"Oh fuck, not this shit again" Dr. Yogiri "Asclepius" Shibō screamed out loud as his vision began to darken as the mass amounts of [ Death ] that the Body of Pluto poured into his body had finally began to take hold, he of course had been fighting off [ Death ] constantly with the ability the people of this world dubbed "[ Asclepius ]" -which allows for complete control over Biological Life and Organic Material through biomass-, this had proved effective at the beginning of the fight but as time slowly ticked the sheer amount of [ Death ] that had an accumulated in his body had overwhelmed him and his current abilities.
As his body collapsed onto his back as the exhausting and [ Death ] overcame him, woman he had just fought against was currently 5 meters away from his body, the appearance of the once beautiful woman was gone and what was replaced was an flesh pile, at the end of the fight he had finally caught her in a hold long enough to fully activate [ Asclepius ] and transmute the remaining organic material into what it is now.
'Never once was a fighter, just a healer, summoner and mage' He began to regret never learning any real combat skills like martial arts or how to use his [ Ascelpius ] in battle then again, he had been forced into the Healer position as his ability was just to good to not be used in it, his thoughts then went to the woman who he had just fought, he knew she should have been dead as he knew the Eighth Guidance had been dismantled a few months ago 'Her body is probably being used as a corpse puppet by Inui, the bastard probably took her corpse so that he could have revenge against me and how I dealed with him when we learnt he was raping women and children..' -Yogiri had turned the Inui from a man into a woman, lathered him/her in peanut butter and chucked him in a kennel of dogs who proceeded to lick every last bit of it from his/her body-
As he began to feel his resistance against [ Death ] slipping he slowly accepted his fate 'I can't believe it, I'm dying again, first I die on that damn cruise ship at 17, and then I reincarnate here and now what? I die at what? 20 I believe... A total of 37 years, I guess I'm an Uncle mentally now huh?' Yogiri began to reminisce over his two short lived lives, but even then the short lives he lived with his friends had been amazing, the memories of the adventures he had been in alongside the Bravers had briefly crossed his mind as a smile appeared on his face which disappeared as he remembered two facts.
The first was that the person who he had though as his best fried Amamiya Hiroto was actually Amemiya "Braver'' Hiroto' -His friend had been reincarnated in this world that he knew, but he also knew that the Bravers and himself were the cause of his death- 'And even if Amemiya had been seemingly been gifted his friends cheats wasn't at fault. 'Still can't believe Naruse "Angel'' Narumi and Amemiya had kids even after finding out they had murdered the real Amamiya…. I guess some of us had some peace in this life with all of the fighting and absolute shit that is the politics and machinations of Rikudou "Avalon" Hijiri… I guess, I'll forgive you, it wasn't your fault Amemiya and I shouldn't have blamed you for so long'
The second fact that ruined his memories of the Bravers was Rikudou, the bastard, he manipulated everything since the moment we were born, I still can't fucking belive he hid the existence of Amamiya from us for so long, the amount of shit he had done in this world is truly uncountable, hell I wouldn't want to see a list on what he had done, it would probably be too much for my poor heart.
Just as he was going to reminisce once more while ignoring the painful stings in his heart as the regret of not making Rikudou pay for what the done hadn't been fulfilled -Because his lack of skills regarding combat, the man had nearly become unstoppable with his [ Increased Learning Speed ] and [ Unlimited Development ] the skills and knowledge related to magic he had hoarded over his life here had surpassed Yogiris own knowledge regarding Biology and Organic life forms- his eyes fully darkened and he breathed his last breath, just before his mind turned unconscious he sent one final order to the various familiars and creatures he had created.
Just like that, the greatest mind in the field of biology had been killed, his various advancements when it came to the medical profession would forever be remembered in history alongside the millions of lives he had saved during the Bravers battles or their rescue missions due to attacks and natural disasters, the impact his final act of making his familiars who he had previously used to find injured people help out had suddenly become missing from the places they had once been stationed, Kay "Urðr" Mackenzie who used her ability to investigate his death viewed the past and had saw what he had done with his familiars and his fight with Pluto's body, the effects that the familiars made to the environment had destroyed most of the worlds global warming and pollution wouldn't be noticed until other Bravers who had Observational abilities would notice the changes it the atmosphere and found out that the familiars he had created were being used to purify the pollution and greenhouse gases.
{ View switch } ( Author Note: The paragraphs on his death might have been confusing to read as its pov is a bit messed up, that's my bad, it's a mix between 1st and 3rd person writing )
'Huh? Here again?' Yogiri thought as he opened his eyes to view the same white void he had been in 20 years prior, he slowly sat up blinking in the process as to make sure he hadn't been dreaming, he looked around his position and say Rodcorte the god who had reincarnated his classmates and him.
"Ah! Old man, What am I doing here? I thought Origin was the only world we were going to be reincarnated to?" Yogiri asked the man in curiosity though he had been withholding a question, 'Why had Amamiya not been born with a special ability?' He knew that antagonizing a god who had the ability to create abilities as outrageous as the ones he and his friends had was not to be messed with.
"*Tsk* Well, that is my fault, I had forgot to mention that the world you would be reincarnating into would be a sort of demo per se, see I sent you 100 to go and develop your skills and knowledge in a world far more advanced so you could have a head start in the next world Lambda, after which you all will be reincarnated into a fourth world where you can live peacefully" Rodcorte said amicably hiding his displeasure at being called an 'Old Man' while also withholding information that Amamiya or now Vandalieu had just been cursed and was in the process of finding a fetus to inhabit,-Time moves differently between the God realm, Lambda and Origin so they had barely missed each other-.
'Why hadn't he just told us? We could have prepared a lot better if we had known this was a demo/tutorial, I could have even put some effort and learn combat skills' he thought suspicious as to the validity of god and his plans, "Okay... but I have a ques-" he wanted to ask the god a question regarding Amamiya as his suspicions finally amassed but before he could the god had sent him reincarnating into the world of Lambda this 'Fucking bastard, he definitely did something to Amamiya and is covering something' he thought as his vision once again turned black.
( Nine Months Later )
'And I'm awake again' Yogiri thought this time awakening to find himself in a dark, wet, and constricted space, he immediately used [ Asclepius ] to run a diagnostic test on his current body and surroundings.
'I'm a fetus… And there's a second fetus right next to me… And the woman, no our mother is just about to give birth judging by the way the amniotic sac had just ruptured and all the amniotic fluid is rushing out of this place like a waterfall… God fucking damnit I don't want to be awake for this shit, I know what it felt like for those babies I had assisted in giving birth, IT FUCKING HURTS' Yogiri despaired at his current predicament his drowsiness and panic had made him completely forget his "conversation" with Rodcorte seconds ago.
1539 words in this chapter.
( Author note: This was literally the worst chapter I've ever written and I'm so goddamn sorry that you people have to read this shit, I'm definitely going to be rewriting this one in the future so that the peeps in the future don't have to suffer like you guys did. I guess this is what happens when you write at 4am… )