
Hellsing: Virgin Mother of Saints

Alucard, a powerful vampire and hunter, and his beloved servant, Seras, protect the blissful populace of England from the existence of vampires in an era of cybernetic technology and early androids - the AI precursor of man. The Red Scare III group formed by Doc of the late Millenium group wants to prove that vampires indeed exist by showing them the dangers of their existence.

victoriarogue · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Allied Powers part 1

It was a pleasant morning for air travel. The sun beamed pleasantly as it shone its bright light upon cities and countries on the western side of the world. The clouds were silently drifting through the seas of cool breeze as they passed through the sky like great white fish. Some shapes in the clouds resembled sea turtles as they swam against the vastness of the soft blue space. The land below was in peace as the people continued on their merry way. From above, you could not see the frailty of the civilians below. You could not see the worried faces of some people in a local hospital, waiting for news of a sick soul. The faces of any worried man were a mystery above the ground. From below, the people only saw each other and greeted their neighbor; sometimes, no greeting was exchanged at all. Sometimes children would yell out to their parents or some other family member to express their joy and curiosity about the things they see in the sky. An airplane, helicopter, blimp, or balloon could grab their attention in a split second. That's what the Vatican's new trump card, Heinkel Wolfe, thought as she gazed at a fighter jet passing by. It made a very noisy entrance and grabbed the attention of the orphans she was told to supervise for the day.

The Roman Catholic orphanage she had the pleasure of visiting every so often took her away from the utter turmoil of hunting down vampires and protecting Italians from the sheer horror of these cretins. Lately, however, these vampires were attacking in groups, and she could hardly fathom why. She did not want to imagine what would happen if vampires had the nerve or power to rule this world. Another incident like thirty years ago with Nazi vampire terrorists was not a preferrable situation. These children were enough reason to fight for their protection and keep their innocence while they still had it.

The cool October breeze caressed her mangled face as it brushed through her short, straw-colored hair. Of course, she could only feel a tickling sort of gust playfully seeping through her black face mask. On either side of her cheeks, a silver cross was sewn into the soft fabric of the mask. They symbolized the blessing God had given her for being alive today and only having facial wounds; whereas others that she fought alongside with would have been dead or suffered from her injuries. In the midst of remembering how she received her wounds; two little girls were fighting over a toy plane that they both wanted to throw into the air so it could fly like the jet performing an impressive loop.

"Carla, I want a turn!" one of the little girls dressed in green shirt and pink tights argued.

"You weren't worried about it until I took it out of the basket!" Carla responded. She was wearing a purple shirt and tutu with kittens on them. Neither girl was wearing shoes since they took them off after laying down their orange blanket for a fake tea party. Carla went on to argue, "That's cheeky, Ellen!"

"Knock it off!" Heinkel shouted, silencing both girls. "Why are friends fighting?"

"Carla won't let me take a turn!" Ellen argued, pouting at Heinkel. Her blue eyes grew big for Heinkel to feel sorry for her and take her side.

"I just took it out of the basket!" Carla spat.

"Enough!" Heinkel intervened. She folded her arms then looked at the girls with disappointment in her eyes. She said, "If you two are friends, there should be a way for both of you to play with the toy at the same time. Violence between friends is unacceptable in the Lord's gracious eyes. Disturbers of peace are not permitted to enter the gates of Heaven. Haters don't make it to the promised land, girls."

"Yes, Sister Wolfe," the girls said, drooping their heads.

"Wow, you're good," a man called.

Heinkel looked ahead of her to see an old man walking up to her. This man was known as the butler, or right-hand man, for Makube, the new successor of Enrico Maxwell. He had a soft smile on his face, as he was fond of children and their bickering sometimes. He wore an open white frock coat over his standard black priest uniform, and his gold cross glimmered in the sun's morning rays as an almost single entity. He almost looked angelic as the sun gave him a light glow on his facial features. However, he normally never gave her angelic news. Something was amiss as he came towards her with a rather serious face when the children decided on how to play with their toy plane.

"Stay here, children," Heinkel said to them.

"Yes, Sister Wolfe," the girls called after her.

