
Her heart knows

Tari_Chamberlin · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Leroy Donovan was a lycan king, he was ruthless and the most feared king out of all kingdoms every king was trying their best to be on his white list. He was number one out of all twelve kingdoms with three communities under him the wolf community which was the largest community,the witches community and fairies community which was the smallest community.

Hundred years ago Leroy lost his mate when a war broke out between his kingdom and the underground demon kingdom . He had waited for years for the moon goddess to bless him with another, he also searched other kingdoms by attending some few celebration. But he gave up after searching to no avail " who needs a mate anyway when he can get any woman he wants ". Different kings had offered their daughters to him for marriage to get elevated in the kingdom status rank and gain favor from him. Even if he was a ruthless person who wouldn't want Leroy backing them but he only took them as his concubines.

Leroy would be attending Fredrick's birthday for the first and last time since the king had been pestering him every year, aside from that he wanted to visit the place since it's been years.

Christin sat in the garden to take some fresh air since she couldn't stay inside as everyone were busy preparing for the celebration. The servants were either decorating the grand hall or doing other stuff. It was just a birthday celebration of the king not a god she thought inwardly as she was so annoyed. She hated living in the palace her father ignored her, her step sister and step mother hated her, the servants thought so lowly of her, the only person who talked to her was Eric her step brother she had always wanted to be alone but the boy kept pestering her until she agreed to be his friend even though his mother warned him not to go close to her.

She had always wanted to live freely, go out and explore, have fun with the common people, she could be a painter or a fashion designer. She had plans of running away soon since nobody wanted her here . They would not even notice her absence.

Christin sighed loudly caressing a plant she noticed that it was dying, scanning the area to see if anyone was watching , she closed her eyes as her hands shined brightly the plant began to to regain it's color. "There good as new" she smiled as the plant was looking healthy again. After a while she went back into her room and climbed her bed to rest.

"Bang bang bang" her door was loudly knocked "your highness dinner is ready" the maid called from behind, her eyes flashed open "bring it to my room" she replied "errh the king has asked everyone to be present at the dinning hall" "okay thank you Rosa" she thanked her personal maid for the info.

At the dinning hall

The dinning hall was quiet all the clanking from the cutleries could be heard until the king cleared his throat "I hope everyone's preparing, you all must look your finest" everyone answered except Christin, Fredrick arked an eyebrow and called out her name "Christin"?