
Her, Me and Him: A Forbidden Romance

Two wrongs don't make it right is what they were all told but. They believed two wrongs could make the first wrong seem less wrong. With only 6 months of high school left Araiya focuses on her school work and nothing else. That is until Mr.White comes into her life and her friendships take a turn for the worst.

WritingMasterMoon · Sports, voyage et activités
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My writing partner and best friend have recently suffered a huge loss. The loss of a family member. Her niece. I know that this may not want to be something that others want to hear about but I owe it to her to at least put out a message. Her niece passed tragically. It was a great loss to all those who knew and loved her. So if you know anyone or feel like sharing the message.

Please do.

Her go fund me link is right here: https://gf.me/u/y5mxfw

All the money earned will be going towards funeral costs even the littlest amount, Or a quick share would help.

Now then I hope you all have a blessed day.