A Collection Of Various M-Fiction’s, Hentai-Fics, Smut-Fics. Chapters in this story will have its own contained story, and I will endeavour to post a new one up for everyone to read.
Chapter Two- Breaking in the Good and the Bad Schoolmates ( Naruto x Sakura, Hinata x Hana/Tsume)
Sometime after the 'Alpha' had fully awakened inside of Naruto, Tsume and Hana Inzuka became pregnant with his children and are now serving as his two fully broken-in 'Bitches' who live to serve Naruto's every whim every day like the Alpha he now is. The boy was still young and a Genin despite his awakening, but he had shown the two Inuzuka women his potential just as soon as they brought it out of him through their temptations on that fateful day. From feeling him up in the hot baths to letting him play with their bodies, all of it served as a purpose to awaken the Sex-hungry beast within. One that would be eager to dominate the two women and breed into complete submission.
Now he is their husband and was married to them in secret in a very special yet intimate ceremony that crowned him as the Alpha Male with the two women happily serving as his bitches/wives. One could say he rules over the Clan in secret ever since he tamed the two of them, but they still maintained all decision-making responsibilities since the official 'Leader' was still Tsume with her daughter continuing to take proper care of Naruto under the guise that he was their 'Son' and a member of the Inuzuka Clan. From worshipping their bodies to fucking any hole he wanted, Naruto would always make sure his two pregnant bitches would be thoroughly satisfied every day. He took to dry-humping them in the morning in bed before attending Ninja Academy to reach his dream of becoming Hokage. During the daytime whenever he was off school, he'd fondle any part of Tsume's somewhat plump figure with his hands while making her worship him with her tits even when they took a bath together in the hot springs late at night.
It was a mutual triage of pleasuring and being pleasured by two insatiably horny bitches in heat, and Naruto simply couldn't go one day without enjoying either of their bodies to the fullest. Unfortunately, life in the Academy wasn't all that great outside of the compound since the reasons he was made a pariah and kicked out of his old home remain. From children staying away from him to giving him the cold shoulder as per the usual "Demon Fox" business that stayed with the poor boy, Naruto grew to be a little more ruthless and wanted to make someone pay by breaking them in. Turns out, one of the absolute worst offenders was a pink-haired bitch named Sakura who was target Number One on his hit list of bitches to fuck.
The other one, as ironic as it may be, was a kind sweet-hearted girl named Hinata that had always watched Naruto from the shadows and stalked him going home from time to time. His instincts told him that the girl wasn't hostile to him at all she had an unspoken attachment to him that could easily be considered love. This made him want to tame her the same way he did with Tsume and Hana, but despite being conflicted about doing that to such a nice girl, Naruto was planning on doing it anyway out of genuine affection rather than lust.
Several months after that fateful night in which the Kyubi Shota became a True 'Alpha of the Pack', Naruto was resting on the large queen-sized bed he always shares with his two women, feeling them both resting naked at his side while running their hands down his little chest and reaching for his massive cock with sultry smiles on their faces. Hana, the younger of the two, sported a seven-month-old belly and a loving smile on her face as she started gingerly fluffing the lower half of his cock with her hand. The lovely young Inuzuka girl had her hair free, letting it spill down sexily around her shoulders with a few bangs obscuring parts of her face. She never looked away from Naruto's gentle blue eyes while jacking him off, she even kissed him on the lips a few times before inevitably running her tongue down his jawline like a vivacious 'Bitch' would for an Alpha.
"Hehehehe, Naruto-Kun, what do you feel like doing tonight?~" Hana asked, squeezing as much of the boy's massive cock into her palm as she could, yet still finding it hard to grip him due to his length being so bulbous. Not only was he as thick as steel, but also as virile as a literal horse. She laid naked by his right side with her plump DD-cup-sized breasts pushing gently into his chest with a smile.
"I don't know, whatever I feel like, I guess. What do you feel like doing, Tsume-Chan?~" Naruto asked, rubbing his hand down the soft surface of Tsume's swollen belly while the wily woman kept her E-cup-sized tits wriggling in front of his eyes from the left side of his body as well. She was snickering excitedly with a manic grin on her face until she felt Naruto's hand creep down between her slightly pudgy legs.
"Ooohhh...! Uunnghhh! That's it....mmmm. Right there, Naruto-Sama. Wedge those fingers deep and feel my insides wanting to gush all over your hand. Heh eh eh hehe. I love the way you treat us, you truly are the perfect Alpha for this pack." Tsume said as she placed a kiss against his cheeks before sucking Naruto's lips into hers, resulting in a fierce tongue-twisting lip-lock that had Tsume moaning loudly inside of his mouth while their tongues sloshed around. "Hmhmhm! *Schlupp..schlup...schlup...schlupp..schlpp!* Mmhmm! Master...!"
Hana pouted and started lowering herself down between the young boy's legs, placing her hands between his thighs as she hovered her mouth directly above his length. Her lips became open in a wide circle with her tongue spilling out, ready to swallow as much of his cock as possible when she noticed a frown on Naruto's face
"Naruto-Sama? What's wrong? I can tell that you're a little troubled by something right now. Not even sucking out my mother's tongue into your mouth is making you grin like you always do." Hana voiced with concern, making Tsume gently pull back from her Alpha's face and notice that he was certainly looking less enthusiastic tonight.
"I can't hide anything from you can I? *Sigh* Alright, it's....just because I'm still having trouble at school. That's all. Some of those lousy kids that take after their parents, the ones who hated me for being the 'Kyubi' just keep ignoring me and don't wanna play with me when I'm there." He began, making both Tsume and Hana growl with hatred as they both now had the urge to go to the school and thrash everyone making Naruto sad. Alpha he may be, but the kid was still an innocent child who was put through Hell because of something the Villagers failed to understand and callously blame him for.
He continued and did it with a soft smile on his face while he began stroking one of Tsume's tits with his fingers. The wily Inuzuka woman started meowing loudly with a lip-bitten smile on her face as he went on.
"It's nothing to worry about, just....the usual business. I am getting tired of it though, especially when it comes from one of the worst Kunoichi possible. A pink-haired girl named Sakura. One of these days I'm going to grab her, bring her back here, and dish out everything she's done to me a hundredfold." He said, growling a bit and showing the red in his eyes as some of his Kyubi Chakra started lighting up.
Fortunately, seeing Hana's soft loving face as well as hearing Tusme's wailing moans of pleasure calmed him down before he got to a dark place. Hana got the idea to crawl up a bit further and wiggle her large breasts in front of his face, knowing just how much he liked to suck milk out of them whenever he can.
"Here, Naruto-Kun. Come and fest on these to make it all go away for right now. One of these days they'll all see how great you are and beg for forgiveness for mistreating you, but for now, simply enjoy us and let us pleasure you however you see fit.~" Hana said softly, placing her hands behind his head as she brought it over to her chest with a motherly smile.
Tsume kept on feeling Naruto squeeze and pull on each of her tits in tandem while seeing the boy wiggle his face into her daughter's chest in tearful happiness.