"What's wrong?" Heinkel asked, relaxing her face and body to accept some sort of frustrating news.

The man simply looked to the clouds, unmoved by the question, and said, "Evidently, a lot. There are these strange attacks happening in different parts of the world as we speak. Each day there is a group terrorizing different public areas in a different city or region. First, the attacks occur in lowly-populated areas; then, as time goes on, the attacks happen more frequently and in heavier populated areas. Also, the appearance of other vampire hunting groups from denomination churches have been making appearances in trying to protect their own country from these peculiar attacks. Whether these groups are successful at it or not remains unknown."

"This is good news then, right?" Heinkel questioned. "The world will be much safer with a vampire hunting group in each country."

"That's the problem, I'm afraid," the man said, now looking into Heinkel's eyes. "These other organizations can't track down the attackers in their own country. Every time one group seems to stop an attack, more attacks branch off and they become bigger and more dangerous. Casualties are at their highest when this happens. By there being a different attack each night and in different parts of the world, no one knows how to minimize losses or where to find the leaders of the attacks. They seem to vanish as the attacks grow on a grander scale. We have reason to believe that Spain is the next target. To be specific, a spot in Toledo - a city located in the middle of the country itself."

"Why there?" Heinkel asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because the first attack is always someplace where vampire hunters are not in close range to stop the attack from happening in the first place," the man answered, narrowing his gaze at the woman before him. "The attacks keep happening in increasing numbers until a group can investigate. Even when they do, they are at a loss as to how the attack started and why. Soon after they've finished researching, the attacks happen elsewhere in a pattern almost."

"Have we gotten a call from some other church then? Why are you telling me all of this?" she asked.

"Hellsing has deployed in Spain for investigation already, but our main concern is the next country that may be under attack. During our own research, we realized that the attacks happen three at a time in the least populated cities, forming a triangle of some sort. Manchester, England, Toledo, Spain... the next city will be Athenry, Ireland if our assumptions on their attack pattern is correct. If not, who knows where next? The reason you are involved is because these vampires attack in groups, and you are capable of handling them with your strength. We cannot let Hellsing gain favor from other countries while our numbers are low. Even if we are disadvantaged because of that, we can still protect other countries just as they or any other organization can," the man said, dutifully.

"Where will you have me go then? Ireland or Spain?" Heinkel asked, proud to have a hand in vanquishing these blood-sucking demons.

"Spain for now. Gather what information you can. If there are vampires making their attack, use whatever means necessary to find the leader of them and destroy whoever gets in your way."

"And if I meet Hellsing?"

The man remained still then walked away from Heinkel, only to stop for a brief moment and sigh. He then proceeded to say, "Don't be tempted to attack them, Sister Wolfe. You are far too valuable a warrior to lose right now. Our numbers have been reduced to practically nothing. We need as many special agents as we can get."

"Yes, sir," Heinkel replied, smirking at the notion of meeting with Hellsing.


Sunday, October 15, 2030

Barcelona, Spain

Las Arenas Shopping Mall

The afternoon sun shone brightly as the day went by. A reported 67 degrees was announced on the screen next to a beautifully built shopping mall. People from all over were walking down the streets close to this circular-shaped building. There were young American and Spanish women running to meet with fashion designers at their local offices for go-sees. None of the locals paid them any mind, but they did look funny running in ankle-breaking heels. Of course, some men did find them attractive and tried to speak to one of them for a moment or two. Cars were slowly turning corners as pedestrians crossed the street when the traffic lights signaled them to move on. One young woman, who hadn't visited Spain in a long time, was staring at the large building with a look of wonder and eager anticipation. Her luscious green eyes glittered with stars trapped in them as she sighed at the luxurious-looking monument.

This young woman was indeed attractive herself but was no model. She wore a black furry hat that had a drooping brim and a black skull sitting inside of a white rose on the right side of the hat, a blue scarf with gothic roses etched in the lacings, a light white jacket with black buttons and lining on the pockets, a blue snake skin handbag with a black diamond skull on the flap, a blue ruffled skirt, black laced stockings, and white booties with black snake skin belts and silver chains going around them. Her hair was a very soft brown and reached to the small of her back just below her ribs. Her skin was a pleasant, healthy brown color and had a lovely, warm glow. She actually attracted quite a few men as she gazed at the shopping mall in front of her.

