
Hellbreak Conquest

In the harsh realm of "Hellbreak Conquest," Nycresia Kendall wakes to a world where survival means navigating deadly hunts and arcane trials. Driven by a solemn vow to find her missing sister, she reluctantly teams up with Drave Locklin, a charismatic yet mysterious rogue. "We need to outsmart this game," Drave insists amid the chaotic arena, his gaze intense and unreadable. Together, they face labyrinthine horrors and treacherous challenges, uncovering the game's dark truths alongside wary allies with their own motives. Amid betrayals and heart-wrenching losses, their exchanges reveal glimpses of vulnerability. "You drive me crazy, Cress," Drave admits with rare sincerity, his eyes softening in moments of respite. As they uncover cosmic conspiracies and confront formidable foes, Nycresia and Drave's bond deepens, forged by defiance against the game's brutal nature. In a climactic battle against the ancient malevolence of Malyvorn, they confront their deepest fears and make sacrifices that redefine their destinies. "Trust is a luxury we can't afford here," Drave warns urgently, shadows lurking in his cryptic words. Through tough decisions and unexpected alliances, Nycresia and Drave navigate a world where hope flickers amidst overwhelming odds, driven by a quest for justice and freedom beyond the game's relentless trials. "Hold on, Arriane," Nycresia vows, her determination unwavering. "I will find you." *** "You drive me crazy, Cress." "You say that like it's a bad thing." "Careful, or I might start thinking you enjoy my company." "Oh please, I'd rather face a basilisk alone." "You wound me, Cress. Deeply." "Good. Keeps you on your toes." "You'll be the death of me." "Then I'll just have to give you mouth-to-mouth."

Perry_Works · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Rules of Engagement

As Nycresia, Arriane, and Drave emerged from the depths of the Mushroom Maze Forest, their minds were still reeling from the revelations about their family's legacy and the cosmic balance they were now tasked with restoring. The memory of Nycresia's vision, with its warning about the thinning veil and the need to go deeper into Hellbreak, weighed heavily on their minds.

Nycresia's thoughts drifted to the Elder Oak of Oakwood, its massive branches that had once stretched protectively over their village. She wondered how its power compared to the strange energies they now encountered in Hellbreak. The sisters exchanged a glance, their sibling bond of Spirit stronger than ever in the face of these new challenges.

As they walked, Nycresia reflected on their journey through the maze, the knowledge they had gained, and the lingering mystery of their true purpose here. She thought of Wyla's words: "The light of Oakwood dims, but your path leads to deeper roots. In the heart of chaos, you'll find balance. Remember, children - all things are connected."

"I swear," Nycresia grumbled, brushing spores from her jacket, "if I never see another bioluminescent fungus again, it'll be too soon."

Arriane, usually the picture of optimism, looked bedraggled and worn. "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to miss the wasteland. At least there, we knew what to expect."

Drave chuckled, seemingly unfazed by their arduous journey. "Oh, come now. Where's your sense of adventure? This is just the beginning of our grand tour through Hellbreak."

As they entered the sprawling chaos of the Reverie Camp, the sisters were overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells. Contenders from a hundred different areas milled about, some looking as lost and bewildered as they felt, others moving with purpose and confidence.

"Welcome to the Reverie Camp," Drave said, his voice a mix of familiarity and hidden amusement. "It's not much, but it's where we prepare for the Hunts."

Nycresia's eyes narrowed as she noticed Drave's wrist conspicuously covered by leather straps. What are you hiding, Drave?

As they made their way through the camp, Nycresia decided it was time for proper introductions. She stopped, turning to face Drave with a mix of wariness and curiosity.

"I realize we haven't had a chance for formal introductions," she said. "I'm Nycresia Kendall, and this is my sister, Arriane Kendall."

Drave's eyes twinkled with amusement. He bowed with a flourish, taking Arriane's hand and brushing his lips against it. "Enchanted, my lady," he said, before turning to Nycresia. "And it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my dear."

Nycresia rolled her eyes at his theatrics, but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at her lips. There was something oddly familiar about Drave, a sense of déjà vu she couldn't quite place.

Drave led them to a large tent near the edge of the camp. A weathered sign hung above the entrance: "Mira's Haven." Inside, the tent was surprisingly spacious. Mismatched tables and chairs were scattered about, and a makeshift bar stood at the far end. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of cooking food.

A tall, willowy woman with iridescent skin approached them, her smile warm but her eyes shrewd. "Drave Locklin, as I live and breathe. Back for another round of Hellbreak, are we?"

Drave bowed with a flourish. "Almira, my dear, you know I can't stay away. But today, I come bearing gifts." He gestured to Nycresia and Arriane. "Two lovely new contenders in desperate need of your hospitality."

After washing away the grime of their journey and changing into clean, if somewhat mismatched, clothes, the sisters felt remarkably refreshed. They returned to the main area of the tent, where Drave was lounging at a table, a mug of something steaming in front of him.

"Alright, Drave," Nycresia said, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Time for some answers. What exactly is Hellbreak, and how did we end up here?"