"Mmnghhh! I love you, Hana-Chan! You too, Tsume-chan. You're both....all I can ask for, and I'll be glad to pop in as many babies into you as humanly possible just as soon as you give birth to those two." Naruto said while he felt each Hana's breasts being squeezed between his hands like a pair of healthy cow udders. They were still largely sensitive and had the woman moaning constantly with hot breaths escaping her lips.
"Mnnhhhh! Aaahhh....! Oohhh Naruto-Sama! Hmmm!" Hana let out, blushing red as she felt the myriad of sensations flooding through her highly sensitive breasts thanks to Naruto's magic fingers. The boy was trained well and knew every weak point there was to their bodies while Tsume was busy noticing a few light bruise marks all over his face and neck. Even while having Kyubi Chakra healing his wounds almost instantly, the marks would remain for some time before they disappeared.
While Naruto was busy getting lost in the art of fondling Hana's tits, Tsume tapped her daughter on the shoulder and gestured to the bruise marks on his little face that they hadn't noticed until just now. Being so caught in lust at times meant they were blind to everything else, but now that the Inzukua women were alert, they sought vengeance upon whoever it was that wronged their precious Alpha.
'If my intuition was on the money, then these could only have come from that terrible little girl named Sakura. Oh, she'd better pray to Kami if she doesn't want unholy retribution heaped upon her by us, but first, we need to get confirmation that it was caused by that one little girl before we do anything.' Tsume analyzed and looked at her daughter Hana, nodding her head as the girl brought her hands around Naruto's face with a motherly smile.
"Say, Naruto-Sama, those...bruise marks on your face. Were they also caused by this pink-haired witch named Sakura?" Hana asked gently and in a soothing manner that made Naruto smile lustfully at her since he had a bit of a 'Mommy' fetish, he liked to dish out with his two women.
"Y-yeah, she did those. The bitch really can't control her temper when she gets flustered or upset. Nobody like me doesn't likes to put up with her. When she hits me hard, it doesn't hurt all that much thanks to my body being strong, but the bruises remain. All I did was ask her to borrow a pencil from her and she lost it. Her parents went all out teaching her how 'Evil' I am, huh?" Naruto answered truthfully and felt Hana's hands close in from behind his head, pulling him into her luscious pair of breasts where he could motorboat them while fondling them both from the sides!
"Mmhnnhghh! *Opaaaaaiiii!*" He mouthed from within her tits while Hana gave her mother a knowing look, keeping Naruto's ears muffled for a bit as she uttered one single word.
"Revenge?" She asked and Tsume smiled viciously while nodding back.
"Revenge. She is a student though and not one that two pregnant women could punish outright physically, but it's not like we can't bring her back for some special 'Bonding' time in getting to know her. She'll be flush and ready for Naruto-Sama by the time we're done, and we'll be very thorough with her indeed.~" Tsume said with a malicious smirk, making Hana smile evilly as she let Naruto remove his head from her breasts.
The frisky little Shota looked up between the two of them, obviously riled-up with lust as he started feeling up each of their bodies from the sides with fingers squeezing both women's asses at the same time.
"I'm hungry now. Tsume-Chan.....may I?" He asked, letting his tongue spill out of his mouth while his cock twitched noticeably from underneath her groin and up from her buttocks. Both women gleefully nodded in agreement as they all got into positions right away.
A pregnant Tsume straddled Naruto's young face with her plump thighs smothering his cheeks gently till she lowered her fuzzy snatch onto his lips. He immediately brought his hands around her buttocks and grabbed her thighs tight, bringing his lips to her pussy as he started eating her out with gusto.
*Schup! Schlluuuppp...schlupp...schlupp....schluppp!*
"Mmhmhmmhh! *Tsume-Chan! Schlupp...schlupp..schlupp...schlupp!*" Naruto groaned from between each of Tsume's thick legs, making the pregnant Inuzuka Milf moan loudly while Hana brought herself down between his legs once more, grabbing onto his monolith of a dick with both hands as she started squeezing his length with thorough strokes of her fingers. Tsume smiled inwardly as she watched her daughter enthusiastically stroke Naruto's bulging cock, making it writhe and twitch slightly the longer she went at it.
"Mnnghhhhh!! Hana-Chan! Oooohhh...yeah! Ummm!" Naruto groaned as felt Hana's soft yet strong fingers pumping his throbbing cock constantly like a pro. All three of them had plenty of practice together in between the months that had gone by after Naruto impregnated them. They understood his body inside and out while the same can be said for Naruto with theirs, the only difference was that when he got serious, they'd melt like two whimpering bitches each time.
Swift pumping noises followed with Naruto groaning loudly from between Tsume's legs, feeling the gorgeous Milf riding his face nearly constantly with her plump ass tapping aggressively onto his face. He slurped and gorged himself on her pussy for all its worth, taking her for a ride and bringing her to Nirvana as she started feeling the rush of orgasm beginning to flow through her.
"Uunghghhh! Aaaahhhhh...! Uuaaaahhhh...!! Oh yes! Naruto-Sama! Uunhhh!" Tsume cried out as she was beginning to cum while thrusting her swollen stomach forward, making her tits jiggle salaciously while Hana managed to bring off Naruto's cock with a strong technique she had slowly mastered over the time they spent together. Channeling some Chakra into her fingertips, she stimulated one of the very few weak points he had once enough pressure was built up, making him growl underneath her mother's waist as he came like a volcano!
"Gnngghhhhh!! Hana-Chan! Tsume-Chan....! Uuaaaagghhh!" He cried out, sending thick spurts of cum into the air to land on both Tsume and Hana, painting their faces and tits simultaneously in rainfall of pearlescent gravy.
Spurt after spurt came and fell, giving each horny Inuzuka woman a 'Bath' of his cum. Naruto had finished cumming just after two and a half minutes, leaving his cock standing firm like an oak tree while the two women sat there with cum having painted most of their naked upper bodies. Tsume had come as well earlier during his ejaculation and soaked her Alpha's face in her nectar, leading to her dismounting his head so he could see them beginning to clean each other off with their tongues.
"Naruto-Kun, you'd better be ready, because tonight Hana and I will make your troubles melt away. Hehe, we love you, Naruto-Sama." Tsume said while erotical licking her tongue up her daughter's face from the side while Hana scraped cum off of her tits with her finger to push them into her mother's mouth. It was a highly erotic sight that made the boy growl with unending want and lustful desire for them both, leading to him sitting up with a manic grin of excitement on his face.
"I wouldn't have it any other way, I love you both two, my favorite bitches.~" He growled, causing both Hana and Tsume to melt from the inside.
"That's our Naruto-Sama. Just lie back and let us both do all the work, honey.~" Hana said, stealthily nodding to her mother as a plan was underway, but not before making that night become one filled with rapturous moans of pleasure coupled with plenty of bed-creaking noises being made.
Later the next day...
