Song Meixiu is a loyal wife to her 4 years wife, Zheng Xiaohui. Zheng Xiaohui is a young lady from a middle-class family, the Zheng Clan. - This is a work of fiction. Everything said is made up by the author so please, don't take it seriously.
"RD, are you sure about this mission?"
Meixiu nodded her head and examines the pistol she had. She ensured the magazine was full before looking in front to see a warehouse.
"Zixin told me this small gang has been messing with the women of Jiangqiao. I don't want my wife to be the victim before I move."
"Meixiu, that Zixin is powerful. Why can't he do it himself?"
Weimin put a backup gun inside his pants. Meixiu shakes her head and looks at the almost empty entrance.
"Renshu won't let him. It's not their mission."
"That Zixin probably has someone related to him inside the warehouse, that's why,"
"It's better for our mafia, we can help. We don't need the money anymore."
Weimin raises his eyebrows.
"How do you say so?"
Meixiu puts down her gun and crosses her arms. She looks at Weimin.
"Papa already started a company, right? And he never really uses the mafia that much."
"Still, Song Mafia is still one of the best illegal clans in the whole Jiangqiao, why do you need to ruin its reputation?"
Meixiu looks at Weimin in confusion.
"What are you saying? I'm not trying to ruin it. I'm just making it better."
"RD, Tiger, are we going in?"
The walkie-talkie that is on top of the table talks making the both of them look away from each other.
"Ready everyone we will go in 5 seconds."
Meixiu picks up the gun as the door of their RV is unlocked. She looks at Weimin who's looking at the warehouse.
"We better talk later."
After saying that, Meixiu walks out of the RV with a few mafia members behind her back. Weimin looks at her back before following them behind. Meixiu kicks down the door, startling the people inside.
"Who are you!?"
The man sitting near their direction stands up and pulls his gun out, pointing it at Meixiu. Her members do the same to him.
His hands and eyes shake as he looks at Meixiu and the others. His companions succumbed as they pissed on their pants.
Meixiu looks at them and the girls behind them.
"Look at them they can't even take a pee outside. It's disrespectful."
The man looks at his back and witnessed what they were doing. He scoffs before looking at Meixiu.
"What do you want? You want to buy from us?"
Meixiu looks at the girls before shaking her head.
"I want to get them all out of here. They don't deserve to be here."
The man scoffs before putting his gun down, looking at the girls before and Meixiu again, and chuckles.
"I'm sorry, they are all our products."
"Why? Did you make them all?"
"For your information, I am the new mob boss of the famous mafia around Jiangqiao!"
The man's face paled at what he heard. Did he hear it right? This girl in front of him is the new boss of Song Mafia?
The one he dreams of being a member? His whole world shutter upon realizing that he did a mistake.
He kneels as fast as a cheetah, making his companions do the same thing.
"Boss! I'm sorry! I didn't recognize you earlier!"
Meixiu lifts her eyebrows before she peeks at Weimin and bobbed her head. The guy bows down and pulls two people with him to untie the girls.
"What are you gonna do with them?"
"I'm planning on selling them and joining your mafia! I heard it's hard to get in so I think of a plan!"
"Hm, still. I don't want that kind of job."
The man looked at her in confusion.
"I wanted to try something better. I wanted to help people in need!"
"But, that's not what the original boss wanted."
"How do you know? Have you met my father?"
"Also, Song Changpu always wanted to help. Even if he's doing something illegal, he has already built multiple public hospitals and jobs for those who don't have any. Song Changpu realizes that helping is beneficial to him. Just like how he helped my mother."
Meixiu added. The man and the others were dumbfounded when they heard what she said. She smiles at them as Weimin and the others lead the girls out.
"Now, if you wanted to join then better show me the good things you're doing."
Meixiu patted the man's shoulder before she went out to check the girls.
"Ms. Song!"
Meixiu frown but smiles when she sees Zixin. The man walks toward her with a big smile and kneels in front of her.