Drave's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Oh, do I? Perhaps I'm just a simple fool stumbling through like the rest of you."

Arriane stepped forward, her face bright with curiosity. "Come on, Drave, please tell us what you know. We're all in this together, right?"

Drave's expression softened slightly at Arriane's earnestness. "Fair enough, my lady. Hellbreak Conquest happens every seven years, lasting five. We're at the start of a new cycle."

He continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "These sigils," he gestured to their wrists, "they're our lifeline and our curse. They mark us as contenders, bind us to the game's rules, and... well, let's just say they measure more than you might think."

Nycresia noticed other contenders milling about, their sigils glowing in various colors. "What's with the different colors?"

"Ah, good eye, Cress," Drave nodded, his tone suggesting he was impressed despite himself. "The sigils come in different classifications. Green for newbies like you two. Blue for veterans who've survived at least one cycle. Red for those who've made it through multiple cycles or have proven themselves particularly... ruthless."

He paused, his eyes darting around the room before leaning in closer. "There are whispers of other colors too. Gold for those favored by the Enoch, black for those marked for death. But those are just rumors, mind you."

"And what color is yours, Drave?" Nycresia asked, eyeing his covered wrist suspiciously.

Drave's smile turned enigmatic. "Now that, my dear, is a story for another time."

He went on to explain about the seven-year cycles, the mysterious Enoch who watched and wagered on their fates, and the ever-changing nature of the Hunts. As he spoke, Nycresia noticed other contenders listening in, some nodding in agreement, others scoffing at Drave's explanations.

"Listen carefully," Drave said, his expression growing serious. "Hellbreak is a massive arena with portals to different realms. Each Hunt is a unique challenge – could be a maze, a wilderness survival test, even historic military campaigns. The only constant is that nothing is constant."

Arriane's eyes widened with a mix of fear and excitement. "And we have to... what? Kill each other?"

Drave shook his head, a cryptic smile playing on his lips. "Not necessarily, my lady. Sometimes yes, but often it's about surviving the challenge itself. The Overseers' Council changes the rules to keep us on our toes. It's all part of the fun."

As night fell, the eerie glow from the central structure cast long shadows across the camp. The trio found a quiet spot to rest, away from the main hustle of the Reverie Camp.

Nycresia sat apart from the others for a moment, staring at the sigil on her wrist. It pulsed gently, in time with her heartbeat, a constant reminder of their new reality. She felt a presence beside her and looked up to see Drave settling down next to her.

"Penny for your thoughts, my dear?" he asked softly, his usual bravado replaced by something that almost seemed genuine.

Nycresia sighed, wary of letting her guard down. "I'm just... trying to process all of this. Yesterday, we were just refugees trying to survive in Ibana. Now we're part of some cosmic game with our lives at stake. It's a lot to take in."

Drave nodded, his usual smirk replaced by a look of understanding that Nycresia couldn't quite trust. "I know, Cress. When I first ended up here, I felt the same way. Overwhelmed, out of my depth. But you know what I realized?"

Nycresia looked at him questioningly, a part of her warning not to fall for his act.

"That's exactly why we're here," Drave continued, his voice taking on a theatrical quality. "Hellbreak doesn't choose the easy path. It chooses those who have the potential to rise above, to face impossible odds and come out stronger. Or die trying, of course."

As they talked, Nycresia's mind wandered to the cloaked figure she'd glimpsed in the Mushroom Maze and during their escape to Ibana. She decided to probe further.

"Drave," she interrupted, her voice low, "what do you know about the Obsidian Veil?"

Drave's usual smirk faltered for a moment, his hand unconsciously reaching for the hidden necklace at his throat. "Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Why do you ask, Cress?"

Nycresia hesitated, then decided to trust her instincts. "We've encountered them before. They... they were responsible for the massacre at Oakwood. Our home."

Drave's expression grew somber. "I'm sorry to hear that, truly. The Obsidian Veil... they're players in this game too, but their role is complicated. They're after something bigger than just anima."

"What do you mean?" Arriane asked, joining the conversation.

Drave sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair. "Hellbreak is more than just a game, my lady. It's a complex system of power, energy, and balance. The Obsidian Veil, the Enoch, even us contenders - we're all part of a larger tapestry. The question is, who's really pulling the strings?"

As they drifted off to sleep, lulled by the distant sounds of the camp, Nycresia found her thoughts drifting to Drave. There's more to him than meets the eye. I need to figure out what he's hiding... and whether he's truly on our side.

The next morning, the trio set out to explore more of the Reverie Camp. They passed by training grounds where contenders honed their skills, marketplaces trading in exotic goods from a hundred worlds, and quiet corners where people sat in meditation or prayer.

"Look at that!" Arriane exclaimed, pointing to a group of contenders engaged in what looked like a magical duel. Bolts of energy crackled between them, illuminating the air with dazzling colors.

Drave nodded appreciatively. "Ah, yes. The Arcane Arena. Quite the spectacle, isn't it? Of course, I prefer a more... hands-on approach myself."

