
She Is Not Waking Up

While Y/n was struggling, trying to wake up her senses, Jin pulled y/n's face and he gently landed his forehead on hers as he spoke.

"Listen. I will never divorce you. You will be my only one. No matter what happens, you will forever be my only wife... But... I need to leave you. I don't know how long it will take. I don't know if you could wait for me. That's why I ---"

Jin's words were stopped. It was because Y/n suddenly kissed his lips before he could finish his words.

"Jin... no matter how long it takes, I will wait for you. I promise. "

She uttered. Her eyes brimming with passion and love. Her voice was like the sweetest song on earth, reassuring him that there waiting for him to worry about

Reassuring him that she will wait even if it takes forever.

"Jin, don't forget that no matter what happens, I will always love you. I will always be here waiting for your return. I love you so much. Whatever happens, I will never regret that I met you I love you so much. "

She continued and she began kissing his forehead, his eyes, his nose down to his lips before she pulled back again. She let go of his shoulders and she sat.

At that moment, she finally realized the hard thing touching her and her entire body immediately flushed red.

The man just remained there unmoving. Breathing heavily as his gaze was locked unto her.

The next second, Y/n slowly untied her robe. And like a movie in slow motion, the moment she removed her robe, Jin gasped and his mouth hanged opened. His wife was wearing sexy white lingerie.

Her damp long black hair was scattered on her shoulders and her every shape was being seen through the thin fabric she was wearing.

She was blushing intensely yet no hesitation nor doubt flashed across her beautiful eyes.

Looking at the sexy Goddess on top of him, Jin was about to go crazy His entire senses have gone wild and his brain seemed to be charmed badly that all he could think was to touch her and make her his.

Y/n then moved, her lips were about to reach Jin's when she pulled away again, leaving the man gasping. The girl moved to get the blindfold under her pillow while Jin thought that she was going to kiss him.

The girl then quietly put the blindfold in her eyes before she crawled to him and slowly removed his mask

Her fingers then searched for his lips when the man called out her name.

"Y/n ..." he uttered in barely more than a whisper.

Uttering her name as if it was the most precious sound that could ever leave his mouth. And the next second, unable to contain himself anymore, Jin pulled her into a fiery passionate kiss.

He savored her lips as their breaths mingled. Their hearts beating as one as if they merged into one. The kiss was nothing like the kisses they shared before. It was a kiss that seemed to a seal promises and they felt like they were drifting in the clouds.

Jin's hand then slowly worked its way around her body, feeling her every curve before he laid her on her back.

Jin was full of wonder as he looked at her, his desire was blazing like fire and he kissed her again intensely as their bodies melted into each other held and tighter as he began kissing her nape down to her chest. Y/n began to moan as the heat between them skyrocketed beyond redemption

At that moment, they felt like time ceased to exist. As they both delved deeper into each other's, their world began to change.

Every worry certainty disappeared and as they felt the intense pleasure, they began to they'd been needed into the heavens as they drowned in the pool of love.

Sweet and soft moans and the sound of shifting bed were dancing with the wind in the middle of a silent night.

The overflowing emotions and the uncontrollable desire enveloped the entire bedroom as the couple finally submits themselves to each other's Their bodies were synchronized as one, and so, their soul

It was as though, in between the heavenly pleasure, the two of them were creating a vow. A silent vow that only their deepest soul could understand.

A vow that was being engraved permanently in their hearts forever, and a vow that no one, even the Gods, could ever erase

The next morning, Namjoon and the old man were grinning widely as ever.

They looked as though, they woke up with a happy heart and to them, it was the best morning so far

The old man couldn't hide his happiness and he started humming early in the morning, looking as though rays of infinite hope finally shone upon him.

Looking at him, invisible sweat drops just fell from Namjoon's forehead.

'Er . . . this old man, you should reserve that kind of reaction when you finally receive the news of your granddaughter-in-law's pregnancy, you know?'

He murmured within him when the old man spoke.

"Young man, don't you think we need to do something to celebrate?"

he excitedly said and Namjoon almost choked

'What the hell! C-celebrate what? Won't you only do that if a baby is finally born?!'

He yelled in his mind. However, the next second, he began reconsidering the essence of the old man's idea

'Hmm....celebrating Jin's graduation from being a virgin is not a that bad idea. '

Namjoon started imagining and a moment later, he slowly smiled mischievously before he sidled toward the olden.

Upon whispering something to him, the old man looked as though what Namjoon whispered tch a great idea.

He then started nodding before he finally walked away, still looking ecstatic like never before.

Time passed and the two old men were now standing in front of the master's bedroom

Namjoon was hiding in the corner with a cellphone in his hand, ready to capture what was about to happen as soon as the door opened.

However, minutes continued passing by and no one opened the door Namjoon squatted on the corner and yet the two old men were still standing like guards.

"Hey, what time is it? They're still not awake?"

murmured Namjoon as he stared at his wristwatch. Until an hour went by and the two old men started moving uncomfortably.

Looking at them, Namjoon was about to stand and tell them to take a rest when suddenly, the moment they'd been waiting for came.

The door finally opened. Namjoon immediately raised his cellphone while the two old men instantly turned towards the door, preparing themselves.

The moment Jin stepped out of the door, the two old men standing on each side suddenly threw . . . confetti on him.

Jin was stunned and remained there unmoving like a statue

"Congratulations young master. "

they said while smiling happily and meaningfully but Jin just raised his hand and removed the confetti in his head, seemingly confused about what was going on.

Unable to contain the excitement anymore, the old man was about to speak when suddenly, Jin loudly spoke first.

"W-where is Namjoon?"

he asked as he looked around, and the moment he spotted a certain paparazzi taking pictures in the corner, Jin dashed towards him, ignoring the two old men who just congratulated him.

Namjoon's eyes immediately turned wide seeing the man suddenly dashing towards him.

He straightened as Jin approaches him and the next second, his hands landed on Namjoon's shoulders as he began speaking.

"Namjoon, I think I . . . "

for some reason, Jin seemed to be worried to death that his words can't even come out of his mouth properly. Causing NamJoon's brows to knit as he gazes at him.

"Hey, what is it? Is there anything wrong? I'm expecting you to be so happy you could die you know?"

Namjoon said and Jin looked at him still with serious gazes.

"She's not waking up ."