After getting a more apt description from Naruto after a bit of sex and pillow talk, Tsume and Hana both arrive outside of the Konoha academy dressed in civilian clothing of dark-green pregnancy dresses rather than wearing their traditional Jounin attire. They looked like everyday women right now, making others mistake them for a pair of mothers coming to pick up their child from inside, but they stayed stealthily out of sight once the bell had rung and readied the knockout pellets each of them had hidden. Even while being pregnant and a non-active Ninja, women of Konohagakure were always prepared with a certain supply of ninja tools.
The bell rang and out came the current teacher of Naruto's class, Iruka Sensei, marching a cadre of students ahead to where they'd leave the school grounds since the day was over. Tsume and Hana nodded to each other before splitting off, leaving Hana to distract Iruka Sensei while Tsume prowled on the hunt for Sakura with her Ninja Dog and a bag of knockout pellets at the ready.
'Where are you, you little wretch? I know you're here somewhere.' Tsume thought to herself, snarling slightly as she waited outside under a tree branch for Sakura to come out. She kept her Ninja dod ready as she waited for a good five minutes before seeing a young kunoichi with pink hair step out after all the other students left. She was by herself and wore a cherry-red dress over her lithe, juvenile body with a big pink bow over her head in a supposed attempt to try making herself look cute.
Tsume perked up after seeing her and quietly started following her from behind, wondering if she was the girl that had been bullying Naruto all this time. She seemed normal if not a little bit bratty, giving the woman the impression that this girl may have been the wrong one until she heard her say something incredibly incriminating to herself when looking off in the distance where Naruto's old apartment was at.
"Huh, I haven't seen Naruto all day today, I wonder where that Kyubi jerk went off to. He better not be stalking me so he can ask me out or anything like that. Grrr...I'd slug him again if he tried, that's for sure." She growled to herself, clutching her fists and looking as far from elegant and ladylike as humanly possible.
'She is the one! I've found you.....! Oh, prepare for torture, you little bitch, for daring to harm my Naruto while thinking you're above him like those idiot villagers from before. Grrrrgghh!' Tsume practically snarled but kept herself quiet and stealthily followed Sakura to an unseen part of the village where there were no witnesses around to see her do what she was about to do.
Once she got into a clearing on her casual walk home, Tsume leaped into action and clutched the knockout pellets tightly in her right hand before closing the distance between herself and Sakura. The smug and mal-behaved twelve-year-old girl didn't notice when an angry and pregnant Inzukua woman closed in on her from behind until it was too late.
"Huh?" Sakura uttered before getting a few pellets of extremely potent sleeping pellets thrown into her face. They exploded and immediately put the girl to sleep right at the drop of a hat, causing her to start falling towards the ground when Tsume's large Ninja dog caught up just in time. The little girl slumped over the wolf's large body, sleeping soundly as it lifted her carefully when Tsume made contact with it.
"Good boy, now let's bring her back to the compound where some special 'Bitch Training' is waiting for her. Hana and I can't wait to show this horrible little girl what it means to be a truly Alpha. Hehehe.~" Tsume said to herself before forming a Chakra Kata sign with her fingers and vanishing from sight via Ninja teleportation alongside her dog, taking Sakura with her entirely.
"Uughh.....! Huh? What happened? Where am I?!" Sakura yelled out from within the darkness, feeling her voice somehow muffled by a large ballgag wedged inside of her mouth. The anxious twelve-year-old girl also felt like she had no clothes on whatsoever, making her fear and panic increase drastically as she tried making heads or tails of the situation she found herself in. 'I-I-I can't even move my arms, it feels like I'm naked and something is binding him from all over! My legs felt like they're being bound to something on the ground! Oh, God! What's going to happen to me?!'
"Lookie here, mother. She's finally awake. I was right in assuming the length of time it would take for her to regain consciousness.~" A voice said from within the darkness, making Sakura tense up as a series of candles suddenly lit up around her, illuminating the area.
'Oh no....! I-I think it liked it better dark....' Sakura thought as she looked around, seeing that she was in some kind of dungeon with brick walls, loads of bizarre instruments such as tables, and other things that made it look like it was a torture room. She looked down and saw that she was indeed bound in a stock that kept her naked body bound with her pussy and asshole thoroughly exposed from behind. Her ample little buds she called breasts were also sticking out as well, everything was uncovered save for a rope harness wrapped around her nubile and petite frame.
Sakura looked positively panicked and was bout to cry out for help from behind her ball-gag when she saw two heavily pregnant women standing in front of her with malicious grins on their faces. One had wily dark hair with tribal marks down her cheeks while the other had long flowing hair tied back into a low-hanging ponytail with the same marks on her face. Both of them were heavily pregnant with breasts becoming as swollen as a pair of cantaloupes, but that wasn't the most interesting thing Sakura saw on them. Each of them had a ribbed strap-on attached to their groins.
Now, while Sakura didn't know too much about the sexual candor of adult life, she did know enough thanks to her father's hentai collection to know what those meant. The fact that they were looking at her so lecherously only confirmed her fears that she's been kidnapped by a pair of depraved lechers in the form of pregnant women. It still perplexed her completely though.
"*Why? Why did you kidnap me?!*" She yelled out into the ball-gag, making Tsume sneer with disgust while Hana simply walked up to Sakura with a seemingly gentle disposition as she stroked the side of her face.
"Because, we've decided to take it upon ourselves to punish you for hurting our precious little Naruto-Kun, Sakura. We know all about your overly harsh bullying of our precious little Alpha Mate, and how you do this almost every day with him." Hana then made a look of hate appear on her face as she let Sakura soak in all this information while Tsume started coming up behind the naked rope-bound little girl with strap-on at the ready.
'I'm here because of Naruto?! What do these women mean by him being their Alpha!? They're punishing me because of him!?' Sakura's mind ran a mile a minute and Han was 'Kind' enough to explain it while roughly pinching the side of her cheek.
"Yes, we are. We don't like that you've acted so callously with our precious little Alpha Mate, Sakura. He's been gentle, patient, and calm with her despite how you acted like the villagers that botted him from his home. You and so many other idiotic people in this village act as if Naruto-kun was the Kyubi himself, but he isn't. He's just a sweet, big-hearted boy that has been cursed to contain him for the rest of his life. Your parents didn't bother enlightening you about that fact, did they?" Hana guessed, making Sakura whimper fearfully as she felt the weight of her actions come down upon her in the worst of ways.
"*I-I promise I will lay off him forever from now on! I won't say a word about this either! S-so please....let me go!*" She begged in a muffled voice and felt Hana's hand leave her cheek. A malicious look was on the gentle Inzukua's woman's face as she brought up the ribbed to her lips readily with a finger about to pull off her ball-gag.
"Too little, too late. Perhaps you should've thought about the consequences before laying into him as if you were the school big-shot. That kind of arrogance must be punished with humility, Sakura-san. My mother and I are going to enjoy doing that all this week with you. We are going to get along famously, like a pet bitch and her two masters." Hana concluded, leaving Sakura mortified as she carefully hovers her pregnant stomach above Sakura's head and ripped the ball-gag strap off of her mouth for a brief instant! She left her mouth naked and 'free' for the moment till she pushed the plastic cock of the strap-on into her mouth!