"A-A-Asom-Asombroso!" she practically sang. She twirled on her toes for a bit then ran into the mall with a large smile on her face. She said, "I'm gonna buy gifts for everyone this year!" Right before the woman entered her first outlet in the building her cellphone rang in her purse. She stopped in mid-run, making passersby stare at her weird position, and reached into her purse. Once she retrieved it, she answered it without looking at the caller ID. She cheerfully said, "Hello!"

"Mi princesa? Len?"

"P-p-padre!" the woman answered, standing up straight to talk properly. "I haven't heard your voice in months."

"Who're you tellin', ya Spanish skank? Why haven't you called? Do you have any idea how hard it is not knowing if you're alive?"

"A-a-ah, mi hermano, Joshua!" she responded, happy to hear her brother's annoyed voice.

"Just checking to see if you're okay, princesa. Where are you?"

"Barcelona," she answered, smiling happily and closing her eyes to see her family's faces. She hadn't seen them in a while.

"In Spain?"


"I see... What are you doing in Spain?"

"Shopping. I have a few days off from work. Oh!" the girl said, remembering something important. "I'm gonna have to get my maintenance done around November, padre. The bouts are starting up again."

"Is it serious?"

"No, just every now and then. The pain is only slight, but it is starting," she reminded.

"Okay, I'll set everything up for the time being. Before I let you go on your spree, I have to warn you about something while you're in Spain."

"Yes, padre?"

"First off, we all received jobs working for a vampire extermination group named Hellsing. We received a call from Toledo, saying the city experienced a series of vampire attacks in the area. Two agents were dispatched there to take care of the attackers. One of them claims he may have met you. By any chance, have you met an agent from Hellsing during one of your missions?"

"Not that I know of. I've never heard of Hellsing before," the woman answered, tilting her head and pouting a bit in thought.

"Well, while you're in Spain, don't travel too far at night. Just because you are a vampire hunter, doesn't mean you can't be taken by surprise. You be safe, mi princesa."

"And call us when you get the damn time!"


"Okay, I promise to call when I'm free. Oh, Joshua, think you can find me a gig somewhere. I haven't played since we got to England!" she complained, pouting angrily and puffing her cheeks.

"Si, but only if you call and invite us to the show."

"I promise!"

"Hey, Len, think you can call later tonight? Danny'll be happy to hear from you, ya know."

"Si, I miss all of your voices," Len said, smiling softly. "We gotta start planning for the holidays, too. I got extra time off for my hard work, so I can spend time with you guys and watch you work or just stop by to visit!"

"Oh, that's right. Joshua's birthday is coming up. Plus, we got Thanksgiving and Christmas to worry about."

"Hey, Len, are ya taking Halloween off for your kids?"

"Well, most of them are all grown up and hardly call me anymore. I think they forgot about me."

"No, you didn't give them your new cellphone number. They've been calling us like crazy since we were able to afford ours."

"Wha - ?" Len started, making comically ashamed faces. "They have? I'm such an idiot! Well, can you give them my number for me?"

"We did. We told them we'll call them to let you know you're available to talk now."

"For now, go ahead and relax. We know you're trying your best. Oh, and Len. Watch your back. I'm beginning to worry that the man I work with really did see you on one of his assignments. I don't want you getting into trouble or hurt at the most. You soon won't be in any condition to fight if the bouts come full blast."

"Can you maybe tell me the man's name? I might have heard it before and just didn't realize he was with Hellsing."

"I can't say it for secrecy purposes but be on your guard just in case. I don't want you to be a statistic in the attacks happening where you are."

"Si, padre."