As they walked, Nycresia noticed the way other contenders reacted to Drave. Some nodded respectfully, others whispered behind their hands, and a few even scurried out of his way.

"You seem to have quite the reputation here, Drave," she observed. "Care to share why?"

Drave's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Oh, you know how it is, my dear. Win a few trials, outsmart a demon or two, and suddenly everyone thinks you're something special. I assure you, I'm just a humble rogue trying to make my way in this crazy world."

As they continued their tour, a commotion near the center of the camp caught their attention. A crowd had gathered around the base of the towering central structure.

Pushing their way through, they saw a figure in an elaborate kitsune mask standing on a raised platform. The mask seemed to shift and change, sometimes appearing vulpine, other times almost human.

"Contenders!" the masked figure called out, their voice resonating with otherworldly power. "The time has come. Prepare yourselves, for the first Hunt begins at dawn!"

A murmur rippled through the crowd, a mix of excitement and fear. Nycresia felt her heart racing, the reality of their situation hitting her anew.

"Well, ladies," Drave said, his usual smirk tinged with something darker. "Looks like it's showtime. Any last-minute advice you'd like? Maybe a crash course in demon-slaying or riddle-solving?"

As they talked, other contenders drifted by, some eyeing them warily, others with open curiosity. Nycresia caught snippets of conversation, piecing together more information about their situation.

"...heard the Crimson Wastes are particularly nasty this cycle..." "...better stock up on nullstone, the Void Pits are no joke..." "...wonder who'll make it to the Apex this time..."

Nycresia leaned in close to Arriane, her voice low. "We need to be careful. Some of these 'contenders' look like they'd stab us in the back as soon as they look at us."

Arriane nodded, her usual cheerfulness tempered by determination. "We'll watch out for each other, sis. That's what family does."

As night fell for the second time since their arrival, the Reverie Camp was abuzz with activity. Contenders made last-minute preparations, forged alliances, or sought moments of solace before the trials ahead.

The trio found themselves back at Mira's Haven, sharing what might be their last meal before the Hunt began. The atmosphere was tense, the usual chatter replaced by hushed whispers and nervous glances.

"So, any hints about what we might face tomorrow?" Nycresia asked Drave, her tone casual but her eyes sharp.

Drave leaned in, his voice low and conspiratorial. "Well, if I were a betting man – and I am – I'd say we're in for a real treat. Rumor has it the Overseers have cooked up something special for this cycle. Something... infernal."

Arriane's eyes widened. "Infernal? Like... hell?"

Drave's grin widened. "Oh, my lady, if only it were that simple. Hellbreak has a way of taking our deepest fears and wildest imaginings and making them oh so terribly real. But don't worry, I'm sure we'll all have a delightful time navigating whatever horrors await us."

As they finished their meal, a hush fell over the tent. Almira approached their table, her usual warm smile replaced by a look of solemn understanding.

"It's time," she said softly. "The Hunt begins at dawn. You should get some rest while you can."

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, a loud horn blared, signaling the imminent start of the Hunt. Contenders scrambled, gathering supplies and forming hasty alliances.

"Stay close," Drave urged, leading them towards a shimmering portal that had appeared at the edge of the camp. "I can't tell you exactly what's coming, but I've been through this before. Trust me... or don't. Your choice."

As they approached the portal, Nycresia caught Drave's eye. For a moment, the cocky facade dropped, revealing a vulnerability that made her breath catch. There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?

As they stepped through the shimmering portal, the world around them dissolved and reformed. The air grew thick and oppressive, filled with the acrid smell of brimstone and the distant echoes of tormented souls.

"The Inferno," Drave breathed, his hand unconsciously reaching for the hidden necklace at his throat. "Looks like our first trial is inspired by Dante's vision of Hell. How delightfully cliché."

Arriane shuddered, instinctively moving closer to Nycresia. "It'll be okay, right? We can do this together."

Nycresia squeezed her sister's hand, her eyes scanning the bleak landscape before them. "Together," she affirmed, even as doubt gnawed at her insides. She thought of their mother's final wish - to protect Arriane at all costs. Whatever lay ahead, Nycresia knew she had to keep her sister safe.

As they stood on the precipice of their first true trial in Hellbreak, Nycresia felt a mix of determination and fear. Whatever horrors awaited them in this twisted version of Dante's Inferno, they would face them as a team. But as she glanced at Drave's enigmatic smile and felt the weight of Arriane's trust, she couldn't help but wonder: In a game where the Obsidian Veil pulled strings from the shadows and even their allies held secrets, who could they truly trust?

As the Reverie Camp settled into an uneasy quiet, anticipation for the coming Hunt hung heavy in the air. Contenders made their final preparations, some forging alliances, others withdrawing into solitude. Amidst this buzz of activity, Drave Locklin stood apart, his hazel eyes scanning the scene with a mixture of amusement and calculation. The arrival of the Kendall sisters had added an unexpected element to his carefully laid plans. As he watched them from afar, a familiar conflict stirred within him – the thrill of the game warring with something deeper, more human. With a wry smile, Drave pushed aside these troublesome thoughts. The Hunt was about to begin, and he had a role to play.