
Chapter 3

As i woke up i didnt know where i was until i realised that i had been kidnaped by a stranger.

I have to get out of here!!! .

I tryed to get myself to sit but i couldn't my arms and legs were both tied up by the ends of the bed.

He Chained me!! My mind thought so instead i started to look at were i was.

The room was composed of the bed i was on, a white vanity and dresser. I looked at the floor wich of course was a white snowy color.I keeped looking around the room,but there was nothing for me to use to cut the chain.

As i looked down at myself i saw that i didnt have the clothes i used when i left home.My sunny yellow dress tourned into a white long sleeve  dress *sigh* "of course it has to be white "my mind thought.

*knock . knock* i heard as the door knob turned and the door opened.

" miss.. Master said you should eat." A blond beatiful girl  with a bikini on said as she came  carrying a food tray.

Then she placed the food tray infront of me

"N-no thank you..." I said 'how the hell am i supposed to eat this when i dont even know were the hell i am!?' I thought as i gave the tray to a wierd unseay look.

"Im sorry but you have to eat."

"I dont want to, please take it away"

"Miss if you dont cooperate we are forced to feed you against your will"

"NO! TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!!" I said as tears were running down my cheecks

And with that she got my cheeks and forced me to open my mouth , then she got the spoon and fed me what looked like chicken soup.

After she finished feeding me she took the tray and left ...as she left i heard the door lock .

After about ten minutes after she left i started to feel sleepy , really sleepy . I tried to fight it but i coudn't . And in less than a minute i had fallen into deep slumber.


Hellooooo~ thank you for reading!!

Sorry for not updating, hope u can forgive me😅.

With love....

The Weird author