
Is That All You Have To Say At A Time Like This?

Jackson rushed ahead with his gun in his hands. Why was there gunfire? A normal kidnapping barely involved shooting a gun. After all, the ultimate goal was just money.

Had Halia been discovered? Did she try to escape? Was there a fight?

Countless questions ran through his head. 

If something happened to Halia, what would he do? He was planning to finish this mission, retire from the force and lead a normal life with her. There were so many things they hadn't done together yet. Worst of all, he hadn't told her how much she meant to him. He had been in the gangs since he was 18, taking on one mission after another. Never had he come across a woman that made him feel the way that Halia did; a woman that made him want to give up everything and just settle down. A woman that, while he was lying wounded in his hospital bed, gave him a reason to continue living. Was this a sign from God? Would he never be able to lead a normal life?