
Chapter 10: He Asked Me The Question


After the party ended, Antonio and I went back to his condo. I know I needed to get rest and I’m sure Antonio needed rest also. It seemed like the longest day ever. We both lay in bed and instantly fell asleep. We were so beat that we did not even kiss each other.

There is no surprise there, since I know how tired I am, I know he must also be.

We both slept peacefully in each other's arms the whole night.


Waking up next to Antonio is the best feeling in the world! I have so much love for him and I know he has much love for me. Deciding to start packing for my move since there is nothing much left to do, but pack, quietly, I got out of bed and went to take a shower.

When I finished, Antonio was up and in the kitchen making a pot of coffee.

The sexiness of him standing there in just his briefs turned me on. I snuck up behind him and put my arms around his waist and kissed the back of his neck. He turned my way and kissed me on my lips. Ohh, that feeling of his tongue touching mine is irresistible.

While the coffee perks, we start making out! My body starts to arouse his body. Softly whispering to him, “I love you, Antonio. Let’s make love, right here!”

He looks at me and says, “Let’s do it. I don’t have to work today since I’m going back to Italy, I have all the time in the world for you!”

We dropped to the floor, I ripped his briefs off and then ripped my clothes off. We make love right on the kitchen floor. We both were so into it, that I did not want it to stop.

Making love to him is so special to me, nothing will conquer our love. I just know it.

While Antonio was packing his things up to go back to Italy, tears started running down my face, I didn’t want him to leave without me. Thinking to myself, “there is no way my passport will be here in time for me to leave with him. “My nerves are through the roof again!”

I couldn’t help but stare at him while he packed. That sexy body of his, I can’t help to not stare and think to myself, “He’s leaving, what if he finds another woman in Italy?”

This is not happening right now, my mind is racing, trying to figure out what to do. I’m going to my house to get the mail. Hopefully, my passport arrived. While he packs, I kiss him and tell him that “I'll be right back.”

Rushing out of his condo with my phone in my hand, calling Mel to pick me up, she heard it in my voice that she must get here quickly, and she did. She picked me up and asked what the hurry is about, I said, “I gotta check the mail, I’m hoping my passport is here, Antonio is leaving today!

Once we arrived at my house, I hopped out of her car and ran to the mailbox. I dug the mail out and looked through the envelopes, my passport is still not there. Suddenly I became upset. Slowly walking back to Mel’s car, she noticed the sad look on my face, she had a feeling that it didn’t come in.

Mel said, “don’t tell me, I already can see it on your face that it didn’t come in.”

I replied, “you’re right, this is ridiculous.”

“I’m sorry Amanda,” Mel said.

She dropped me back off at Antonio's condo. When I walked in, I sat on the couch, sadly. Antonio looks at me and asks why I’m sad. All I could say was, “my passport isn’t here yet.” I was hoping to leave with you today.

Antonio said, “don’t worry babe. Your passport will be here before we leave, even if we stop at the courthouse on the way to my plane!

I just sat on the couch while he finished. When he finished, he sat next to me, putting his arms around me and caressing my body.

He could see the sadness on my face.

He must board his company's plane earlier since it leaves at five o'clock and it’s two o'clock in the afternoon. I’m still sitting here, then Antonio quickly says to me, “wait here, I’ll be back. I have one last thing to do before I leave.”

I replied, “Okay.”

It was a half-hour later and Antonio arrived. He walks inside his condo, I’m still sitting on the couch, he looks at me and says, “Babe your passport is in. I told you I would have this for you before we left.

“I have my ways,” he gave me a smirk.

I looked at him and replied, “Is it? Are you serious?"

“Yes.” Antonio then asked me the question. “Babe, will you go to Italy with me now! I want you to live with me there! He can see all the excitement on my face, and in an instant of becoming very excited, I replied, “Oh My Gosh. Yes. Of course, I will.”

We start to hug and then, I mention to Antonio that I just have to get my bags to my house. We can get them on the way to his company plane.

Antonio brought me to my house, I rushed inside the house to grab my bags, “I had them packed.” Then I jumped into his car and we were off to board the company plane.

While Antonio’s limo driver was taking us to his plane, I had to ask him, “how did I get my passport this quick?” “Don’t worry about it, what matters is that you have it and we are both going to Italy, together!” He replied.

Antonio and I sat in the back of the limo, sipping on a glass of wine, waiting to get to the plane, and my phone rang. I couldn’t believe who the person was when I saw it on my caller ID. I hesitated to answer, then decided that since it is Devin's calling, I did not answer it. Nothing is going to ruin my move to Italy with the man I love and adore!

My phone was ringing off the hook, then I decided to shut my ringer off for a while. I’m not sure why Devin keeps calling me, but it’s not important.