
Hellbreak Conquest

In the harsh realm of "Hellbreak Conquest," Nycresia Kendall wakes to a world where survival means navigating deadly hunts and arcane trials. Driven by a solemn vow to find her missing sister, she reluctantly teams up with Drave Locklin, a charismatic yet mysterious rogue. "We need to outsmart this game," Drave insists amid the chaotic arena, his gaze intense and unreadable. Together, they face labyrinthine horrors and treacherous challenges, uncovering the game's dark truths alongside wary allies with their own motives. Amid betrayals and heart-wrenching losses, their exchanges reveal glimpses of vulnerability. "You drive me crazy, Cress," Drave admits with rare sincerity, his eyes softening in moments of respite. As they uncover cosmic conspiracies and confront formidable foes, Nycresia and Drave's bond deepens, forged by defiance against the game's brutal nature. In a climactic battle against the ancient malevolence of Malyvorn, they confront their deepest fears and make sacrifices that redefine their destinies. "Trust is a luxury we can't afford here," Drave warns urgently, shadows lurking in his cryptic words. Through tough decisions and unexpected alliances, Nycresia and Drave navigate a world where hope flickers amidst overwhelming odds, driven by a quest for justice and freedom beyond the game's relentless trials. "Hold on, Arriane," Nycresia vows, her determination unwavering. "I will find you." *** "You drive me crazy, Cress." "You say that like it's a bad thing." "Careful, or I might start thinking you enjoy my company." "Oh please, I'd rather face a basilisk alone." "You wound me, Cress. Deeply." "Good. Keeps you on your toes." "You'll be the death of me." "Then I'll just have to give you mouth-to-mouth."

Perry_Works · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Fourth Circle: Greed - "The Weight of Wealth"

The shimmering transition from the putrid realm of Gluttony faded, revealing a vast cavern stretching as far as the eye could see. Nycresia, Arriane, and Drave found themselves standing atop a small hill composed entirely of gold coins, precious gems, and priceless artifacts. The wealth of ages lay scattered about them, glittering enticingly in the dim, otherworldly light that seemed to emanate from the very walls of the cavern.

Drave's eyes widened, a familiar spark of avarice flickering across his face before he caught himself. "The circle of Greed," he muttered, his hand unconsciously moving towards a nearby pile of rubies. For a moment, his expression clouded with a mixture of longing and pain, as if the sight had triggered some deeply buried memory.

Nycresia gently caught his wrist, her touch firm but cautious. "Careful," she warned softly. "Remember Gluttony. This wealth isn't meant for us." As she spoke, she couldn't help but notice the way Drave's body tensed at her touch, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his face before his usual mask of nonchalance slipped back into place.

Arriane snorted, kicking at a golden chalice near her feet. "As if I'd want any of this gaudy rubbish anyway. But it is pretty to look at, isn't it?" Her cheerful tone belied a hint of strain in her eyes, as if the oppressive atmosphere of greed was beginning to weigh on even her optimistic spirit.

As they began to pick their way across the treacherous landscape, they noticed other souls engaged in a bizarre, endless struggle. Two groups, each pushing massive weights made of solid gold, would clash in the center of the cavern before turning and starting the process anew.

"The hoarders and the spendthrifts," Drave explained, his voice hushed with a mix of awe and amusement. "Condemned to eternally battle each other with the very wealth they misused in life. Poetic justice, wouldn't you say?" There was an odd note in his voice, almost as if he were speaking from personal experience rather than mere observation.

They had barely taken a dozen steps when the ground beneath them began to shift. Coins slipped and slid, creating miniature avalanches of treasure. Nycresia stumbled, nearly falling before Drave caught her arm, steadying her.

"Thanks," she murmured, acutely aware of his strong grip and the warmth of his hand through her sleeve. She quickly pulled away from Drave's grasp, her wariness overriding any fleeting feelings of comfort. "We need to find stable ground," she said, scanning the treacherous landscape of shifting wealth.

As she spoke, Nycresia caught a glimpse of movement in her peripheral vision. A shadowy figure, hooded and cloaked, seemed to be observing them from atop a distant pile of treasure. When she turned to look directly at it, the figure vanished, leaving her to wonder if it had been real or merely a trick of the strange, shimmering light.

Arriane's cheerful voice cut through the tension. "Look there!" She pointed to a series of larger, flatter objects – ornate shields, massive platters, and oversized coins – forming a haphazard path through the sea of treasure. "We could use those as stepping stones."

Drave's eyes gleamed with interest, a sly smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Clever girl. Though I wonder... what price might we pay for treading on such opulence?" As he spoke, his hand unconsciously moved to touch something hidden beneath his shirt – a gesture Nycresia had noticed several times before but had yet to understand.

