
We Can Only Pray

In the master's bedroom ...

The couple were already lying in the bed . Y/n was thinking about the next seduction move . However, for some reason, there's something that seemed to be quite unusual with Jin.

He used to be unmoving like stone the moment he lies but now, he seemed to be uncomfortable . He kept moving that Y/n couldn't help but get distracted setting herself in her mission mode .

Y/n was actually thinking about the seductive massage 101 that Diya listed for her . She thought it was the best thing she could do to test Jin's reaction when she touches him .

However, the man was acting strange . He was almost at the edge of the bed, obviously keeping distance away from her as he continued moving, facing towards the lamp .

Observing him, Y/n hesitated in executing her plan . She fought with herself whether it's the right time or not and she kept remembering what Diya advised her .

'The atmosphere and the situation is vital, so make sure to consider the mood . If you think it's the perfect time, then don't hesitate and just go for it . '

Y/n spent another five minutes making a decision . She turned towards him for the last time before she decides but her brows slowly creased the longer she observe him kept moving constantly as if he was having a hard time staying still .

Looking at him, Y/n slowly went worried .

"Jin? Are you okay?"

She then asked . Both of the lamps on the bed side were still lit and Jin didn't replaced his mask yet so Y/n rose as she moved closer to him .

She touched his arm to make him turn towards her .

"I'm alright . "

Jin replied as he looks at her . However, for some reason, Y/n still felt uneasy .

"You seemed uncomfortable . Are you feeling something disturbing? Do you feel unwell?"

Y/n asked again . Her face was worried and Jin was about to insist that he's fine when he remembered her getting angry at him for not telling her that he's wounded .

Jin also couldn't bear lying to her again so he rose and he finally spoke .

"I think I ate too much . My stomach felt uncomfortable . "

He said as he rubbed the back of his neck and y/n's eyes turned wide .

She bit her lip, realizing that she fed him too much and now he might be suffering indigestion .

"I'm sorry . I..."

Y/n uttered when Jin cut through her words .

"It's fine . This is just stomach upset . This will go away after a while . "

He said and the moment y/n heard the words 'upset stomach' she immediately remembered her grandmother teaching her the technique of massage for upset stomach .

Her grandmother actually taught her well because her little brother, Haru, was always suffering indigestion when he was young . That was why, somehow, Y/n mastered the said technique .

Y/n then looked at Jin with such confidence as she speaks .

"I know a great remedy to relieve you . "

She said, looking enthusiastic and Jin curiously looked at her . The girl suddenly jumped out of the bed and after a while, she returned with a towel and a bottle of mustard oil in her hands .

"Let me massage your stomach . I'm really good with it . "

She said as she sat and before Jin could even talk, Y/n continued talking .

"I learned this massage therapy from my grandmother so I'm really skilled . "

She said as she kneeled . She held his shoulders and then she gently pushed him down .

"You need to lie down so we can start now . This is partly my fault for feeding you too much so let me do something to help you, okay?"

She continued and Jin who was now laid by her remained speechless .

Without wasting any time, Y/n immediately put an oil in her hands and she rubbed them to make her palms warm . Jin just watched her quietly, anticipating what she was about to do next .

However, the next thing  Y/n did made his senses went into chaos .

Y/n kneeled and she arched towards him and without any warning, she started unbuttoning his pajama top . The girl's face was so close to him as she continued undoing the button slowly .

That moment, Jin immediately felt like his upset stomach worsened . He felt like every button she took off were like ball of fire that was slowly adding warmth in his body .

Jin suddenly felt like time was slowing down and his heart started beating fast .

Until finally, Y/n reached the last button and the moment Jin's body appeared before her eyes, blood almost gushed out from her nose .

Well, anyone could already tell that Jin's body is perfect. Y/n never saw a man's body more gorgeous than his, she could even swear that her husband's body was much better than the ones she saw in magazines . He was really like an imaginary character too perfect to be be true .

