
Help Me To Become A Villain!

Fortune was still on Roseline's side when a man saved her after drifting into the river after she escaped chasing her father and the mages from the sacred temple. Unfortunately, that good fortune immediately turned for the worse when it turned out that the man was King Elliot Zuncavier, the king of the Almortaza kingdom and a black light energy mage who was one of the causes of Rosaline's mother's death. "Help me to become a villain. I want to avenge the actions of the king of the kingdom of Avantazia and my father. And I will help you with my forbidden magical energy, Your Majesty!" said Roseline when she had decided to take advantage of King Elliot Zuncavier. King Elliot Zuncavier smirked. "Good offer. But, what if I refuse, Lady? Are you going to kill me with your forbidden magic? Or are you going to try to seduce me with your charms? Interestingly, you are so brave when you are a weak prisoner in your own family, Lady." "Your Majesty, I will give you anything you want from me as long as you are willing to accept my offer." Roseline wasn't desperate to get help from King Elliot Zuncavier. She wanted to use King Elliot Zuncavier to kill her father and King Wilhem Effenberg of the kingdom of Avantazia. Then she would kill the king of the kingdom of Almortaza. But what if things don't go according to plan, especially when Roseline is captivated by King Elliot Zuncavier's charms?

VhyDheavy_Putri · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Faceless King

Count Cain Alexavier continued walking in the inn's hallway. There are several maids at work. The service of Avantazia included the best service for Count Cain Alexavier and all delegation members. Count Cain Alexavier also knew very well that King Wilhem Effenberg wanted cooperation with the kingdom of Almortaza. No matter how much loss King Wilhem Effenberg caused in the past or even now, the king of the Avantazia kingdom still was shameless and still wanted the benefits of the Almortaza kingdom.

In truth, Count Cain Alexavier still didn't understand what his new king in the Kingdom of Almortaza thought. The new king, who had always been considered a faceless crown prince, should have followed the previous king's attitude of not wanting to have any relationship with Avantazia. However, since being crowned king, the new king of Almortaza has started a pretty surprising breakthrough.

Count Cain Alexavier stopped in front of a door of one of the rooms in the inn. He sighed, his eyes fixed on the door handle. A dense aura that can shake the soul is immediately felt. Count Cain Alexavier then swallowed his saliva. As someone who could detect magic, he knew the room had strong magic energy. Then he thought that the person in the room was starting a plan.

In the next second, Count Cain Alexavier knocked on the door. He glanced left and right to make sure no one was following him. The maids who were working did not seem to dare to snoop. And finally, Count Cain Alexavier opened the door and entered the room.

Black smoke from the corner of the room welcomed the presence of Count Cain Alexavier. Count Cain Alexavier's guess was correct that the person in the room was doing something related to black light magic.

"Greetings, His Majesty King Elliot Zuncavier," said Count Cain Alexavier as he bowed.

And the person he called the king began to change his attitude. The dense magic started to stop. That person is a man in knight's clothing, which is the new king of the Almortaza kingdom. The successor to the throne in the Almortaza kingdom king, as well as the owner of the title of the faceless crown prince who reportedly often travels, is named Elliot Zuncavier.

"Good evening, Count Cain Alexavier." King Elliot Zuncavier walked to where Cain Alexavier was. "What do you think of this place? Is it much better than Almortaza? Answer honestly, Count. I would appreciate your honesty."

Count Cain Alexavier swallowed his saliva. The king's question was difficult because his new king was brilliant and sensitive. King Elliot Zuncavier can detect lies made by someone. King Elliot Zuncavier is not only a faceless crown prince but now that he is crowned king in Almortaza. And make Count Cain Alexavier slowly knows that the king is the owner of black light energy that even the previous king never had. The child born to that lowly woman can become a mage with deadly energy.

"This place is wonderful, Your Majesty the King Elliot Zuncavier. In addition, this kingdom has an army of sacred light mages from the sacred temple. It's natural for King Wilhem Effenberg to underestimate our presence. Still, because he wants an advantage from Almortaza as the largest diamond-producing kingdom, King Wilhem is willing to look after us well," said Count Cain Alexavier.

King Elliot Zuncavier grinned. "Thank you for your honesty, Count Alexavier. Hahaha. And really, this kingdom is beautiful. Ah! Especially the women. Oh! They are so beautiful, hahaha."