As they carefully made their way across the precarious path, the air grew thick with whispers. Promises of power, of desires fulfilled, seemed to emanate from the very coins beneath their feet. Nycresia gritted her teeth, fighting the urge to pocket just one small gem, one tiny token of the wealth surrounding them. The temptation was almost overwhelming, bringing to mind memories of lean times in Oakwood, of watching her neighbors struggle with poverty while the wealthy lived in comfort.

"Stay focused," she muttered, as much to herself as to her companions. "Remember, Hellbreak's trials are never what they seem."

Suddenly, a booming voice echoed through the cavern, causing cascades of treasure to rain down around them. "CONTENDERS! PROVE YOUR WORTH BY GATHERING THE GREATEST WEALTH. ONLY THE RICHEST SHALL PASS!"

Arriane's brow furrowed in confusion. "But... I thought we weren't supposed to take anything?"

Drave chuckled, a note of condescension in his voice. "Ah, but defining 'wealth' is the true challenge here, isn't it? What do you think, dear Nycresia? Shall we interpret this literally, or is there more to consider?" His words carried a weight of experience that seemed at odds with his youthful appearance, hinting at a depth of knowledge that both intrigued and unnerved Nycresia.

Nycresia paused, her mind racing. The unpredictable nature of Hellbreak's trials gnawed at her confidence, but she forced herself to think clearly. "We need to be careful," she said slowly. "Greed isn't just about gold. It's about... wanting more than you need, at the expense of others."

As she spoke, the landscape around them began to shift. The piles of treasure rearranged themselves, forming intricate mazes and treacherous pitfalls. In the distance, they could see other contenders frantically gathering as much wealth as they could carry, only to sink deeper into the shifting sea of riches.

"Look," Arriane whispered, pointing to a group nearby. "They're turning on each other."

Indeed, what had started as a team of contenders was now a snarling, fighting mass of greed incarnate. They clawed at each other's wealth, blind to the fact that their selfish actions were causing them to sink further into the abyss.

Drave watched the scene with a mix of fascination and disdain. "How predictable. Give people a taste of wealth, and they'll tear each other apart for more." There was a bitterness in his voice that spoke of personal experience, a hint of past pain that he quickly masked with his usual sardonic smile.

Nycresia shot him a sharp look. "And you're above all that, are you?"

A shadow passed over Drave's face, gone so quickly Nycresia almost thought she'd imagined it. "Let's just say I've learned the hard way that some prizes aren't worth the cost." For a moment, his carefully constructed facade cracked, revealing a glimpse of deep-seated guilt and regret.

Before she could press him further, the ground beneath them lurched. The flat objects they'd been using as stepping stones began to sink, forcing them to move quickly or be swallowed by the sea of treasure.

"We need a plan," Arriane said, her usual cheer strained by the tension of their situation. "We can't just keep running forever."

Nycresia nodded, her mind racing. "The voice said we need to gather the greatest wealth. But what if... what if the real wealth isn't something we can hold in our hands?"

Drave raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "Go on."

"Think about it," Nycresia continued, warming to her theory. "Every circle we've faced has had a twist, a hidden meaning. What if the wealth we're supposed to gather is something intangible?"

As she spoke, she noticed a change in the cavern around them. The whispers of temptation grew fainter, and the ground beneath their feet seemed to stabilize slightly. In the distance, she caught another glimpse of the hooded figure, this time nodding almost imperceptibly before vanishing once more.

Arriane's eyes lit up with understanding. "Like knowledge? Or friendship?"

"Or the bonds we've formed on this journey," Nycresia added, glancing at Drave. Despite her lingering suspicions about him, she couldn't deny that his presence had been crucial to their survival so far.

Drave's expression was unreadable, but there was a new tension in his shoulders. "A lovely sentiment," he said, his tone carefully neutral. "But how do we translate that into passing this trial?" As he spoke, his hand once again moved to touch the hidden object beneath his shirt, a gesture that seemed almost unconscious.

As if in answer to his question, a new path began to form before them. Unlike the treacherous, shifting landscape of treasure, this path was composed of simple, unadorned stones. It led towards a distant archway that pulsed with ethereal energy – clearly their way forward.

"I think we just did," Nycresia said softly.

They set off down the new path, each lost in their own thoughts. As they walked, Nycresia couldn't help but notice the way other contenders reacted to their progress. Some called out to them, begging for help or offering alliances. Others hurled insults or tried to block their path, unwilling to believe that the key to success might lie in abandoning the pursuit of material wealth.

The psychological toll of their journey was becoming increasingly apparent. Arriane's usual cheerful demeanor was strained, her optimism tested by the relentless challenges and the suffering they'd witnessed. Drave's mask of confident nonchalance slipped more frequently, revealing flashes of vulnerability and inner conflict. Nycresia herself felt the weight of responsibility, the constant need to stay alert and make the right decisions wearing on her resolve.

