
Help! My Life is an RPG Game

Galen dreams about a beautiful Goddess who gives him a mission to find someone within the first seven days giving him also the capabilities and abilities to carry it out. Upon waking he wakes up to his phone asking him to instantly install a chat program, chooses a class, and already gives him his first thing to do all within seconds of getting up from his bed. He learns there is a lab within walking range from his house. His waking reality is changed learning the landscape around him is not the same as it was yesterday.

Hannah_King_6215 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

The Boy in the Tube

Galen stood in the middle of the corridor gawking at the many doors once again as Marcella and Hollyn stood behind him as Christian tightly to an unconscious Aspen hung loosely on his back. The brown haired boys nerves was shot thinking how to handle this situation, he knew how the others felt but right now he could barely keep his thoughts together.

"Galen, what level are you?" Hollyn asked.

He paused for moment nervously before attempting to answer Hollyn's question and looked at her in confusion.

"Level 8…" Galen mumbled.

The tall man with brown hair with white strands came forward winding his clock pushing past Marcella and Hollyn, "I'll take it from here." He said in a soft tone.

Galen stood on the defensive as his phone rang causing the man to angrily take it out of his hands forcefully and check if he had any messages.

"Hey! Give it back!" Galen yelled.

"Give us what we want and I will give it to you!" He shouted back.

"That is his weapon!" Christian exclaimed.

Taking the device he smashed it against the metal walls causing a loud bang falling apart in between his fingers. All eyes were drawn to the small fragments that fell into the air and onto the floor.

As the man held his bloody hand trying to contain the bleeding that seemed to be coming out of his fingers.

"Do what you are told and we will give you a better weapon later." He stated.

Galen stopped arguing becoming instantly silent and nodded slowly taking a deep breath.He felt so empty losing his weapon and his phone all together making him pause dead in his tracks. It hurt too much to move as his hand trembled trying to focuson what the man in front of him wanted.

[C-me, G-len…co-e]

His head ached hearing the voice through the ringing in his ears. It sounded like they were whispering over and over spurring him look forward. He took one step towards the door that looked like chipped away wood.

His heart began to pound loudly as his head spun but as his foot connected with something solid and cold all other senses left him leaving only the pain that pulsated through his body to keep him awake.

The doorknob would not budge and as he tried to push harder it did not let up. It felt hot painfully hot burning as it burned his skin. A quick sob escaped his lips as tears streamed down his face.

It hurt.

And he felt numb and nothing at all as the fire seared through his veins like acid.

[Can you hear me now, Galen?]

His eyes lit up as he heard the same voice whisper more clearly than ever before. It was him. The doorknob clicked allowing him to finally enter the dark room that filled his vision.

LED lights cyan blue lighted the area around him illuminating the space making him take a closer inspection. The walls looked old. They also appeared cracked and broken. There were marks of where a knife or maybe even scissors was placed.

There were also marks of blood. Galen gasped as his hand touched something that made him flinch and pull away quickly It felt rough and rough and hard.

[A little more, Galen…]

a long hollow tube with yellowing water could be seen glowing in front of him. It was filled up with what looked like reddish-yellow liquid, the liquid was thick and murky looking almost black.

He stared into the strange liquid as if hypnotised.

His fingers shook as he reached out to touch the container but pulled them back just shy of touching it. His mind screamed at him not to touch it but the curiosity kept him going.

He reached out again and grabbed the container. Bubbled cleared up showing a pair of eyeballs staring back at him. Gasping he let go of the tube and stumbled back holding his arm which still tingled with energy after the contact.

[Release me]

Galen looked around the room as the sound echoed around the dim space. A hand touched his shoulder causing him to jump as he turned around startled.

"Galen, are you okay?" Christian asked.

"Yeah...I need to find a way to free the person inside the tube." Galen explained.

A valve spewing steam could be heard from under the container which led to a pipe that ran underneath to the main control panel. The liquids receded before allowing the person inside to be released . The figure stood there as if frozen naked in the cold air.

Galen took a hesitant step forward as if trying to avoid any sudden movement. He noticed a small cut on the chest revealing what he assumed was a tattoo of some sort.

The figure's eyes darted to him as if shocked by his presence. The figure began to tremble as its breathing quickened. Their body damp dripping off their pale skin creating little puddles on the ground.

It then raised its hands and slowly moved backwards until it hit the wall. The person opened their mouth, "Galen.. please..." It begged.

"Are you...Adam?" Galen questioned.

He nodded in response. He was confused, what had happened to this poor boy? He must've been trapped for years trapped within this container.

"Finally!" A voice chimed.

Galen snapped back into reality as he realized someone was speaking to him. The tall man along with Hollyn and Marcella burst into the room full of laughter making the figures eyes widen even more.

Arms wrapped around the boys chest pinning him to the wall, he squirmed and struggled to get out but there were no openings to escape the grasp.

"You did a good job my pet…" Marcella smiled.

The boy with beige hair walked forward curiously towards the new strangers, his green eyes shining as he got closer and closer to them. The boy stood right in front of Adam who was still struggling to break free.

"Who are you?" He asked.