
Beginning of HER existence 2

It was so bright outside, Osanna gulped down her cup of tea like it wasn't burning hot; she was late!. She didn't want to offend anyone or get scolded on the first day of her lessons, not even by the bus driver. The school handling the summer lessons had a bus come pick up the kids individually everyday from Monday to Thursday for the month by 9.00am, it was 9.07. She hurriedly got on the bus and the school bus zoomed off to pick other children up.

The lesson children had a mini assembly in order for the little kids to know the rules of the lessons. The principal of the school Mrs Smith emphasized on a particular rule "You Must Come With Your Lesson Fees Receipt Everyday". The assembly ended with the children saying they prayers and singing.

The children ran excitedly into their class rooms for the days lessons, "Good morning sir!" they greeted as the English teacher entered the class room, he reciprocated the greeting and the class commenced. As the English lesson went on the teacher asked a question, "What is noun" a good number of the children raised their hands to answer, Osanna bowed her head as soon as the question was asked and started scribbling on her book, the teacher noticed this and pointed at her "You on purple, make an attempt". Praise, Osanna's friend seated close to her tapped her to let her know the teacher was talking to her, Osanna slowly stood up and answered the question but she kept her head down. The teacher replied her "you got the answer to the question but why are you so slow, is your weight affecting you?", some mischievous kids laughed at the question, Osanna didn't reply rather she kept her head down and and the teacher told her to sit down.

During break period, Osanna's friends came to play with her but she bent her head on the desk and ignored them when they left she cried. After lessons ended, Osanna feeling guilty about ignoring her friends she approached them and apologized saying they would play together the next day.

On getting home, her mom asked her why her eyes were puffy, "did you cry?", "did someone hit you?". Osanna explained what happened during the lessons to her mom and her mom consoled and added that next she should try to be active and also reduce the way she eats so she would loose some weight. Osanna didn't like the comments but said ok.

For two weeks of the lessons, Osanna was happy as nothing like what happened on her first day happened again.

"Bye mommy see you later" Osanna shouted as she ran out front to enter the lesson bus. On reaching the school gate where the lesson fee receipts were to be presented to be checked before entering the school, Osanna couldn't find her receipt, she searched and searched her bag but couldn't find it, she thought hard about it and remembered she had removed her books from her other bag into the one she was with but forgot to remove her receipt too.

She told the lady in charge of checking the receipts that she had forgotten her's at home. The lady directed her to Principal Smith's office to call her mom, on getting into the office Osanna saw that the English teacher from her first lesson day was there, she gathered courage greeted them and told the Principal what was wrong, Principal Smith called her mom and confirm that she was registered and gave Osanna a note to present at the checking gate.

On leaving the office, the English teacher started complaining about how inactive Osanna was in class, saying that she was too fat for her age. Osanna didn't stay to eavesdrop on their conversation rather she sucked it all in and went to present the note in order to enter her class.

This time around, Osanna didn't cry in class and when she went home she didn't tell anyone about what happened in school. She got her lesson receipt and put in her bag against the next lesson day. She sucked it all in.