
Her Means of Survival

Year 2452 (The Earth after the deadly disaster) To survive, Tahlia needs to hide behind a facade that would fool anyone without a doubt. To keep her identity safe and away from harm, she hides behind the name Talon. Avoiding the crowd was her greatest strength. Solitude, and reflection. She thrives in it and would bet her life for it. What would happen if that solitude was threatened by reality and responsibility? What could go wrong from rescuing a prostitute-in-distress?

scyn · Urbain
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32 Chs


She was bone tired. The sudden usage of her energy took a toll on her body as she lay heaving on the sandy bank. Beside her were the men whom she pushed off the cliff. They were all gasping for breath, replenishing their lungs. With her eyes close to the world, Tahlia's senses were honed to any changes happening around her. It was then that she felt a shadow casting over her lying form on the bank.

"Boss, what are you doing?" There was fear in that quivering voice that came from her right. It was a familiar voice, and it was from the right-hand man. When she felt a shift in the area near her lying figure, she rolled over to the right as a rush of air assailed her body. The action caused her to bump against one of the injured men who was lying on his back.

Eyes now open, she casted the blonde man a scowl. The selfish man was holding what seems to be a leather string. He was not littered with scratches and bite wounds like the others. It was annoying for her to know that this selfish, cowardly man appeared better in appearance and in spirit because he sacrificed his own men to save his ass.

The interactions she had with other people was limited but this man was worse than a scumbag and has no sense of gratitude. Still eyeing the man, she discreetly gripped a smooth rock behind her back. The shovel she was holding a while ago was an arm's length away and is laid next to the blonde man's feet.

"Hold him down." Instructed the blonde who took a step closer in her direction. The bite wound on her leg was stinging from her moving, but she had no choice but to ignore it for now. Also, they need to wash the wounds thoroughly to avoid the infection from sitting in. Infection is a nasty business.

No one moved to abide by the blonde man's bidding, they all sat stiff and undecided. At least the four men behind her seem to have a better grasp of how decency and gratitude works.

"I said hold him down!" His voice boomed in anger, competing with the river's rushing current, and the birds singing. The more this blonde man talked, the more she was tempted to push him down the river. Quietly taking a standing position, she distanced herself from the group with the stone still behind her back. Her eyes were keenly locked on the blonde man.

"But Boss, this man helped us." It was said by the man she supported a while ago. His brown eyes were filled with doubts and concern. She guessed the concern was for her safety.

"You fucking twit!" The blonde man took a few steps and pulled his fist back, intending to hit the other man. She did not like to owe people, so she approached them with hurried steps and kicked the blonde man's thigh sending him stumbling on the sandy bank. When she looked at the rest of the men who were now sitting up, they looked at the situation with mouths agape. For such big men, they are quite afraid of the blonde man.

"Should I toss you in the river right now?" Four pairs of disbelieving eyes stared in her direction. They were not able to hide the admiration blooming in there. It made her uncomfortable.

"How dare you." Replied the blonde man who staggered up from his position, hatred was burning in his blue eyes, a strong evil intent was shadowing it. A frown formed on her forehead. How could this man be so dense? He is no one in this vast main island. Was it his bruised ego talking? Entitlement?

"Ungrateful fuck."She uttered, and the blonde man's eyes blazed on further.

"You are the damning hermit! Give me back my whore!" He yelled like a crazy man, spit flying in all directions. It was a cringing sight. He looks like a rabid dog who got his toy stolen right under his nose. The picture was funny, yet she did not dare show it.

"Yes, I am the infamous Hermit. I know this place like the back of my hand. Without me, your whole entourage would have been good fodder to the animals right now. Are you sure you'll keep that attitude?" she mockingly asked. He is a stupid man, yet crazy. Definitely, a dangerous combination.

"I don't give a fuck, you bastard. If you are not going to give me back my whore, then you will make do." The man claimed with utmost sincerity and pounce. She quickly threw the stone towards the blonde man and the aim was true. It hit his shoulder blade. The man yelped in pain and the satisfaction that flooded her senses from the sound was unbelievable. She might also be twisted.

She swiftly picked another stone, when the man staggered upright once again.

"You don't understand it, do you? In this place I'm the head. You can say I rule the place, your safe return home is in my hands. Also, don't forget the agreement. I should be the one saying how dare you." she stared down at the man cupping his shoulder in pain. Even with the words she said, the man was still glaring daggers.

She approached the issue that's causing him to be livid. "About your whore, I vividly remember buying the idiot. Actually, I could return the whore to you but how would you like to have him back? In bone pieces or maimed? I saved the prostitute's life, so his life is now mine. I could do whatever I want with him. Sure, I could return him, but you should choose." She gave the man a smirk. This time, she saw the subtle shaking of his eyes. Maybe he finally understood that she meant business. His actions caused her to think unsavory thoughts, and it is almost making her gag.

"Boss, let's just go home. Lanny might be already dead for all we know." Said one of the men who ran away first back in the baboons' territory.

"Shut your fucking trap." The blonde man hissed in stubbornness. He was holding his shoulder with a tight grip, the leather string already forgotten on the sandy floor. Tahlia only noticed then that the man was favoring his right leg. It might be a sprain.

"Are you intimate with this Lanny you're talking about? Are you in any relationship with him?" She asked with face blank and eyes observant. The thought of Langdon and this blonde man was igniting something in her insides. It was bothering her in all actuality.

"Give him back to me." he enunciated each word with hardness. It made her suspicions worse, fanning the irritation she felt.

"I am not returning the whore to you, halfwit. He is mine. If you want him then give me your life in return. I don't like my things snatched away from me with no compensation. Your life could settle everything in exchange for the whore." She said in a menacing tone. The plans she had concocted in her mine were going astray but there was nothing she could do. Something fierce, something possessive in her was waking up. She does not know yet if it will do her good, but she is willing to find out.

"How dare you." The man repeated with murder in his eyes. Is something really in between the two men? Why is he so adamant and acting maniacal over Langdon?

"No, how dare you. How dare you break the agreement that all the heads of the district unanimously agreed upon just because of your obsession over some pleasure worker? Are you ready to bear the consequences of your reckless actions? I would love to find out what Dickens would say." She gave him an amusing laugh.

There. She saw the massive change in his eyes when she mentioned the District V leader. It seems this man who looks akin to the head of the renowned unforgiving district was scared of the man. The weakness of the blonde was now laid open for her to feast on.

When the blonde man suddenly leapt from his position, intending to bring her down with him on the sandy bank, she received help from the quiet spectators. The right-hand man grabbed the blonde on his torso. That did not stop her counter action and solidly slammed the smooth stone she was holding on the blonde's head.

The man slumped and fainted.

Rolling her hands, and cracking her knuckles, she turned to the four men staring at her with adoration this time. It looks like they were thanking her for a good work done. Celebrating internally for rendering the man asleep.

"So, who wants to go back home?" she beamed.