
Hellbreak Conquest

In the harsh realm of "Hellbreak Conquest," Nycresia Kendall wakes to a world where survival means navigating deadly hunts and arcane trials. Driven by a solemn vow to find her missing sister, she reluctantly teams up with Drave Locklin, a charismatic yet mysterious rogue. "We need to outsmart this game," Drave insists amid the chaotic arena, his gaze intense and unreadable. Together, they face labyrinthine horrors and treacherous challenges, uncovering the game's dark truths alongside wary allies with their own motives. Amid betrayals and heart-wrenching losses, their exchanges reveal glimpses of vulnerability. "You drive me crazy, Cress," Drave admits with rare sincerity, his eyes softening in moments of respite. As they uncover cosmic conspiracies and confront formidable foes, Nycresia and Drave's bond deepens, forged by defiance against the game's brutal nature. In a climactic battle against the ancient malevolence of Malyvorn, they confront their deepest fears and make sacrifices that redefine their destinies. "Trust is a luxury we can't afford here," Drave warns urgently, shadows lurking in his cryptic words. Through tough decisions and unexpected alliances, Nycresia and Drave navigate a world where hope flickers amidst overwhelming odds, driven by a quest for justice and freedom beyond the game's relentless trials. "Hold on, Arriane," Nycresia vows, her determination unwavering. "I will find you." *** "You drive me crazy, Cress." "You say that like it's a bad thing." "Careful, or I might start thinking you enjoy my company." "Oh please, I'd rather face a basilisk alone." "You wound me, Cress. Deeply." "Good. Keeps you on your toes." "You'll be the death of me." "Then I'll just have to give you mouth-to-mouth."

Perry_Works · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: First Circle: Limbo - "Riddles in the Twilight"

The shimmering portal before them pulsed with otherworldly energy, a gateway to the unknown trials of Hellbreak. Tendrils of iridescent light writhed and danced around its edges, casting eerie, ever-shifting shadows across the faces of Nycresia, Arriane, and Drave. The air crackled with an electric tension, raising goosebumps on their skin and setting their nerves on edge.

Nycresia exchanged a determined glance with Arriane, their sibling bond palpable in the subtle nod they shared. Her fingers unconsciously traced the outline of her sigil, its gentle warmth a comforting anchor amidst the uncertainty. Arriane's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and trepidation, her breath coming in quick, shallow gasps that betrayed her nervous energy.

Drave stood slightly apart, his usual smirk tinged with an anticipation that seemed almost predatory. His hand brushed casually against the hidden necklace beneath his shirt, the cold metal of the pendant a stark reminder of the secrets he carried. For a fleeting moment, his carefully constructed facade slipped, revealing a glimpse of the conflicted man beneath – haunted by memories of a simpler past and burdened by the weight of cosmic knowledge.

As they stepped through the portal together, the familiar world of the Reverie Camp fell away in a dizzying swirl of color and sensation. The oppressive heat and acrid smell of brimstone they had expected were conspicuously absent. Instead, the air grew heavy with an oppressive stillness that seemed to press down on their very souls, muffling sound and thought alike.

They found themselves in a vast, twilight realm - neither light nor dark, but caught in an eternal state of in-between. The sky above was a canvas of muted purples and grays, with no sun or stars visible to mark the passage of time. An eerie, diffuse light seemed to emanate from everywhere and nowhere at once, casting no shadows and adding to the surreal atmosphere.

"Limbo," Drave announced, his voice carrying a hint of amusement that didn't quite reach his eyes. "The first circle of Hell. How delightfully predictable." His tone was light, but there was an undercurrent of tension in the set of his shoulders, a coiled readiness that belied his casual demeanor.

Nycresia scanned the area, taking in the bleak landscape with sharp, analytical eyes. Rolling hills of muted gray stretched as far as the eye could see, their featureless slopes broken only by the occasional twisted, leafless tree. These gnarled sentinels stood like silent watchers, their bare branches reaching towards the colorless sky in a silent plea.

In the distance, she could make out the silhouettes of massive structures - ancient ruins of some long-forgotten civilization. Crumbling towers and broken arches loomed on the horizon, their impossibly vast scale defying rational comprehension. As she watched, the ruins seemed to shift and change, rearranging themselves in subtle ways that made her question her own perception.

"What now?" Arriane asked, her voice barely above a whisper but tinged with an excitement she couldn't fully suppress. Her eyes darted from the shifting ruins to the twisted trees, drinking in every detail of this alien landscape.