"Heeelll--*Schlop!*--mmgnhhh!!" Sakura was silenced quickly as she felt Hana's plastic dick with ribs on its surface shove itself into her throat without hesitation! She nearly choked and gagged on the phallic instrument, resisting the urge to vomit as she felt it sliding into the back of her throat! Sakura loudly whimpered in horror as she felt the woman's hands gently grab hold of the sides of her face, keeping her pelvis bucking gingerly into the surface of her mouth with cock plunging into her wet little throat.
"Mmngh....mmgnh...mmngh..mmnngh..*Schlupp..schlupp...shclup..schlup..schlupp!* Mmngghh!!" She whimpered loudly with little tear streams coming down her cheeks and soon felt the bulbous tip of Tsume Inuzukua's plastic cock prodding her prepubescent pussy quite readily. The more feral of the mother/daughter duo gently grabbed onto Sakura's hips, ready to dam her cock directly into the girl's taint and break her cherry!
But first, Tsume reached over and grabbed the handle of a riding crop, she brought it up over Sakura's ample little buttocks with a manic smile on her face for she was prepared to abuse the girl's ass like no tomorrow.
"I almost forgot about this, hehehe. Time for Day One of your Bitch Training, little Pinky!" Tsume howled and whipped the crop across Sakura's buttocks!
"Mmngghhhhgg!!" She yelled out into the plastic cock violating her face as she felt another come streaking across her ass a second time!
Sakura whimpered loudly again, crying painfully at the tender, the stinging feel of her cheeks becoming reddened underneath Tsume's waist. The pregnant Inzukua Milf kept her swollen, child-bearing belly above Sakura's buttocks, just enough so that she could concisely smack the little Ninja's ass repeatedly as catharsis for her sadistic revenge upon her! Repeated cracks of leather whippings followed and Sakura writhe about from within her stock restraints, feeling every painful strike land across her ass while throating Hana's plastic cock every passing second.
*Crack...! Crack....! Crack...!*
"Gnngghhhh!!" Sakura whimpered as she felt Hana's 'cock' pushing ravenously down her throat like a living serpent. She could barely feel her jaw while having her tongue swivel itself around the plastic surface of the strap-on that she was energetically ramming down her throat. It seemed Hana didn't care how rough she was with Sakura's littler body, only that she got to feel pain as well as pleasure while breaking her in the process.
Tsume, on the other hand, grinned lasciviously as she tossed away the riding crop and guided her own ribbed, plastic cock over into the pink folds of Sakura's tight little pussy below. The young girl shuddered nervously as she attempted to look from over the side of her shoulder when feeling the feral Milf pushing the tip of her cock into her quim like so.
"Ggngggnnggghhh!! MMmngghhh!!" Sakura cried out with eyes going wide and body trembling with excitement and pain as she felt her insides spreading apart to welcome Tsume's thickened member into her sex. She hadn't yet lost her cherry due to her ongoing training as a Ninja, but was now feeling the rupture of her hymen take place once Tsume delivered a hard push into her little body!
A slick squelch of moisture and penetration ensured, making a trickle of hymen blood escape the mons venus of Sakura's preteen pussy as she felt Tsume rolling her pelvis into her little body from above. She was still pudgy in some places, giving her a rather voluptuous plump figure coupled with the bloated pregnancy belly. Tsume kept her belly directly above Sakura's coccyx, keeping her plastic shaft buried inside of her quim and wishing she could feel it as she went along. Alas, the pain and humiliation this little ninja girl was feeling was enough for both Inuzuka women for right now. They'd still have to mark her later with their urine to show she truly belonged to Naruto once they reveal Sakura as his surprise present.
Looking at Hana and nodding her head, Tsume began bucking voraciously into Sakura's little body like so, seeing the squelch of moisture begin coming out of her pussy and leaking onto her plastic dick. Her nubile body rowed effortlessly between the two women while she remained restrained in the standing stocks, 'enjoying' having her mouth violated by one ribbed cock of a strap-on while feeling her pussy getting drilled by the other. All this time, Sakura tried shutting her mind out of this painful experience, but at the same time, she was slowly enjoying the degrading process of having her holes tunneled like this. That was a very small part though, but it would grow up into something bigger as her mind would gradually break apart.
"Mmhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm...mhmm..mhmm!!!" Sakura howled loudly from between Hana's legs, feeling the bulbous pregnancy stomach repeatedly tapping the top of her head while she fucked her face. Her lips would slip past the lubricated shaft, swallowing everything that she could feel the woman tug painfully on her cheek the entire time.
Hana bit down on her lip and found herself enjoying the sigh of the mewling Sakura experiencing the degradation of her dignity by their hands. She and her mother both buckled voraciously into her body in the tantric back and forth motion, making her enjoy both violations for minutes on end like so.
"Uuh..uuhh..uuh..uuh..uuh..uuhh..uuhh..unghhh!! Oh...yeah! I wish I could feel the squeeze of your pussy clamping down on this baby, but I'll just have to settle for feeling the stiffness of your insides clinging tightly on it! You're secretly a little slut-in-the-making, aren't you?~" Tsume laughed boisterously as she repeatedly tapped Sakura's ass, making her doughy little cheeks salaciously.
'Nooooo! I am not! I'm not a slut!~' Sakura cried out internally as she felt her insides beginning to squelch tightly around Tsume's plastic cock. She was getting ready to cum all over it as she felt her orgasm washing over her body with just a few more thrusts being delivered to her insides. She felt the entirety of her body shudder in monumental climax! "Mnnngggghhhhhh!!!"
Sakura screamed into Hana's pubis, feeling her folds gush constantly all over Tsume's groin and making a small trickle of nectar drip down onto the ground beneath as she rode out her first-ever orgasm! Her eyes had drifted north, making for a pleasing sight of conquest in the eyes of the Inuzuka women once they were done dominating her for the day. Waiting for her to finish trembling in orgasm, they each slowly pulled back from her face and sex, leaving her the latter gaping while her mouth hung open with a distant look in her eyes.
"Alright, Hana, let's commemorate this occasion and then make the necessary arrangements to have Sakura-San come back to us every day for the rest of the week as part of her punishment," Tsume suggested and removed the strap-on with her daughter. The two freed Sakura from the stocks and let her collapse onto the ground as they stood over her naked body with legs squatting apart just above her chest.
A dual trickle of urine came out, spiling elegantly into Sakura from above. She could barely register what was going on after going through such a harrowing experience of feeling overstimulated from the painful yet blissful splendor of post-coital relief washing through her young body. A part of her felt she could no longer get it from anywhere else now that she was broken in this way, but Sakura wasn't against having a little more of it later. Once Tsume and Hana were finished peeing on her, marking her as property of the Inuzuka Clan, or simply just Naruto himself, they propped her up into their hands.