Toledo, Spain

Santa Maria la Blanca

Alucard hardly understood why he was needed for these missions, but it did give him something to do for the time being. Being bound to serve the Hellsing family wasn't necessarily ideal for him, but he was satisfied with simply being able to use his powers to fight should there be a worthy opponent capable of handling him. Thankfully, he managed to find one decent person to do so: Sloth. Ah, the very name made him wish she would hurry up and find a proper battlefield for them to fight upon. He was growing impatient, mind you, but she seemed to be a woman of her word. He had kept his suspicions of Sloth being Baron vanGouge's daughter a closely guarded secret between him and the butler. After all, he couldn't possibly risk being bored without Baron. He was always one for good conversation should he pose a question or comment.

Moaning was heard as lumbering footsteps came towards him at the front entrance. Three ghouls in tourist clothes and foreign IDs were creeping their way to Alucard as he reloaded his .454 Casull. He scoffed at this then smirked when a ghoul from inside the holy building he was positioned in front of came flying out of one of the arched, beautifully antique windows.

"Draculina's doing well," he commented, aiming his gun at the moaning ghouls.

Inside the building, Seras was reloading her Harkonnen gun while pushing her back against a pearly white leg of the arches. She was wedged between two of them and her head accidentally hit the protrusion of the rim connecting the arch leg to the arches like a belt wrapped around a palm tree. Ghouls were coming in greater numbers as they lumbered like staggering bears towards their new prey. Amongst them was a Catholic priest and nun. Seras used her vampire vision to analyze the area and reasoned that if she aimed diagonally more than half the zombies would be shot through the head. A second shot can easily be arranged from there. Taking a quick breath, Seras barrel-rolled from her position then shot the bazooka-like firearm at exactly the angle she predicted would work. Several ghouls were taken down, but, in the midst of cheering for herself, one lone ghoul sliced the bullet in half, causing it to implode and kill the other ghouls behind him. This ghoul was far different from any other one she had faced before.

Rather than wear tourist clothes or Catholic uniforms, this ghoul wore a brown trench coat with an emblem on the right pocket. It had black leather pants, shredded from whatever attack it suffered, brown dress pants, and a white button-up shirt with the same emblem on the right pocket. She could see a blue and yellow coat of arms in the center and black letters that read N.V.J.R., at the bottom of the of the blue and yellow shield. The ghoul roared loudly, forcing the survivors to retreat someplace, and then reached into its coat pockets to retrieve two seemingly medium-sized circular saws. It activated the dormant blades and filled the building with humming sounds from the rapidly rotating saws. Seras gasped at this and watched as the ghoul positioned itself into a fighting stance.

"Th-th-that's...impossible! Ghouls can't be smart enough to attack like this!" she whispered to herself, denying there being a ghoul with battling ability.

The ghoul ran with impressive speed as it threw its arm out and released a spinning blade at Seras. Not wasting any time, the blonde dodged the blade and rushed down the hall to prepare an attack. Somehow, without her knowing it, the ghoul wall-jumped off different arch legs and swung his arms at Seras's neck to cut her head off. She yelled as the ghoul chased her down until she began panting for a way to escape it.

This can't be happening! Seras thought, managing to duck from the ghoul's swift horizontal knife-hand attack.

She stumbled a bit before turning to fire her gun at the ghoul. The zombie was hit dead-on in the face and dropped to its back with a loud thud.

She sighed from the frightening experience then smiled to herself, thinking, Thank God that's over. I thought I was done for.

Only to have her smile drop after she heard hissing come from the ghoul's body. Its legs twitched visibly then the body levitated from the ground and angled itself until its feet touched the ground. The rotten flesh that had been chopped off from Seras's blast restored itself to the zombie's face!

She then gasped loudly and thought, NO! I hit that bastard dead! He can't regenerate!

Without another thought crossing her mind, the ghoul rushed at her and threw a reloaded saw blade. Seras managed to dodge in time, but the blade cut through some of her right cheek, causing blood to spill, and went straight through one of the walls close to the front entrance. Footsteps were heard from the door and an amused chuckle rose from the hole in the wall. Seras and the ghoul looked into the hole in the wall and saw nothing but a red eye gleaming through it.

"Well..." Seras heard, recognizing the familiar voice of her master. "Something definitely interesting is happening in here."