
Chapter 32


Jayde stared at it, mind going blank for a hot second before she frowned, thinking she knew the word. Like, she had heard the term before but now she couldn’t remember where she’d heard it or what it meant. She couldn’t come up with anything to connect it to besides an Australian person calling someone their ‘mate’. She had no idea where she needed to start the research for this topic.

Jayde turned, looking at the hydra. “Uh.. Ms. G… Where would I find books about soulmates?”

Ms. G’s left head turned to Jayde this time, the glasses perched on its short nose balancing precariously. “That is your topic? I never took Mr. Crea as a romantic.” It scoffed. Jayde couldn’t help but agree while also being in awe of how light and soft the voice was. Each head had a different voice. “I would suggest you go to aisle L3. Look for a book by Chelsea Lingwurm.”