"Now then, Sakura-san, I'm going to place a seal on you that'll prevent you from telling anyone what transpired here today. From here on out, you'll be coming here every day after Academy, leaving no one the wiser and arriving to take your daily punishment for the rest of the week. You're our property now and you'll enjoy being our pet since you don't deserve to call yourself a Nina for all the abuse you heaped upon our Naruto-Kun. Got it? If you try to avoid coming here, rest assured I'll grab you myself as I did early today.~" Tsume said as she made a Chakra sign infused with a special Truth-omitting Jutsu and placed it on Sakura's belly!
A small, quiet sizzle followed, and soon a strange Justus marking appeared all over the flat surface of her stomach.
"Y-yes, Miss Inuzuka....." Sakura faintly replied, still feeling overwhelmed by what just happened, yet feeling content with it all the same.
Tsume and Hana exchanged looks and arranged to have the young girl properly dressed up again before ushering her out. If they had kidnapped her and kept her in the dungeon then her parents, and possibly the Hokage, would come looking into her whereabouts. The Inuzuka clan didn't wish for that sort of scrutiny, so they had to play it close to the chest for the time being. The only drawback in Tsume's and Hana's eyes is that they'd be too busy doing this to sexually please Naruto when he wants.
'Small sacrifices to pay, but we'll be sure to make the payoff worthwhile for our Naruto-Kun.~' Tsume thought, thinking of where best to place the branding paw mark when they're done with Sakura at the end of the week.
Hana had a few ideas such as putting them on her ass so that it could be seen by them at all times or maybe making a spiral in the middle of her stomach to make it match Naruto's. It'd be a form of cruel irony at best and they could tell that Sakura was born to play the role of somebody's sex-starved pet with dignity left in her body.
The next day.....
Coming to their compound again the day after, Sakura stealthily left the school grounds once classes were finished. She saw Naruto again, but this time she paid him no mind and hoped he wouldn't question why she decided to leave him alone for a change. Tsume and Hana swore her to secrecy on her week-long punishment, keeping it a secret from everyone, even him. Thankfully, he didn't pursue her at all, leaving her a chance to sneak away and arrive at the Inuzuka compound as per schedule. She found the two women there with one being naked down in the dungeon in preparation while the other one went to get her from the top and guide her down into the dungeon where she was guided to a comfortable-looking bed and promptly stripped of all her clothing at the drop of a hat! Sakura's naked body was sprawled onto the bed surface with a naked, heavily panting Hana grabbing her nimble waist so that she could scissor her pussy graphically with her own!
Tsume simply hunched over her face, grinding the girl's lips onto her sex and making her eat out her pregnant pussy while her daughter grooved her mound fervently into her own. Sakura couldn't resist moaning inside of Tsume's legs, feeling her hairy muff smothering every corner of her lips as she fed the girl the taste of her flavor.
"Mhhmhhhmmh!! Mhmm!! Schlupp....schlupp..shclup....schluuupp!* Aaaahhhh!" Sakura hummed loudly as she felt the juicy vulva lips of Tsume's snatch smothering her mouth. The proud Inuzuka woman was gleefully forcing Sakura to run her small tongue all over every inch of its pink, glistening surface. She kept watching her daughter Hana dominate her lower half from the other end, enjoying the sight of seeing her fuzzy peach grinding eloquently against Sakura's hairless pussy. It was like a work of art and both women could tell that she was enjoying this very much.
"Haahhh...hhaaahh...aaahh...aaahhhh!! That's it, Sakura-San, or should I say.....pet Bitch? Heheheeheh. Swirl that tongue around inside of me with passionate vigor, you'll make a wonderful little sex toy for us to please ourselves with for the time being." Tsume growled, tossing back her head a bit and enjoying Sakura's mouth gorging on her cunt while Hana simply bit down on her bottom lip as she started scissoring the young ninja's pussy even harder.
Their pubic bones ground each other with punk, spongy labia grinding together so hard that slight gushes of moisture kept gushing out. Hana was enjoying today's session very much, yet frowned when remembering that she and her mother were going to be ignoring their precious Alpha Naruto for the rest of the week. She hated the idea completely yet felt it was necessary to break this abusive, temperamental Kunoichi student in for the sake of exacting proper revenge upon her for her nonsense with Naruto in school. She could feel Sakura humming loudly from underneath her mouth's muff, seeing her tongue roll around all over her sex and underneath her nether region from behind as they continued see-sawing the girl for the rest of the afternoon.
Sakura could only stare into space with a half-lidded gaze of pure drunkenness since these sensations were slowly melting away her resentment from behind her.
'Mmhmhhhm! Mhhmmhmm!! *Shclupp..schlupp....schlupp..schluppp!* Mmhhmm!" The girl hummed loudly and focused on breathing while she flicked and sucked Tsume's exposed clit, getting a few stray pubic hairs into her mouth in the process while inhaling her scent. The woman eventually grabbed onto her head with both hands and started gently humping her face with grabbing one of her naked dainty feet to run her tongue all over her ankle.
Being pregnant, and frisky at all times meant these Inuzuka women were prepared to make Sakura's week-long punishment the most enjoyable experience yet.
The rest of the week went as followed with a confused yet increasingly pent-up Naruto wondering what happened to his bitches every time he went home to their bed, never to find them there. Every day he walked home from school, noticing Sakura's odd behavior as she had disappeared right away just after classes had finished the afternoon, leaving him to walk him by himself with his pale-eyed stalker always tailing him from behind. Naruto didn't miss her, but he did find it strange that she stopped harassing him entirely at the same time his bitches decided to stray away from the bed and the homestead. He figured it was just basic Mission work keeping them away or something of the sort.
'She's following me again, that makes it the third time this week. I wonder what she's all about since she keeps watching me from far away? Is she some kind of creepy stalker or something? I mean, I can smell her scent from here thanks to Tsume-chan's training with my senses and she's horny. I don't know what to think about that, but she is cute though.' Naruto thought as he paused in his walking path, deciding not to look back at the shy brunette hiding behind the edge of a wooden fence at the last minute.
He shrugged and continued making his way back to the compound, ready to take care of training and homework for the day to confront the girl sometime this week about her stalking habits. He didn't want to assume the worst about her, but at the same time, he also wanted to call her out and maybe.....indulge himself in her body as though to take on a new bitch since Hana and Tsume were putting him on a dry spell lately.
The next day came with Sakura once again rushing over to the compound out of sight of everyone else, especially Naruto. She was eager to enjoy the savage domineering by the two pregnant Inuzuka women for some reason. Despite being roughly abused and 'punished' in several rather pleasurable ways, Sakura yearned for more yet didn't want to admit this to herself just yet. Biting down her lip and arriving at the front gate to see Tsume there instead of Hana for a change, the Inuzuka woman led the anxious and possibly broken girl down into the dungeon again for yet another day of punishment.
"Today, Sakura, we're going to be forcing you to feed off of our milk. Consider it preparation for when we give birth to our children and feed them with these heavily lactating jugs.~" Tsume said to the girl as she placed a collar around her neck once they were behind the walls of the compound, keeping an eye out for Naruto in case he decided to spy on them.
