

I don't know how long I slept for, but when I woke up it was dark outside. I turned around to see if Aiden was still here, and he was. He was sleeping in the chair on the opposite end of the room. I just laid there, staring at Aiden. He really was handsome. He had dirty blond hair, and thick bushy eyebrows. His eyebrows were long enough to make any girl jealous. He had a sharp jawline and sensual lips. He was build perfectly, with broad shoulders and long, strong legs. I didn't know why he was here. He didn't have to be, i told him he could leave if he wanted, and yet, he is still here. I still couldn't believe that it was Aiden who crashed into me.

I have like Aiden ever since third grade. I had been playing on the monkey bars one day trying to show off to some of my friends, when suddenly I lost my grip and started to fall. I would have surely broken a bone because they were pretty high up, but Aiden saw me start to fall and ran over and tried to catch me, and even though it didn't exactly work out and I ended up basically landing on top of him, he still saved me. I have been secretly crushing on him ever since, trying to get him to notice me. But he never did. We also never had any classes together because I was a year younger than him, but I saw him around enough to keep liking him. Then, come junior year, I find out that he is going to be in my history class. I couldn't believe my luck. I was so excited, but then the teacher put us on opposite ends of the classroom. Also, Claire was in that class. She was a senior like him, and I guess they have other classes together too. It wouldn't have bothered me, but I see the way he looks at her. I can tell he likes her.

Claire used to be my best friend back in middle school, and I told her everything. Including the fact that I liked Aiden. Since we got into high school, she stopped talking to me completely and would ignore me every time I talked to her. I would hear her talking about me to her friends at times, and I never even knew why she hated me. Everyday I think about Aiden, and I'm worried if Claire finds out Aiden likes her, then she will start to date him just to make me mad because she knows how much I like him. It makes me mad whenever I think about it. It really hurt when Aiden asked my name, because it means he doesn't even know who I am. Everything I have tried to do to get him to notice me hasn't worked. At least now he will know who I am, that's the only good thing that will come out of the car accident.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost midnight. My brother gets off work at 11. That means he's not coming to see me. I'm not surprised, he hates me. When mom died, she told him he needed to take care of me and my younger brother, and ever since I lost James, Alec hasn't cared about me. He still goes to work and buy my food and lets me stay with him, but he barely talks to me.

"Whatever." I thought to myself. It's not like I wanted to see him either. I am just going to go back to bed.