Drave shrugged nonchalantly, but his eyes gleamed with a knowing light. "Oh, you know, the usual. Solve some riddles, face our deepest fears, maybe have a picnic if we have time." His eyes twinkled with mischief, betraying no hint of the strategic calculations running through his mind.

Before they could discuss further, the air before them shimmered and coalesced. A figure materialized, its form becoming more solid with each passing moment. Tall and regal, clad in a toga that seemed to be woven from starlight itself, the spirit regarded them with eyes that held the wisdom of ages. His form was translucent, shimmering slightly in the twilight, edges blurring and shifting as if he wasn't fully anchored to this reality.

"Greetings, travelers," the spirit intoned, his voice echoing despite the stillness of the air. It reverberated not just in their ears, but seemed to resonate within their very bones. "I am Virgil, your guide through this realm. To progress, you must answer three riddles. But be warned - a wrong answer may cost you dearly."

As he spoke, the landscape around them subtly shifted. The twisted trees seemed to lean in closer, their branches creaking ominously. The ground beneath their feet became less solid, as if threatening to give way at any moment. The very air grew thicker, making each breath a conscious effort.

Nycresia stepped forward, her protective instincts kicking in despite her uncertainty. She could feel the weight of her sigil on her wrist, pulsing gently as if in response to the challenge ahead. "We're ready," she declared, hoping her voice sounded more confident than she felt. "What's the first riddle?"

As Virgil's first riddle hung in the air, the oppressive atmosphere of Limbo seemed to close in around them. The air around him shimmered with arcane energy as he prepared to deliver the first challenge. The trio tensed, each acutely aware that their journey through Hellbreak had truly begun, and that every choice, every answer, could have far-reaching consequences they couldn't begin to imagine. The stakes were set, the game was in motion, and the true test of their wits, courage, and hidden agendas was about to unfold in this twilight realm of endless gray.

Virgil nodded approvingly, a ghostly smile playing across his lips. "Very well. Here is your first challenge:

In silence, I am heard.

In darkness, I am seen.

Where nothing dwells, I am found.

In emptiness, I am full.

What am I?"

As the words faded into the heavy air, the trio exchanged glances, their minds racing. Nycresia furrowed her brow, her fingers absently tracing the outline of her sigil as she tried to decipher the cryptic words. The weight of leadership pressed down on her, each second of indecision feeling like an eternity.

Drave leaned against a twisted tree, looking completely at ease. The gnarled bark seemed to shift beneath his touch, but he paid it no mind. "Well, ladies, any thoughts? Personally, I'm considering taking a nap. These riddles always make me a bit drowsy." His tone was light, but his eyes darted between his companions, analyzing their reactions with keen interest.

Arriane shot him an exasperated look before turning back to the puzzle. Her excitement had given way to intense concentration, her earlier nervousness channeled into problem-solving energy. "Silence... darkness... nothing... emptiness..." she muttered, piecing the clues together. Her hands moved as she spoke, as if trying to physically grasp the abstract concepts.

The landscape around them seemed to respond to their contemplation. Shadows deepened in the hollows between the hills, and the air grew even more still, as if Limbo itself was holding its breath in anticipation of their answer.

Suddenly, Nycresia's eyes widened, a spark of realization cutting through her doubt. "Echo!" she exclaimed, her voice ringing out with surprising clarity in the oppressive silence. "The answer is echo. It's heard in silence, seen in darkness as a reflection of sound, found where nothing dwells, and fills emptiness with sound."

As soon as the word left her lips, a ripple seemed to pass through the fabric of Limbo. The twisted trees shuddered, their branches creaking in a nonexistent wind. For a moment, the group could hear their own voices echoing back at them from impossible distances, creating a disorienting cacophony before fading back into silence.

Virgil's smile widened, a ghostly expression that sent shivers down their spines. His form seemed to grow more substantial, the starlight of his toga burning brighter. "Correct. You have passed the first test."

Drave clapped slowly, his smirk firmly in place. "Bravo, Cress. And here I thought we'd be stuck in Limbo forever. How disappointing." Despite his flippant words, there was a calculating gleam in his eye, as if he were filing away every detail of their interaction for future reference.

Nycresia felt a mixture of relief and wariness wash over her. They had passed the first test, but she couldn't shake the feeling that each challenge would bring them closer to some unseen danger. She glanced at Drave, noting the subtle tension in his posture that belied his casual demeanor. What game was he really playing?

