and saved me. You are different." He reasoned out like it was that easy.

"Not at all. If you are not going to decide then I will decide for you. We are going to D2. The farthest district from D5." She whisked around, ignoring his pitiful face.

The doors on the dugout shelter were closed well. Nodding in satisfaction, she sauntered towards her animal's direction. Rain hunted for his meal earlier, so he was lazing around, lying beside the bushes with a stomach full.

"Sir Hermit, kindly think it over." He appealed once more but she was deaf to his words. There is no way in hell that she would take in a human companion.

"You better stop whining. You have an opportunity to change your life in another place. Why stay in this forest?" She told him. The question didn't require much thought.

"Maybe it is the same reason as yours." He said in a defeated tone.


They don't have the same reasons for sure, but the way he said it feels like he was tired of life. Exhausted with all the things the life dished him.

As far as she knows, being a sex-worker would guarantee you a good life, well, besides giving a piece of yourself to someone every single time, that is. Sex-workers were paid well and were provided with accommodation. They were treated with excellence and had the luxury to choose someone they wanted to live with for the rest of their lives. It doesn't sound too bad.

"It is more than that."

Startled, she looked up when she heard him speak. It is as if he heard her thoughts and was now wearing a face full of hurt and defeat. It somehow made her feel bad.

"It is out of my hands." She sighed in helplessness. They don't have time for these kinds of discussions.

"I never saw my mother again after I was weaned. It was something I could never understand when I was kid. I know it is the way the district works, but it fucked me up somehow,"

With his fragile look, cursing was really weird coming from him. It was amusing in some sense. However, they really need to leave now.

"Right, you want to be loved. I understand. We better start moving now." She gathered her own things and called for her wolfdog's attention.

"I want a family, Sir. A child of my own." he suddenly exclaimed, voice earnest and sincere, it could move anyone.

Stiff, as if she turned into a statue right there and then, she looked back at him once again. Wearing an annoyed face. He is talking bullshit. Everyone knows that the greatest dream of anyone is to reproduce. This era is all about procreation. It was everyone's goal in this life, except her. What does staying in the forest have to do with procreating? There is no one to start a family with in here, in the first place.

Another pause. Wait, he doesn't know she is a woman, does he? She made sure to stay away from the bed and sleep on the flooring of the shelter. The cold of the stone on her back was enough reassurance that she did not do anything to put her facade in jeopardy. Anything that would give way to her being a woman was avoided at all costs. Whatever is going on here?

"You can't start a family here on the main island." She said in a hard voice. Her guards were up a notch now, and she thinks he saw the change.

"That is what I'm saying. I would never be able to realize that dream. That is why I'd rather spend it on my own terms, my own will. I don't want to work for anyone anymore. Living on the main island would be ideal." He explained further.

And she understood his words, finally, he did not know anything about her identity. He wanted solitude, and free will. Absolutely the same reason as hers, but the only problem was he does not know how hard life is living in a secluded forest.

It is mandatory that a person living in a district needs to contribute to the community in any way. If he wanted to live on his own terms, then that wouldn't be possible. He would probably meet resistance; however, she'll commend his guts.

"If I can't start a family of my own then I don't want the opportunity you are suggesting. Please, let me stay here." He kneeled before her very eyes. She was, again, startled. But then again, she always wants to live her life the way it is now. She would not change it for someone like him, no. she strengthened her guards and ignored his actions.

"Let's make a move." she said blankly.