
Hellbreak Conquest

In the harsh realm of "Hellbreak Conquest," Nycresia Kendall wakes to a world where survival means navigating deadly hunts and arcane trials. Driven by a solemn vow to find her missing sister, she reluctantly teams up with Drave Locklin, a charismatic yet mysterious rogue. "We need to outsmart this game," Drave insists amid the chaotic arena, his gaze intense and unreadable. Together, they face labyrinthine horrors and treacherous challenges, uncovering the game's dark truths alongside wary allies with their own motives. Amid betrayals and heart-wrenching losses, their exchanges reveal glimpses of vulnerability. "You drive me crazy, Cress," Drave admits with rare sincerity, his eyes softening in moments of respite. As they uncover cosmic conspiracies and confront formidable foes, Nycresia and Drave's bond deepens, forged by defiance against the game's brutal nature. In a climactic battle against the ancient malevolence of Malyvorn, they confront their deepest fears and make sacrifices that redefine their destinies. "Trust is a luxury we can't afford here," Drave warns urgently, shadows lurking in his cryptic words. Through tough decisions and unexpected alliances, Nycresia and Drave navigate a world where hope flickers amidst overwhelming odds, driven by a quest for justice and freedom beyond the game's relentless trials. "Hold on, Arriane," Nycresia vows, her determination unwavering. "I will find you." *** "You drive me crazy, Cress." "You say that like it's a bad thing." "Careful, or I might start thinking you enjoy my company." "Oh please, I'd rather face a basilisk alone." "You wound me, Cress. Deeply." "Good. Keeps you on your toes." "You'll be the death of me." "Then I'll just have to give you mouth-to-mouth."

Perry_Works · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Fox's Gambit

Drave Locklin stood at the edge of the Reverie Camp, his hazel eyes scanning the chaotic scene before him. Contenders bustled about, preparing for the upcoming Hunt, their faces a mix of determination and fear. A smirk played on his lips, but his mind was a tempest of conflicting thoughts and memories.

As he watched Nycresia and Arriane from afar, a pang of something unfamiliar tugged at his heart. Guilt? Fondness? He quickly pushed the feeling aside. No, I can't afford such sentiments. Not now. Not ever.

His hand unconsciously reached for the hidden necklace at his throat, a simple silver pendant that held more secrets than anyone could imagine. As his fingers traced its familiar contours, a memory surfaced...


"Drave, my little fox," his mother's voice was warm, her eyes twinkling with a mix of love and mischief. "Remember, in this world, knowledge is power. But power... power is a double-edged sword."

Young Drave, no more than eight, looked up at her with adoring eyes. His mother, Aurel Locklin, was a force of nature - beautiful, brilliant, and infinitely mysterious.

"What do you mean, Mama?" he asked, his voice filled with childish curiosity.

Aurel knelt before him, fastening the silver necklace around his neck. "This pendant, my love, is more than just a trinket. It's a key. A key to secrets that could reshape the world. Guard it well, and remember - in the game of powers and principalities, there are no allies, only temporary alignments of interest."


Drave shook his head, banishing the memory. His mother's lessons had served him well over the years, helping him navigate the treacherous waters of Hellbreak and beyond. But lately, her words felt... hollow.

He glanced again at the Kendall sisters, feeling a familiar twinge of conflict. They reminded him of another time, another version of himself...


"Come on, boy!" Young Drave laughed, his voice filled with pure, unbridled joy. He raced across a sun-dappled meadow, a golden retriever bounding at his heels.

The dog barked happily, tackling Drave to the ground in a tangle of limbs and fur. Drave's laughter echoed through the air, free from the weight of secrets and schemes.

"You got me, Rex!" he giggled, hugging the dog close. "You're the best friend a boy could ask for."


Drave's jaw clenched, his hand tightening around the pendant. That boy is long gone, he reminded himself. Swallowed by the machinations of forces beyond his control.

His mind drifted to the various factions that had shaped his life since then. The Obsidian Veil, with their promises of power and their experiments in anima manipulation. The Enoch, those mysterious overseers of Hellbreak, playing their cosmic games with mortal lives as pieces. The Symbiots, whispering of connections between all living things, offering a path to transcendence.

And then there were the cloaked figures, the ones who had first shown him the true nature of reality. They had opened his eyes, but at what cost?

Drave's gaze settled once more on Nycresia and Arriane. They were special, he knew that much. The way they had navigated the Mushroom Maze, their innate connection to the natural world - it all spoke of a power that went beyond mere talent.

A plan began to form in his mind, intricate and dangerous. The sisters could be the key to unraveling the mysteries that had eluded him for so long. With their abilities and his knowledge, they might just be able to tip the cosmic scales.

But it would require careful manipulation, a delicate dance of trust and deception. He would need to guide them, protect them even, while never revealing his true intentions.

A wolfish grin spread across Drave's face. It was a challenge worthy of his skills, a game that would test every lesson his mother had taught him.

"Well, ladies," he murmured to himself, his voice a mix of anticipation and something darker. "Let the real Hunt begin."

As he strode back towards the camp, Drave's mind raced with possibilities. He would be their guide, their protector, their friend. He would lead them through the trials of Hellbreak, helping them unlock their potential.

And when the time was right, when all the pieces were in place, he would make his move. For the first time in years, Drave felt a thrill of genuine excitement. The game was afoot, and he intended to win - no matter the cost.

Yet, as he approached the sisters, a small voice in the back of his mind whispered a warning. Be careful, little fox. You might just find that the hunt changes the hunter as much as the hunted.

Drave pushed the thought aside, donning his mask of charming roguishness once more. "So, ladies," he called out, his voice light and teasing. "Ready for another thrilling day in paradise?"

As Nycresia rolled her eyes and Arriane laughed, Drave felt that unfamiliar pang again. For a moment, just a moment, he allowed himself to imagine a different path, one where their alliance was real, where friendship wasn't just another move in a cosmic chess game.

But the moment passed, and the fox in him reasserted control. There was a plan to set in motion, secrets to uncover, and a world to reshape. And Drave Locklin intended to be at the center of it all, pulling the strings and rewriting the rules of reality itself.

Let the Hunt begin indeed.

As Drave approached the sisters, his mask of charming nonchalance firmly in place, he felt the weight of his plans and secrets pressing down on him. The coming trials would test not only the Kendall sisters but his own resolve as well. Could he maintain the delicate balance between guide and manipulator?

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, signaling the imminent start of the Hunt, Drave steeled himself for the challenges ahead. Whatever Hellbreak had in store for them, he was determined to come out on top - even if it meant sacrificing the fragile bonds of trust he was beginning to form.