Virgil's expression grew serious once more, his ethereal form seeming to loom larger as he prepared to deliver the next riddle. The air around them thickened, charged with anticipation and the faint whispers of forgotten souls.

"Your second riddle," Virgil intoned, his voice resonating with otherworldly power:

"I am the beginning of the end,

and the end of time and space.

I am essential to creation,

and I surround every place.

What am I?"

As the words hung in the air, the landscape of Limbo began to subtly shift once more. The featureless gray hills in the distance seemed to rearrange themselves, forming patterns that hinted at letters and symbols before dissolving back into formless terrain. The twisted trees creaked and groaned, their branches spelling out fleeting words in an indecipherable language.

The pressure to solve this new puzzle was palpable, each member of the trio acutely aware that their progress – and perhaps their very survival – hinged on unraveling these cryptic clues.

This time, it was Arriane who spoke up, her face scrunched in concentration. The initial excitement that had carried her through the portal had been replaced by a laser-like focus. Her fingers twitched, as if trying to physically grasp the elusive answer.

"The beginning of 'end', the end of 'time' and 'space'..." she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. The oppressive silence of Limbo seemed to amplify her words, sending them echoing back in distorted whispers. "Essential to 'creation'... surrounds every 'place'..."

As Arriane worked through the puzzle aloud, the environment around them continued to shift and change. The muted colors of the landscape began to pulse rhythmically, like a visual representation of her thought process. In the distance, the ruins seemed to rearrange themselves, forming giant, indistinct letters that shimmered and faded before they could be fully grasped.

Nycresia watched her sister intently, ready to offer support but holding back, knowing this was Arriane's moment. She could feel the weight of her sigil growing heavier, as if responding to the challenge at hand.

Drave, for his part, maintained his air of casual disinterest, but his eyes never left Arriane. There was a glimmer of something – respect, perhaps, or calculation – in his gaze as he observed her working through the riddle.

Suddenly, Arriane's eyes lit up, a spark of realization cutting through the gloom of Limbo. "It's the letter 'E'!" she exclaimed, her voice ringing out with certainty. "The answer is 'E'!"

The moment the word left her lips, a ripple of energy pulsed through the twilight realm. The twisted trees shuddered, their branches seeming to form the letter 'E' for a fleeting moment before returning to their gnarled shapes. The distant ruins glowed faintly, pulsing in a pattern that echoed Arriane's revelation.

Virgil nodded, his form seeming to grow more substantial with each correct answer. "Indeed. Your wisdom serves you well."

A look of pride and relief washed over Arriane's face, quickly followed by a renewed determination. She glanced at Nycresia, sharing a moment of silent communication – they were in this together, each contributing their strengths to the challenges ahead.

Drave yawned theatrically, stretching his arms above his head. "Oh, are we still doing this? I thought we'd moved on to more exciting things by now. Like watching grass grow. Oh wait, no grass here. Pity." Despite his flippant words, there was a new tension in his posture, a predatory readiness that belied his casual demeanor.

Nycresia rolled her eyes at Drave's antics, but she couldn't help feeling a twinge of amusement – and suspicion. His carefree attitude was oddly comforting in this eerie realm, but she couldn't shake the feeling that it was just another mask, hiding deeper motives and knowledge.

As if sensing the shifting dynamics within the group, the landscape of Limbo began to change once more. The rolling hills in the distance grew steeper, more ominous. The twisted trees seemed to lean in closer, their branches reaching out like grasping fingers. The air grew thicker, filled with whispers just below the threshold of hearing.

Virgil's form seemed to grow more substantial, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light that cast long, shifting shadows across the gray terrain. When he spoke again, his voice carried a weight that pressed down on them, a reminder of the gravity of their situation.

"And now, your final challenge."

The trio tensed, each feeling the weight of this moment. They had come this far, but the real test was yet to come. Nycresia's hand unconsciously moved to her sigil, drawing strength from its familiar warmth. Arriane's earlier triumph gave way to nervous anticipation, her mind already racing to prepare for the next puzzle. And Drave, for all his apparent nonchalance, stood a little straighter, his eyes sharp and focused on Virgil.

The air around them seemed to vibrate with potential energy as Virgil delivered the final riddle:

"I have cities, but no houses.

I have mountains, but no trees.

I have water, but no fish.

