
Helpless | A Twilight Fan Fiction

Getting used to not seeing her brother anymore? Yes. Coping with her anxiety? It’s a work in progress. Dealing with the loss of her best friend to the supposed cult her brother joined? Not a chance. Ashleigh Call knows what it’s like to not be wanted. Her father left after finding out her mother had been pregnant with her. Her brother, Embry, left to go start hanging out with people he hated. But when she also loses her and Embry’s shared best friend, Jacob Black, things start to get complicated. Ashleigh feels helpless; she doesn’t know what to do without her favorite people by her side. And with a vampire on the loose in Forks, things are bound to get out of hand. *This book takes place in New Moon, the second of the Twilight Saga, and all of my writing is based off of the books*

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Also, here's a little information so you guys know where the story is lined up with the books (because it is based off the books, not the movies). This is around the time when Bella and Jacob start talking about Sam and the "cult" while going to ride the motorcycles, because that's when Embry joins Sam, Jared and Paul. That's where we are, so start reading.


I'm in my room and doing my algebra homework when I hear the front door open and close. Guess Mom is home early. I stand, making my way to the kitchen. "Hey, Mom, did you get milk from the-" I stop mid-sentence when I see my older brother. 

"You finally decided to show up. Wow." I say sarcastically. "Do you know how worried me, Mom, Jake and Quil have been?" I demand. 

Embry ignores me and goes to his room.

"So that's it? You just disappear and ditch me and your best friends? What is going on?" I continue, following him down the hallway. 

He wheels around to face me, a hard look on the face of the person who has never managed to stay mad at me for more than ten minutes. "Just stop, Ashleigh." He then starts throwing things into a duffle bag, seemingly angry. This is not the Embry I know; he's not the brother that I love with all that I am. 

I scoff. "Just stop? That's the only thing you have to say to me after leaving two weeks ago and not telling anyone?"

Embry zips up the bag, throwing it over his shoulder and shoving past me. 

"I'm calling Jacob!" I yell after him, desperate for him to at least say something to me other than to stop talking. "You know him and Quil will be upset that you're with them now."

Embry stops walking. "Yeah, well tell Jacob we're not friends anymore. Same to Quil." He mutters, opening the front door. He steps outside and glances over his shoulder at me. "Ashleigh, I love you. Remember that. This is to protect you." Then he leaves, practically slamming the front door shut behind him. 

What just happened? I stare at the back of the door, confused out of my mind. He completely ignored me before telling me he loves me and that "this" is protecting me. 

I stumble over to the phone to the kitchen. I dial the Blacks' number and Billy picks up. 


"Hey, Billy. It's Ashleigh. Can I talk to Jake? It's important."

"Of course. One second."

There's some shuffling before Jake picks up. "What's going on, Ash?"

"Embry came back home for a couple minutes. We kind of argued. He wanted me to tell you and Quil that you aren't friends anymore. I don't know what to do, Jake." My voice cracks when I say his name, and I know he doesn't miss it. 

Jacob curses under his breath. "I hate Sam Uley." He grumbles before focusing back on me. "What do you need, kid? Is your mom home yet?"


"Okay. I'm borrowing Dad's truck and I'll come cook something for you. Or attempt to, anyway. You understand." Jake rambles, probably trying to get my mind off of me and Embry's argument. Jake knows me well and knows how to distract me, and it's working. He probably knows it, too. 

"Thanks, Jake. See you."

He shows up about five minutes later and begins making spaghetti for me while we talk. 

"I saw him Saturday, you know."

My head snaps up. "You did? Did he talk to you?" I ask anxiously. 

Jacob shakes his head. "Me and Bella were... driving around, and I saw him, Paul, Jared and Sam cliff diving. And, as you know, he's been stuck by Sam's side everywhere except at school. It's like he joined a fucking cult."

I lean back in my chair. "Of course." I murmur. 

"You sure you're okay?" Honestly, he asks me this like he's my brother and needs to protect me. Which him and Quil practically are family to me, so it doesn't bother me.

I sigh. "It just doesn't make sense. He gets freaked out about getting sick and leaves. He comes back a week later with short hair and looking like he's on steroids and is stuck to Sam Uley, Paul Lahote and Jared Cameron. He comes home, tells me he isn't friends with his best friends since kindergarten anymore. Then he tells me he loves me and is doing this to protect me before leaving. It just doesn't add up." I already have terrible anxiety, and my brother's unexplained actions are causing it to worsen.

"Yeah, you're right. How is completely changing and leaving your little sister protecting her?" He mutters the last sentence to himself. 

We drop the subject and eat silently before Jake leaves, telling me to call him or Quil if I need anything. 

I fall asleep thinking about my brother.