Tsume and Hana both hated having to keep this a secret from him, but with how fast Sakura was approaching a newly broken-in mindset of subservience, they figured the surprise would be well worth it. They just knew he would be pent-up and ready to take it out on some woman's body all night long, but that someone would be Sakura once they were done with her.
Leading her down into the dungeon once again, and making sure the seals around the compound were kept on to prevent spying on them, Tsume brought the pink-haired failure of a ninja over to the usual spot with a naked Hana waiting on the bed.
'I wonder what they're so anxious about? They keep checking the area to see if anyone is spying on them each time I come here. I couldn't have been sloppy letting someone follow me to this place, could I?' Sakura wondered, shuddering a bit when she saw Hana naked on the bed wearing a pair of long leather high-heel boots with matching leather sleeves attached to a spiked collar around her neck.
Her bulging pregnant stomach still stuck out noticeably as she ran a hand down its surface with an affectionate smile, ready to give birth sometime soon with motherly pride. Tsume roughly shoved the newly-collared girl onto the bed and hastily did away with her clothes, pulling them off rather roughly until nothing was covering her naked, blossoming young body and leaving only the Inuzuka marking on her skin with a collar around her neck.
"Alright, Hana, let's go to work 'Feeding' this little bitch as a good dog would like to be fed.~" Tsume suggested briskly while grabbing her pendulous tits, making each nipple squirt a gentle trickle of lactose from them while Naruto was elsewhere outside the compound.
The boy stopped walking on his usual path and sighed heavily to himself, feeling tired of humoring the girl and deciding to call her out when he turned around to look in her direction.
"Look, I know you're there watching me like you have been doing every day this week so come on out. I won't be mad at you, I just want to know what your deal is." Naruto called out, making the squeamish brunette nearly faint on the spot as she was called out by the object of her affection and came out of hiding.
Out from behind a powerline pole stepped a lovely, soft-bodied girl around Naruto's age, but with womanly curves showing through her dainty little body. Enough to make any girl in age group jealous of how fast she was maturing when it came to the feminine figure. She wore dark blue pants and a matching shinobi shirt underneath a stuffy, cumbersome winter jacket colored in plain gray. Naruto was taken aback a bit by her demure, admittedly pretty appearance even though she wore no make-up and only had soft slightly pale skin with pearl-colored eyes staring at him with a blush. She had a short bob-cut mop of dark blue hair with bangs down the side of her face.
She was fidgeting with her fingertips and averting her eyes from him with embarrassment and shame, yet Naruto found her adorably endearing and very voluptuous to look at right now.
'She's.....cute for a fangirl. Those eyes.....is she from that crazy Hyuga Clan Tsume-Chan and Hana-chan talk up about being rivals besides the Uchiha?' Naruto wondered with curiosity and started walking closer to her, making the girl squeak in alarm till he was close enough to gently grab onto her dainty hands.
'Oh no!' The girl thought to herself while squeaking out, glowing redder than a tomato as she felt Naruto's hands clutching hers gently and affectionately when he spoke up.
"So.....why are you always following me after school? I'm not mad, I just...want to know who you are and what the reason is." Naruto asked, feeling it was obvious that she was in love with him, but he still needed to hear it officially first. The smell of heavy lust coming off the girl's dainty yet well-developed young body was enough to make him wanna take her to bed. He was still loyal to Hana and Tsume and forever would be, making this even harder since he needed some sexual relief right now.
"I....I...am in your class, Naruto-Kun. I--I couldn't blame you for not noticing me before, we've never actually met, but my name is Hinata Hyuga." She introduced bashfully, looking into his bright blue eyes with her soft pale ones as she went on. "You see, I...I have always had a crush on you, n-no, it's more than I thought. I've always been watching you from far away when I developed my Byakugan enough to one day see you standing up to the people belittling you so much."
Naruto felt his heart lurch just a bit and softened up as he heard Hinata go on.
"Ever since then....I just kept on watching you, hoping to someday find the courage to be just like you....to talk to you without falling over myself. I...know it was wrong to keep stalking you on your way h some, but I was doing it because I kept being afraid to tell you my feelings for you." Hinata took in a deep breath and sighed, looking at Naruto with resolve while clutching Naruto's hands with her own becoming entwined with his. Naruto honestly appreciated the gesture very much and felt as though he wanted to let this girl into his life to cuddle and do many other things with.
"Naruto-Kun,.....I...I'm in love with you! Will you please be my boyfriend?" She blurted out with her eyes closed and face redder than an apple, leaving Naruto speechless as she kept holding her hands close to his chest.
"Hinata-san, I do want to accept those feelings and be your boyfriend. You are cute, honest, and possibly the only other person I know aside from two other people that treat me like a human being." Naruto began, making Hinata's face brighten up with excitement. He hated to say this next part, but bracing him for a heartbreaking scene, he let it out."But...I'm afraid that I'm already in a relationship with Hana-Chan and Tsume-Chan romantically, I....don't think I can accept your feelings since I'm already with them."
Hinata's enthusiasm died down a bit, looking crestfallen as there was an air of awkward silence between them for a moment till she spoke up. To Naruto's surprise, she still had a look of firm resolve on her face and clutched his hands tightly with her own, placing them on her chest.
"I.....I still want to be with you, Naruto-Kun. What I have isn't just a simple, stupid crush, it's how I feel! I wouldn't mind if I am a side-girl or anything else just as long as those two women will allow me to be with you in some way or another." She added, really surprising Naruto as he started blushing darkly and pulled her in the direction of the compound, making up his mind.
"C'mon, w-w-we are going to my home and we.....are going to prove it there!" Naruto let out, puffing his cheeks and feeling his lustfulness becoming stronger by the minute. Hinata smiled with glee as she followed him into the compound.
'H-he's accepting me!? Yesss!! I will gladly be Naruto's third girl, just as long as I can give him everything I have such as my body, my mind, and my soul!' Hinta's mind raced as he led her into the compound, unsealed the entrance with his special Chakra, and guided her on into one of the main buildings where his room would be.
Naruto's thoughts were still in flux on this impulse decision, but since Hana and Tsume have been too busy for him lately his animal-like lust was fast-rising to the point he couldn't bear it any longer. Taking Hinata's hand and keeping her soft, dainty fingers clutched into his, Naruto led her over into the master bedroom where he typically fucks both heavily pregnant Inuzuka women daily. At least until recently anyway. Hinata was still blushing like a tomato and followed Naruto over to the bed, thinking that her confession might carry over into something more adult rather than a romance-filled afternoon with each other.
Naruto guided her to the bed, gesturing for her to sit down and letting her soak it all in as he held her cheeks into each of his hands with a seductive smile on his face. The girl was blushing like crazy now and felt her heart racing a mile a minute as he slowly brought her lips onto his for a chaste kiss.
"Mmmm! Hmmmm...*Naruto-Kun!*" Hinata hummed happily with little tears streaming down her face as she closed her eyes and embraced Naruto full with arms going behind his neck. They came around and wrapped around him tightly as he crawled onto the bed, placing himself atop the girl with one hand going down to fondle one of her tits through her clothing.