About halfway to the archway, they encountered a particularly aggressive group of contenders. Led by a burly man with a wild gleam in his eyes, they blocked the path, brandishing makeshift weapons forged from the treasure around them.

"Turn back," the leader snarled. "This is our way out. We've earned it with our wealth."

Nycresia stepped forward, her hands raised in a placating gesture. "There's room for all of us," she said calmly. "The path is wide enough. Why fight when we can help each other?"

The man hesitated, clearly thrown by her lack of aggression. In that moment of uncertainty, Arriane spoke up.

"Look at yourselves," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "Look at what this greed has done to you. Is this really the 'wealth' you want to take with you?"

Something in her words seemed to reach the group. The leader's grip on his golden weapon loosened, and the wild look in his eyes faded, replaced by confusion and a hint of shame.

Drave, who had remained uncharacteristically silent during the confrontation, suddenly stepped forward. "The true test here isn't about how much you can gather," he said, his voice carrying an authority that surprised Nycresia. "It's about what you're willing to let go of."

As he spoke, the air around them seemed to shimmer, and for a brief moment, Nycresia thought she saw the cavern transform. Instead of piles of gold and jewels, she saw memories – moments of kindness, acts of selflessness, bonds of friendship and love. The vision faded as quickly as it had appeared, leaving her wondering if it had been real or merely a product of her strained mind.

With those words, the tension broke. The group stepped aside, some even offering murmured apologies as Nycresia, Arriane, and Drave passed.

As they neared the archway, Nycresia felt a weight lifting from her shoulders. The whispers of temptation that had plagued them since entering the circle faded away entirely, replaced by a sense of clarity and purpose.

"We did it," Arriane said, a note of wonder in her voice. "We actually figured it out."

Drave nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Indeed. Though I can't help but wonder if we've missed an opportunity for some... material advantages."

Nycresia shot him a sharp look, but there was a teasing glint in his eye that softened her response. "Always the schemer, aren't you? Come on, let's go before this place tries to tempt us again."

As they approached the archway, Nycresia couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. High above, barely visible in the shadows of the cavern's ceiling, she caught a glimpse of dark, hooded figures – someone whose identity is obscured, no doubt observing their progress.

"I hope we've provided suitable entertainment," she muttered under her breath, a mix of defiance and unease churning in her stomach.

Just before they stepped through the archway, Drave paused. "You know," he said, his voice uncharacteristically serious, "you handled that rather well, Cress. Your insight... it was impressive."

Nycresia met his gaze, searching for any hint of mockery or deception. Finding none, she allowed herself a small smile. "Thanks. Though I have to admit, your little speech back there wasn't bad either. You almost sounded like you believed it."

A shadow passed over Drave's face, gone so quickly Nycresia almost thought she'd imagined it. "Perhaps I did," he said softly. "Perhaps I did." For a moment, his carefully constructed facade cracked, revealing a glimpse of genuine emotion – regret, hope, and something else Nycresia couldn't quite identify.

Before she could press him further, the archway flared to life. With a shared nod of resolve, the trio stepped through, leaving the glittering wealth of the Fourth Circle behind.

As the world shimmered and reformed around them, preparing them for the challenges of the Fifth Circle, Nycresia couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between them. They had faced the temptations of Greed and emerged stronger, not just individually but as a team.

Yet questions still lingered. What other secrets was Drave hiding? How would their newfound unity be tested in the trials to come? And always, in the back of her mind, the ultimate question remained: what awaited them at the end of Hellbreak, and would they be prepared to face it?

The psychological toll of their journey weighed heavily on each of them. Nycresia felt the burden of leadership, the constant need to stay strong for her sister and make the right decisions. Arriane's optimism had been tested, her cheerful exterior hiding a growing fear of what lay ahead. And Drave... Drave remained an enigma, his mask occasionally slipping to reveal depths of pain and knowledge that hinted at a past far more complex than he let on.

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Nycresia steeled herself for whatever the Fifth Circle might bring. They had conquered Limbo's riddles, Lust's tempests, Gluttony's revolting trials, and now Greed's seductive whispers. Whatever came next, she was determined to face it head-on, with her sister by her side and their enigmatic companion adding his own unpredictable element to their journey.

As they stepped into the unknown territory of the Fifth Circle, the air around them seemed to pulse with unseen energy. The challenges ahead would test not just their physical strength and cunning, but the very bonds they had formed. In the distance, barely visible through the shimmering air, Nycresia thought she saw another hooded figure watching their progress. It raised a hand in what might have been a gesture of warning or encouragement before fading from view, leaving her to wonder about the true nature of the forces guiding their journey through Hellbreak.

The Fifth Circle awaited, and with it, new challenges, new revelations, and perhaps, new understandings of themselves and each other. The weight of wealth they carried now was not gold or jewels, but the intangible riches of trust, friendship, and shared purpose – a wealth that would be tested in ways they had yet to imagine.