
Ling Ling

A little girl of ten sat down appreciating the beauty of her family's garden.

'Ling Ling' my dad called

'yes papa' I answered smiling, I dusted my dress and stood up 'is it time to go?'

'yes Ling Ling the are here'

he held my hand and led me out I knew today would be the last day I see my papa and I knew once I stepped out of this building I will be stepping out of America but I couldn't cry at least not anymore, not after everything I witnessed and certainly not after I knew why papa was sending me away but I was still hurt they took my sense of living from me and destroyed the heart of an eight year old. Papa was right I need to leave and live like the rest

....... ......

'Ling Ling' papa called jolting me from my thoughts 'remember that your papa will always love you ok?'

'yes papa' I replied

'whatever you see today never put them in your heart and never let anyone find out about it ok?' he said. I knew my papa was gonna die today, I knew they were gonna kill him so I just shh ok my head

'John it's been a long time' a woman said smiling at my papa

'indeed it has Ah Ni, this is my daughter Yue Ling please take care of her' dad said handing me over to her I didn't make a sound nor did I lift my head while she was leading me into her car

'papa will always love you Ling Ling' that was the last thing I heard before the resounding gunshots, it was all over dad was gone, mom and yun er' was gone everything I had was gone and I couldn't hold it anymore so I cried and vowed in my heart that I would revenge my family no matter how long it takes.

The flight was really tiring and due to me crying for half of it I fell asleep immediately I entered the car waiting for us at the airport. Bt the time I woke up the car was entering a mansion jus like ours 'where is this?' I asked still rubbing my eyes

'oh Ling this is my house I live here with my huband and son' she said 'you will love it here, although it's a little shabby everyone here will love you ok?' I knew she was trying to coax me and let out a little giggle which her laugh and also earned me a pinch on both my cheeks 'you are so adorable she said and then let out a sigh 'well let's introduce you to the family' as she clasped my little hands in her warm one and led me to the garden.

The garden looked really beautiful and peaceful and most of all it had my favorite flower in it, I saw a man about papa's age sitting beside a boy of about thirteen years.

'Jin wook Tan Tan this is Yue Ling and she would be staying with us from now on' Ah Ni said

'hi I'm Ling Ling nice to meet you' I said waving my hand a little