"Mmngghh?!" Hinata squealed loudly in surprise from within his lips and looked into Naruto's dazzling blue eyes, feeling like she was falling in love all over again despite how quickly things were progressing. 'H-he's touching me! Naruto-Kun is touching me! I'm g-g-going to give him everything so he can let me be one of his lovers! I don't care! I want him to ravish me anyway he likes!'
Hinata made up her mind again and started deepening the kiss, feeling Naruto's mouth expertly suck and swallow her lips to where his tongue started pushing down her throat. The girl could feel it slithering around inside of it, writhing against her own and making her taste his flavor while continuing to grope her doughy breasts through her chest jacket. Hinata was mewling excitedly already as they continued exchanging saliva in such a heated, intimate embrace wrought with bestial passion. The girl would say she was beyond the stars with happiness right now as she tasted Naruto over and over again just like in her dreams. She felt his tongue dominate her own and made her mewl helplessly as he began undoing her jacket with a quick movement of his hands.
Hinata felt they were going a bit fast, but she also wanted him to have her right then and there without anything holding her back. No shackles of her royal bloodline among the Hyuga clan, no insecurities stemming from her weakness and inability to be aggressive with people. All there was to her was this moment and the feeling of Naruto on top of her, wanting to make love to her right now. He busied his hands and undid the entirety of her jacket, pulling it open and revealing her form-fitting blue shinobi T-shirt worn over her surprisingly buxom chest. Underneath it was a fishnet bodysuit most ninja women wear, but it served little purpose except to entice Naruto completely as he lifted her shirt up.
Out spilled her breasts, measuring up to a solid D-cup size, which was amazing for a girl of Hinata's age group. The girl was an early bloomer, making Naruto increasingly aroused as he began lifting her shirt completely to where her naked breasts came into the picture. She wasn't wearing a bra, nor any coverings underneath her shinobi body mesh suit. They were just there like two doughy cantaloupes made out of the softest flesh ever. The inner inside of him growled with sexual hunger as he began undressing the rest of Hinata's clothing, watching her cute face smile and breathe hotly with a blush as she slowly became naked. She gently kicked up her feet once he removed her shinobi sandal shoes and pulled down her dark pants, revealing her panty-clad sex to him with a very moistened patch directly underneath her groin.
"Naruto-Kun! *huff...huff..huff..huff* Please.....keep going....!" She squeaked out, feeling her heart racing a mile a minute and praying she doesn't fate as she watched him tug down the waistband of her panties, revealing her hairless peach to his eyes and stroking his arousal to the absolute limit to where a massive bulge appeared from within his groin.
"Hinata-san....you're very beautiful and cute, you know that?" He growled, causing the girl to intensify as she held her cheeks into his hands and felt her legs get raised into the air so that he could pull her panties off completely. Hinata squeaked and shuddered with slight embarrassment as she became exposed before Naruto's eyes with her lightly fuzzy pussy in full view, making his mouth water with bestial excitement.
He reached down and pried her arms apart when she attempted to cover her face out of embarrassment. Naruto saw those pearly eyes staring back at him in wonder, leaving a blush on her cheeks as he reached down to place his lips on top of hers in a sweet, wholesome kiss.
"Mmm! Mmhmm....*Naruto-Kun!*" Hinata moaned happily as she brought her dainty and soft fingers around his neck, embracing him completely as he guided his cock over to her dripping folds. She was so caught up in tasting his tongue and sucking out the saliva from it just out of passion, happier than she's ever been in her life now that her longtime crush was honestly making out with her.
Their tongues wriggled from within each other's mouths, rolling against one another in an eloquent exchange of saliva between young ninjas.
"Hhmhmhh! *Schlupp...schlupp...schlupp...schlupp...schlupp!* Aahh...! Hinata, you better be prepared because I'm not going to hold back at all." Naruto warned, seeing the shy brunette nod her head enthusiastically with a lovestruck smile on her face as she watched him lift her body and prepare to dock her with his cock.
It was still so massive when it rubbed between her legs, almost feeling as big as a human thigh or forearm with a thick pair of balls directly underneath. Hinata knew that once she did this, there would be no going back. Not to the Hyuga family, not to being a Ninja, she would just be a girl that would happily serve as Naruto's onahole for pleasure and enjoyment. She loved him just so much that she would happily oblige the idea if it meant she gets to be with him at all times.
"D-do it, Naruto-Kun. M-m-make love to me!~" She squeaked out, keeping her hands held tightly behind his neck as he began lowering his throbbing cock onto her sex from above, preparing to take her in a basic missionary position with his hands planting themselves just above her head onto the bed surface. Hinata was breathing rapidly as she felt the bulbous head pushing into her pink, spongy folds for a bit before they started spreading out in painful penetration!
"Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!! N-Naruto-Kuuuuunnn!~ Whooaaaahhh!~" She cried out, eyes wide and mouth hanging open in shock as she felt his beefy intrude on the insides of her virgin womanhood. Hinata's legs rose high into the air and wafted about helplessly as he bore his way into her fresh, untouched cervix like so. Naruto was grinning ear to ear with bestial lust as he felt her slick, spongy insides clutch him tightly, making him drive his length even further into her twat and make her into a woman at long last.
A rupture could be felt and Hinata's mouth fell open in agonizing pain as she felt her hymen rip apart in welcoming Naruto's thick monster cock into the recesses of her baby-maker. She was still young, as was he, yet both were the same age to be able to participate in life-or-death battles in the world of Shinobi. Only now, Hinata had been a woman before she had been made a proper Heir of the Hyuga Clan. She quickly performed a quick-strike jab using Chakra-infused fingertips of the Hyuga style fighting method on her groin. Just like that, the pain started quickly going away, leaving only mind-numbing pleasure in its place as she felt Naruto beginning to row effortlessly into her pussy from above!
Hinata's toes were wriggling around with her legs staying high in the air, they eventually wrapped around his pelvis in a tight ankle-to-ankle leg lock. Naruto groaned loudly with his lip being bitten down with excitement as he felt Hinata's slick folds clutching him pleasurably when he began bottoming out of her. His balls tapped gently against her nether region, making her whimper loudly as she clung onto him with desire written on her face.
The two Ninja youngsters more loudly together, all while down below in the dungeon a blindfolded Sakura was being fucked from behind by a Strap-on wearing Tsume. The girl's lips had been coated in breast milk after having fed from both pregnant Inuzuka women all day long, even her stomach was mildly bloated with all the milk she had to ingest and pussy juice she had to drink down. Right now she was humming against the muff of Hana Inuzuka while feeling her grab her head, forcing her deeper into her slot to feel her tongue wriggling around inside like a worm.
"Mmhmm..mhmm..mhm..mhmm..mhhmmhhm!!!~" Sakura moaned loudly as her lithe body continuously rutted into the surface of the bed they were on. Tsume voraciously bottomed out of her snatch with her strap-on, enjoying the sight of her naked frame rutting into the strap-on from below.
