
As normal as can be

James's POV:

Days become weeks and my life became normal. Janet would call me multiple times about the wedding information. Allen would bug me about canceling the wedding telling me that I was lying to myself and to the woman I will going to marry. I tried to ignore him. I still think of her from time to time but not the same as before. I think I am already moving on with the feeling I had with her. I should just focus on what is happening in my life right now and not the past.

I went to the office and met Allen in the lobby. He was looking at me like he saw a stray dog, pity in his eyes. I really hate him, he never supports me about this marriage, but he was the best in his job and being a mind reader. I don't even have to speak and he knows what I am thinking.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You look awful and it's getting worse every single day"

"What do you mean? I look gorgeous"