"Ms. Song! Thank you for helping me!"
"Weimin is right, you have a relative inside."
Zixin's face blushes as he stands up and rubs his nape. He looks down as Meixiu nods and crosses her arms.
"About that, I talked to them about my daughter despite they never cooperating with me. They said I should pay them 3 million Yuan because that's the price they put upon examining my daughter."
"I wanted to get her myself but I'm busy because of being Renshu's right hand."
"You don't have to explain it. Where's your daughter anyway?"
Zixin smiles before he looks around and calls for his daughter.
"Qi! Come here!"
Fan Qi is Zixin's only daughter. Ever since he married his wife, he always wanted a girl as he didn't have any sisters. Fan Qi is the youngest among his three children. After his wife gives birth to Qi, they never had another child.
Qi gladly obeys her father and witnesses that he's talking to the girl who saved them. She smiles and bows her head to show her gratitude.
"Ms. Song, this is Qi. Princess, this is Ms. Song."
"It's good to see you, Ms. Song."
"Thank you for saving my daughter Ms. Song! Anything you want me to do, I'll do it!"
Meixiu shakes her head and waves her hands.
"It's fine."
"Ms. Song, you can call me anytime."
Zixin bows his head. Qi decided to do the same thing. She held Meixiu's hand, shocking the taller girl.
"Ms. Song, I can also serve you if you desired. I can be your assistant."
Zixin nudges his daughter which she replied with a nod and clears her throat. She removes her hands from Meixiu's and mumbles a sorry. Meixiu clears her throat and nods.
"Ok, if you two insist."
Meixiu walks away from them. She went towards Weimin and held his shoulder.
"Can you drive me to our house?"
Weimin nodded and told someone to tell everybody that they are leaving. Meixiu follows Weimin to his car and hops in. The few minutes were silent as Meixiu never mind starting a conversation. She sighs which Weimin looks at.
"Something's bothering you right?"
"I'm considering your words earlier."
"If that's what Mr. Gunner waned, why not completely flip it?"
Meixiu looks at Weimin.
"Why are you suddenly agreeing with me?"
"I think, it's time for a change."
Weimin stops the car and looks at Meixiu. The girl nodded as she look out to see her lovely home.
"And that change is to help everyone in need. You should also let your wife know about you more."
Meixiu smiles at him and opens her door. She went out and before she closes the door, she looks at Weimin again.
"You might also let Mingzhu know more about you."
Meixiu closes the door and walks inside their house, leaving Weimin with a slightly red face. He shakes his head before turning back the engine and leaving the neighborhood.
Meixiu quietly walks inside not wanting to wake up anyone inside. She breathes a sigh of relief and turns around just to see Xiaohui sleeping on the couch. She furrows her eyebrows before walking towards her and looking at her face.
"It's uncomfortable here. Why are you outside?"
Meixiu's eyes travel through Xiaohui's whole body before she shakes her head and smiles.
"You can fit perfectly."
Meixiu sighs and sat down on the floor, admiring Xiaohui's beauty.
"Are you fine with me carrying you? I'll just place you in the bed."
Meixiu looks around their living room and didn't see any sign of Xiaowen. She shrugs her shoulder before she stands up and puts Xiaohui in her arms. She got shocked upon learning that Xiaohui is like a feather.
"We've been married for almost five years and this is the first time I carried you."
Meixiu's heart beats inside her chest as she felt like Xiaohui's about to wake up. She sighs in relief when Xiaohui just fixes her sleeping position, with her arms around Meixiu's neck.
Meixiu carefully carries Xiaohui as she strides toward their bedroom. She lowers her body a little to reach the doorknob and kicks it lightly. She put Xiaohui down on the bed and fixes her position.
"Good night, my wife."
Sorry for not updating yesterday. I got busy and didn't have a prepared chapter. Though, hope you all still like this one! Vote for it!