Reflexively, Y/n couldn't help but bit her lip . She struggled dragging her knocked out senses to wake up again until Jin suddenly lifted his hand .

Y/n's extreme focus on his sexy body was broken as her sight followed his hand . The man landed the back of his hand on top of his mask as he quietly inhaled as though he finally relaxed a bit .

Seeing this, Y/n finally snapped . She thought that he might be feeling worse now so she hastily rubbed her palms again .

Jin on the other hand was feeling quite troubled . Well, he didn't expect that by just a simple undressing like that was already considered too much for him . He felt like his breathing was also affected and he have no idea on how to deal with everything that was happening to his body that he could only hold his breath .

That was why, he couldn't help but heaved a deep breath the moment she finished unbuttoning his shirt . He was trying to calm his breathing and act normally . He didn't want her to notice him acting weird .

However, the next moment, something beyond his expectation occurred .

The instant his wife hands slowly landed on his stomach like gentle fire appearing out of nowhere, a catastrophic meteor seemed to suddenly fell .

In the longue, Mr . Park walked towards the quiet Namjoon sitting in the sofa .

"What are you thinking young man?"

the old man asked and Namjoon stretched his back .

"Well, I'm thinking if what you fed him will even work . "

He answered with his usual mischievous smile as the old man sat across him .

"You think nothing will happen again?"

the old man asked and NamJoon's expression turned serious as he speaks .

"Nobody on earth could beat Jin's willfulness . If he set's his mind not to do it, then nothing will happen . Especially now that things are getting worse . "

"What do you mean? Enlighten this old man to me young man . "

"The enemy are working fast . They're already eyeing for this place for a while now . Jin needs to leave tomorrow no matter what, or else everything will fall into chaos . "

Namjoon explained and the words that left his mouth made the old man stunned and he fell speechless .

"This house was already hers a long time ago . Jin manipulated documents in the past to make it happen . They will never suspect anything unusual, as long as he leaves this house, of course, you need to leave as well sire . That is why he needed to leave before it's too late . "

Namjoon continued and the old man finally spoke .

"If he leaves, when will he come back?"

the old man asked and Namjoon fell quiet for a while before answering him .

"He said, he will leave to end everything . He never said it himself but I think he already decided not to come back unless everything will be solved . And this case is too complicated and too dangerous . All this time, he couldn't even find any single lead at all . The only way he thought was to go to the place itself and investigate . You know how dangerous that place right now . I can't even make a prediction on how long will he take and how much sacrifice is needed to solve this . "

Namjoon explained and the old man sighed .

"So this is the reason why he doesn't want to touch her, huh . "

He uttered and Namjoon just looked at him .

"Maybe . He never spoke a thing about this . "

"Sigh . That kid . I finally understand why he's this desperate not to touch her . "

The old man said and Namjoon looked at him with curious gaze .

"That guy, he was already aware how he brought out into this world and he knew that his mother was the only one who watched and stayed with him all alone in that lab . I think he is afraid that she might experience the same thing . If he's thinking that he will take a long time, I think his fear is reasonable . He wanted to stay beside her if in case his wife will get pregnant . "

The old man continued and Namjoon sighed as well . The two both sighed like problematic fathers and they fell quiet for a long while before Namjoon broke the silence again .

"But honestly, personally, I'm hoping that Jin will give in . It'd be best if she gets pregnant . "

Namjoon uttered and the old man looked at him with a gaze demanding explanation .

"Well, the worst enemy Jin has is himself . He is too reckless for his own good . And if he lost himself to rage again, I can't even promise if I could stop him . I could always use Y/n to control him but if there's an additional child that will be waiting for his return, I believe he will never go reckless . I believe he will do anything to make everything alright, because just as you said, he will never want his dear wife to suffer what his mother went through . "

Namjoon continued and the old man eyes suddenly welled .

"Yes, you're right . We could only pray . "

The old man said as he sobbed and Namjoon could only scratch his head before he ran to get a tissue .