"There are things far more important than a woman, His Majesty King Elliot Zuncavier. And I hope you have not forgotten about that."

King Elliot Zuncavier let out a disappointed sigh. "Why do you always show such a serious attitude, Count Alexavier? I despise your stiff self. While travelling, I met some lovely people, but after I became king, damn it! I always meet people like you." cold-hearted! This is so annoying!" he said while walking to and fro. Then he stopped again. The expression on his face turned even colder. "Even though I appointed you head of the delegation because you seem talented. How dare you remind me of something I have thought! Count Alexavier, remember your limits and keep your head down before me!"

Count Cain Alexavier gritted his teeth. Angry and hateful. He couldn't accept if treated like this. Elliot Zuncavier was very different from the previous king. Why should a child born from a lowly concubine become a king? Why couldn't the empress give children and make Elliot Zuncavier ascend the throne? Unlucky! Count Cain Alexavier hated this situation. In his opinion, Almortaza could be in grave danger if Elliot Zuncavier still sat on the throne.

"I apologize for my carelessness, Your Majesty King Elliot Zuncavier," said Count Cain Alexavier.

King Elliot Zuncavier grinned. "I don't need your fake words of apology, Count Alexavier. But relax, you and I are only five years apart, and you older than me. I wouldn't hate you so much, Big Brother! Hahaha!" he said. Then his face turned cold again. "But, keep in mind your limits if you don't want to die from my dense smoke, Count Alexavier. Never look at me like a devil again. I will not hesitate to desecrate your beautiful little sister if you are still so brave!"

Count Cain Alexavier's palms clenched tightly. He was so furious now. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything. Currently, his sister named, Eliza Alexavier, was in the palace of the Kingdom of Almortaza. I don't know what Elliot Zuncavier ever said to Eliza until Eliza refused to return to the Alexavier residence, according to Count Cain Alexavier's wish.

"Hmm ... tonight I'm going out," said King Elliot Zuncavier. And he was already sitting in a charming silver upholstered chair. "Make sure no one sees me. I trust you, Count Alexavier. You have to look after your favourite sister, too, don't you?"

Count Cain Alexavier swallowed his saliva. "I will do well, Your Majesty King Elliot Zuncavier," he replied.

"Good decision, Brother! One more thing, if I don't come back all night, you don't need to worry. In Wilhem Effenberg's eyes I am just an insignificant Knight. He will not expect my presence. You just need to help me out safely."

"Yes, Your Majesty the King."

King Elliot Zuncavier fell silent. His eyes stared intently towards the front and at a temple painting mounted on the room's wall—a sacred shrine. Lots of pictures describe the place. A place where white light energy mages gather and form strong associations. But King Elliot Zuncavier believes that in an area that is claimed to be very holy, there is a big secret. And a special heirloom is sure kept by them. The heirloom that King Elliot Zuncavier had always been looking for since he was still the crown prince; unfortunately, until now, he could not find it. King Elliot Zuncavier's plan to conquer Avantazia was not immediately realized because of his failure. But tonight, he will move again according to plan.


Roseline was standing by the tower window. She saw far away at the grove of trees in a small forest where she would pass for her escape tonight. Meanwhile, Emily's birthday party has been held. It seemed the party was going lively because the sound of musical instruments reached Roseline's ears. Several times there were people who came to the tower. They just peeked and whispered, even though the building was quite far from the party hall at the front of the house.

As Roseline had suspected earlier, Count Zerach Atkinson and Countess Catherine did not come to the tower. They are so busy welcoming guests at parties, and they will make it a place for political discussions and cooperation between families. Some ladies and noble children might be busy boasting. And even though Roseline had been cooped up for years, she still clearly remembered a party's situation. Moreover, Lainey—her most loyal maid—has often given the news from out there.

No matter how splendid the situation outside was, Roseline could not see it. But she understands the situation of human relations.

And soon, Roseline can see the beauty of the universe if she can survive while trying to escape. She only needs to think about herself. Even regarding Davin Cairdo, Roseline will try to utilize him the best.

Because from the start, Roseline only wanted to think about herself. She planned to run away when the party was held at her Dad's residence because she wanted to show them her suffering.

So, will Roseline's mission succeed? Will Roseline get out of the tower that has confined her for years?