"Oohhhh..yeahh!! Who's a proper bitch, huh?! Who?! Tell me, Sakura-san!" Tsume yelled out, slapping her ample little ass with her hand again, making her howl loudly into the pussy of her daughter while continuing to eat her out.
"*Hhmhmhhhh! *I am!*" She groaned inside of Hana's pussy and licked repeatedly around the woman's folds while enjoying the feeling of having her pregnant stomach gently tapping her head from above. Together all three women rutted effortlessly into each other in a continual back-and-forth of tantric sexual passion.
Back with Naruto and Hinta, the proud Inzukua Ruler and Alpha Male of his two pregnant bitches, began bottoming out of Hinata's twat voraciously like a wild animal. He kept his pelvis hunched directly above her waist, feeling her legs clutching tightly around him while he continued bucking into her young pussy with the virility of a fox. Each squelch of moisture and penetration was the sound of Hinata's tight pussy stretching around Naruto's massive meat, making him buck into her even faster as they went along.
"Uuaaaaaghhhh!! N-Naruto-Kun! Naruto-Kuuuuunnnn!! Aaahh!~" Hinata cried out in pleasure and held the back of her head as he continued bottoming out of her pussy. Slap after slap of skin echoing against flesh continued to come out as the Alpha Male Kyubi Shota hungrily drove his manhood into Hyuga's pussy!
"Aahh..ahh..ahh...ahh..ah..ah..ahh..aaaaggghhhh!!! Oohhhh...yeah! Hinata-Chan! I'm....I'm..going to breed you raw and make you pregnant with my babies! Gnnghh!" Naruto yelled out, feeling the animal-like virility come out in his words. He secretly hoped he didn't scare Hinata away since that kind of talk was likely to give her second thoughts.
To his surprise, however, he saw the girl smiling lovingly at him from below with a few tears streaking down her cheeks. It honestly warmed his heart and he continued fucking her raw, enjoying the tightening sensation of her pussy tugging him hard.
"Yes!! I'll gladly have your babies, Naruto-Kun! Glady! I want to be with you forever!~" She let out, kissing him full-force after bringing herself up to where her tits squashed against his pecs from below. Naruto closed his eyes and indulged Hinata's lips in yet another tantric lip-sucking exchange between youngsters while they fucked about.
Their bodies collided together incessantly in non-stop sexual passion, leaving Naruto to enjoy the suction of her slot around his member and feeling his balls beginning to churn as the time went by. He continuously bucked into Hinata's waist, keeping her shorter body held firmly against him with every part of her wrapped around him. Their tongues jostled about between each other's mouths some more, tasting one another as they mated like a pair of animals non-stop for several more minutes until Hinata felt her orgasm.
Around that time, Naruto sat up on his butt and took the girl with him to continue bouncing on his cock in a seated upright position. Her ample little ass cheeks were jiggling non-stop while her insides warped to fit Narutps massive cock within the deepest recesses of her womb. Hinata never let go for an instant as they continued rutting about wildly in animal-like passion. Eventually, she pulled her mouth off his lips and flashed him a delirious smile filled with love and happiness. Naruto kept his hands around her ass as he continued fucking her upright.
"Uaaaghhh!!! Aahh..ahh..ahh...ahh..ahh..ahh..aaaggghhhh!! Hinata....!! I'm going to cum. I'm going to make you pregnant and make you into my third bitch! you'll be mine to take care of, I won't ever let anyone else have you! Grrrggghhh!!'' Naruto growled, feeling his shaft beginning to swell.
Hinata smiled brightly into Naruto's face, she cupped his cheeks and pulled him into yet another deep kiss when she feels her insides squirming in orgasm all over his cock! Her toes straightened out and her body undulated wildly from in his lap, she was shaking in orgasm and cumming harder than she had ever done in her life!
"Uuaaaaaaaahhhhh!! Naruto-Kun! Naruto-kuuuunnn...! Aaaaaaahhh!~" She screamed so loudly in orgasmic ecstasy that it caught the attention of two Inuzuka women down below in the dungeon after they had finished 'Training' their Slave for the day. The two young ninjas voraciously bounced around in each other's arms eventually leading to Naruto groaning loudly in the climax. He pushed his length deep into Hinata's young womb before cumming like a natural disaster!
"Uuuaaaaggghhh!!! I'm cumming! Take it all inside, you cute, sweet little bitch!~" He said out loud, making Hinata smile happily as she kept her legs crossed behind his back and absorbed every thick blast of sperm that came her way!
Thick streams of sperm came racing into Hinata's insides, filling up her almost instantly and expanding her stomach region to the point she already looked several months pregnant. The girl kept on grinding her waist into Naruto's groin, enjoying the orgasmic experience of feeling his cum spilling into her womb and likely seeding her insides so that she could give birth. She didn't even mind the risk of getting knocked up so early in her young life just as long as she had Naruto to take care of her needs and vice versa. She would love, cherish him even though she was a side-girl, but that didn't matter to Hinata at all since this was the most blissful thing she had ever experienced.
Together they continued rutting their pelvises into each other with Hinata's pussy continuing to milk him for more. Naruto didn't let up and simply held onto Hinata as he injected nearly a barrel's worth of cum into her highly fertile depths. His inner animal instinct drove him to the breaking point to where he gently nibbled on the side of her neck. The girl moaned loudly as she held onto him for dear life, enjoying the process of being bred by her longtime crush and one true love for several minutes more.
"Uughh....uughh....ughh....guuhhh! Ohhh...yeah, Hinata-Chan. That was positively amazing. Hehe." He growled after he finished cumming inside of her, leaving the girl in a nearly vegetative state with a faraway smile on her lips. She was out like a light and sound asleep within his lap, still twitching all over his cock. "Oops, maybe I overdid it a bit, huh?"
"You got that right, I didn't think you'd add a third bitch to our little love nest so early, Naruto-Kun.~" A woman remarked, making Naruto turn his head to see both Tsume and Hana standing there with a naked pink-haired kunoichi walking around on a leash. He instantly recognized who that might be and saw the signs of Inuzuka markings as well as a seal of some kind somewhere on her naked body.
"S-Sakura...?! What is this about, Tsume-Chan?" He asked, keeping Hinata held against his naked adolescent frame while cum continued spilling out from inside of her pussy and onto his bed. Thankfully it was Hana who spoke up next, making a smile with what she said as they presented Sakura like a present.
"We've got you a present, Naruto-Kun! A freshly broken-in Ex-bully who'll gladly serve as our new pet, you can decide whether or not to fuck her or keep her licking at your feet while she enjoys being dominated by the rest of us. I think even your new girlfriend there, who is most certainly pregnant by now, would enjoy it too." Hana explained, making Naruto rub the back of his head with a cheeky smile as he looked at Sakura's naked body with a grin and ran his tongue across his lips.
He was itching for payback now.
"Hana-Chan, Tsume-Chan...I love it.~" He answered, letting out one more pump of heavily potent sperm into Hinata's depths, sending one more legion of little swimmers over into one of her eggs to fertilize it with certainty that it was going to create life.
He was the Alpha breeder after all.