I have roads, but no cars.

I have land, but no grass.

I am flat, yet I have peaks.

I am colorful, yet I have no paint.

What am I?"

As the words faded into the oppressive stillness of Limbo, the challenge hung heavy in the air. The landscape itself seemed to hold its breath, waiting to see how the travelers would fare against this final test.

Drave's eyebrows rose slightly, the first sign of genuine interest he'd shown. "Now that's more like it. A proper brain-teaser." His voice carried a hint of excitement that hadn't been present before, a crack in his carefully maintained facade of indifference.

Nycresia and Arriane huddled together, their voices low as they dissected the riddle. The twisted trees around them seemed to lean in, their gnarled branches creaking as if straining to hear the sisters' whispered debate.

"Cities without houses... mountains without trees..." Nycresia muttered, her brow furrowed in concentration. The sigil on her wrist pulsed gently, as if encouraging her thoughts.

"Water but no fish, roads but no cars," Arriane added, her earlier confidence tempered by the complexity of this final challenge. Her fingers traced invisible patterns in the air as she tried to visualize the puzzle.

Drave watched them with an amused expression, occasionally offering unhelpful suggestions like "A very boring amusement park?" or "The inside of my head on a Tuesday morning?" Despite his flippant tone, his eyes were sharp, taking in every detail of their problem-solving process.

As the sisters debated, the landscape of Limbo continued its subtle, unsettling transformations. The distant ruins shifted and reformed, sometimes resembling sprawling cities, other times becoming jagged mountain ranges. The ground beneath their feet rippled like water, though it remained solid. Ghostly roads appeared and disappeared in the muted gray hills, leading nowhere and everywhere at once.

Nycresia's mind raced, flashing back to their journey through the Mushroom Maze Forest. The way the landscape had shifted and changed, revealing hidden paths and connections. There was something familiar about this riddle, something that resonated with her experiences and instincts as a leader.

"Wait," she said slowly, her voice cutting through the eerie silence. "I think I've got it."

Arriane and Drave turned to her, their expressions a mix of anticipation and curiosity. Even Virgil's ethereal form seemed to lean forward slightly, his starlight toga shimmering with increased intensity.

Nycresia took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. She turned to Virgil, her voice firm despite her racing heart. "A map. The answer is a map."

The moment the words left her mouth, the very fabric of Limbo seemed to shudder. The gray hills melted away like mist, revealing a vast, intricate map etched into the ground beneath their feet. Cities, mountains, roads, and bodies of water sprawled out in every direction, a cartographer's dream made reality.

The air around them began to shift and change. The oppressive stillness gave way to a cold wind that carried whispers of challenges yet to come. The colorless landscape of Limbo began to recede, revealing a path that led deeper into the Inferno. In the distance, they could make out the faint outline of what looked like massive gates, marking the boundary to the next circle.

Virgil bowed low, his form already beginning to fade. His voice echoed around them, growing fainter with each word: "You have proven your wisdom. Proceed, but be warned - the challenges only grow more difficult from here."

As the spirit vanished entirely, Nycresia couldn't help but feel a sense of unease mixed with her triumph. They had passed this test, but what horrors awaited them in the circles to come?

Drave sauntered over, looking utterly unfazed by the dramatic transformation of their surroundings. "Well, that was a delightful warm-up. I do so love a good riddle game. Shall we proceed to the main event?" He gestured dramatically towards the newly revealed path, his smirk firmly in place.

Nycresia shot him a wary glance, unable to shake the feeling that there was more to Drave than met the eye. "You could have helped, you know. I'm sure you knew the answers."

Drave's eyes twinkled with mischief, but there was a calculating depth behind his playful exterior. "My dear Cress, where would be the fun in that? Besides, you two seemed to have it well in hand. I was simply here for moral support and witty commentary."

As they ventured deeper into the Inferno, following the newly revealed path, Nycresia couldn't shake the feeling that Drave was playing his own game within the game of Hellbreak. His knowledge, his hidden necklace, the way other contenders had reacted to him back at the Reverie Camp - it all pointed to secrets he wasn't sharing.

The path led them through a landscape that seemed to constantly shift and change, a visual representation of the challenges that lay ahead. One moment they were walking through a misty forest of pale, ghostly trees, the next they found themselves crossing a barren plain of ash and stone. The air grew colder, a stark contrast to the oppressive stillness of before, carrying with it the faint sounds of distant wails and lamentations.