
Chapter 9: The Going-Away Party


Devin’s text kind of got me flustered. The text he was sending me seemed just so weird. But I’m not going to worry about that right now, I have much to get done today, other than worrying about something so petty.

I’ve decided to head over to the grocery store and pick up some food for the party. This had to be done now, since Antonio and I must get to the courthouse before they close today!

While I’m inside the grocery store, setting a few bags of chips, a couple of bottles of pop, meats, buns, hot dogs, and peanuts to snack on inside the buggy, trying to think if there is anything else to pick up. I glanced over to the aisle where the sweets are placed, Devin is standing there, when I looked at him, he put his head down, quickly.

Then while I’m checking out, Devin walks over to me and says, “Hey, girl. What’s up?”

“Oh, nothing,” I replied with a surprised look.

He saw the look on my face and said, “I’m trying to pick up something to bring to your party.” He stuttered.

Then I said, “Ohhh. Gotcha. Just pick up whatever, we have plenty of food.” After checking out, Devin stood there and said, “Well, I’ll see you later, with a smile on his face.”

When I arrived home, putting the groceries in the fridge, I looked at the time and noticed that it was getting late in the afternoon. I suddenly picked up my phone to call Antonio. When he answered, I asked him if he could take me to the courthouse? He said he would as soon as he goes on his lunch break.

Waiting on Antonio to get here, I’m starting to get nervous, the chills are running through my body, trying to calm myself down then I hear a honk. Thank god, Antonio. Quickly Running out to his car, hopping inside, I kiss him and thank him for everything. With a sigh of relief.

Once we arrived at the courthouse, Antonio and I walked inside and went to the office to order my passport. We kind of had to hurry since Antonio is on his lunch break and doing this for me, so I quickly filled out the paperwork and gave it to the receptionist. She took the form and said, “Thank you. I will get this filed today. You will receive it in the mail.” In an instant, I felt so much relief, just knowing that was taken care of.

Once Antonio dropped me off at home, We kissed and he said, “I’ll see you at the party!”

Thank God that this is going smoothly. My thoughts were getting the best of me again. Thankfully, I have Antonio here to help me.

Mel came over to help get the house ready for the party. Mel, set up the dining room table. She put the pop on the table, Mel put the chips in bowls and set them on the table with the pop. She put the sweets on the same table as the pop and chips.

While she set everything up, I was in the kitchen cooking the burgers and hot dogs. Mel walks into the kitchen and says, “The place looks nice. How are the burgers and dogs coming out?”

Standing here flipping the burgers, I said, “Great! They are almost done.”

Once Mel finished setting up everything, she noticed that we didn't have any dip. Mel asked me if I bought the dip at the store, I looked at her with a pause, trying to remember if I picked it up. I said, “Shit, no. I forgot the dip.”

We checked on the time and everyone should be arriving shortly. Mel said that she will run to the market and get the dip since we are just waiting on the burgers and dogs to get done.

Mel left quickly.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. When I went to answer the door, I was surprised to see that it was Devin. He’s early, I thought.

Greeting him to come in, he walks in and sits at the kitchen table while I finish cooking. When the food gets done, he helped me put it on the plates and brought it into the dining room.

Once that was finished, still waiting on Mel to get back, Devin and I sat and talked.

Devin asked me where I’m moving to, I explained to him that I got a job in Italy, for a teaching position and I took the job. His jaw dropped a bit. Then he asked me why I am moving and when am I moving?

These questions that he’s asking me, make me kind of nervous. Before I could answer him, Mel stormed in. She said, “I’m sorry. There was a huge line at the market, so I tried to hurry.” She looks at Devin and says, “Oh, Hey. You're an early Dev.” He nodded at me and said, “Yep.”

Just a few more people arrive and the party will start.

Antonio finally arrived, I greeted him with a kiss and we walked into the dining room. I stood by him with my arms around him, he had his muscular arm around my shoulders.

For some odd reason, Devin stared at us. I could not figure out why Devin is acting so weird, but I played it off to where I was not going to let him know that I see him acting weird.

Everyone has arrived, Mel blasts the music, and people start to dance and eat. Everyone seems to be having a great time! This is going smoothly, I’m happy that they are having a blast. Glancing over at Devin, he pulls out a flask, I suddenly said to Antonio, “Look, look at Devin, he’s having a drink.

Antonio replied, “Ahh, just let him have one, it’s a party.” Antonio chuckles.

As the party continues, Mel walks to the front of the dining room and makes a speech about me. The tears started to roll down my face, wiping them off, I realized that I am truly loved by all.

When Mel finishes with her speech, I walk up to her and give her a big hug. Whispering to her, “Mel, I love you. You’re my best friend. I thank you for everything that you have done for me.”

Mel started to cry, then said, “I’m going to miss you girl, what am I going to do without ya?” I assured her that I will come to visit, or maybe she can visit me in Italy!

Once the party was ending, Devin walked over to me and gave me a hug and a soft kiss on my cheek. That kiss felt awkward to me, but I let it go and went back to Antonio. We hung out for a while, while people were leaving the party.