
Hellbound Loverboy

Once every Millennia a strange affliction is spread across Hell where only the sinners of lust are effected. Once it's over the denizens usually go back to their lives but this time around Charlie wants to celebrate the passing of the vicious week-long cycle but she'll need help. Unfortunately Alastor is too busy avoiding the "events" of the cycle so she ends up enlisting the help of a mysterious blue deer demoness coordinator who shockingly looks a lot like Alastor. Who is this lady and will she be able to make Charlie's vision a success while also fighting off a very...frisky Radio Demon?

AnjieKun · Autres
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18 Chs

Chapter 1: The Cycle begins

The streets of Pentegram City looked like it was the coming of Cathulu! Denizens were found getting roughly intimate with each other even starting random orgies like mindless animals, while others who didn't partake just walked on, minding their business like nothing was happening. What the fuck was going on? Well thankfully the 666 News was playing on every screen in Hell giving out every detail of the event.

"Well folks it seems to be quite active on Hell's streets." Said a cheerful Katy Killjoy with her gigantic fake smile.

Tom Trench then spoke with similar gusto. "That's right Katy! All over citizens are getting down and dirty with a sudden case of Lustlorne fever!"

"As confirmed by the king himself..." Katy informed as a picture of Lucifer showed up on the screen. "...the seven- day-long cycle that effects the mortal souls of lust--known as the Lustlorne cycle--has reared its ugly head this era and many have already fallen victim to its influence." When the close up of anchordemoness went back out Tom was no longer in his seat. Katy then poured boiling hot coffee onto the floor in front of her lap causing a shrill scream to erupt from under the table. Tom stood from the space between his news partner's legs and gracefully slid back into his seat as he dripped with coffee.

"Heh-heh! Seems to be getting to me as well!" He chuckled painfully while Katy continued smiling without faulter. She then continued the newscast. "To everyone who's pussying out of the affair you might want to stay in doors and away from any backrooms or alleyways, the next six days are gonna get steamy and violent." The mantis-like demoness said sinisterly with an ominous squint of her large red insect eyes.

Tom then continued as he descreetly nursed his broken pride. "So stay safe and away from any moaning and screaming [unless you're into that] and stay tuned for more updates this morning on 666 News!" Soon after that statement Tom dropped to the floor rolling around and crying like a bitch from the throbbing pain of the still burning coffee while Katy just continued smiling. "OH GOD IT BURNS! *SOB*" Just then the camera shut off and cut to intermission.

Husk heard enough of the news to understand the bulk of the situation as he wiped a glass clean with a cloth. All the while he ignored the swarms of demons crowding his bar as well as the rest of the hotel lobby. He served the bastards their alchohol and ignored the frisky couples and groups while also growling and shooting angry looks towards those stupid enough to try doing it on his bar counter. Niffty darted around cleaning the hotel lobby spotless even sweeping some of the guests with her duster oblivious to the sexual misconduct. She squeezed and ducked under guests and found her way around the lobby easily enough getting every nook and cranny of the hotel lounge, however she was being more thorough than usual.

At first Husk paid no mind to it until the seemingly weak little bug effortlessly lifted the entire bar and swept her feather duster underneath it making all the filthy patrons that fornicated on it tumble off and land painfully onto the hard floor. This was the point where Husk got concerned. "Uh Nif what're you doing?" He asked. The sweet little cyclops just giggled and responded happily as if the question was a funny joke. "Tee-hee! I'm cleaning silly!" She then dropped the bar and continued her work elsewhere but close enough to hear her coworker.

"Yeah but why are ya cleaning so much more than usual?" He clarified. "Charlie asked me to for the party!" She answered honestly while still dusting. The grumpy chimera growled at this as his paw slide down his face. Of course this was about that shitty party that Charlie wanted to throw. A once in a living mortal lifetime event that causes sinners to fuck like angry jack rabbits, and gradually become more vicious and violent every day until the cycle ends is not something to celebrate in his oppinion. What the fuck kind of rainbow-fucking-fairyland was that bitch living in? 'Next thing you know she's gonna wanna have parties for the exterminations.' He thought as he took a swig of cheap booze.

"Husk!" Called an irritated Vaggie from the front desk. "Where the fuck is Alastor? These shits are infesting the place like rats!" She yelled while a rat demon scowled in offense and left the scene. "I dunno where that fucker is I ain't his keeper!" He yelled back. After another swig Husk then served another patron before turning back to the moth bitch. "Ask that slut to help you!" He said. "Angel's at the studio for work dumbass!" Vaggie responded. "Oi! Could I get some service ere'?" Called a demon with two succubi on either arm. Vaggie growled and strained emencely to repeat what she had been telling people all morning. "For the last time this is not--THAT KIND OF HOTEL!" Vaggie scared off the threesome with her most demonic face showing all her anger and annoyance.

This was the worst millennial cycle ever. It would probably get worse going forward but once it was over Hell would eventually go back to its normal chaos and the hotel would be as partially empty as it was before. Ever since Lustlorne began Angel Dust became more absent as well as Alastor; Angel because Valentino wanted him for work at the studio and Alastor because he was uncomfortable being around such debauchery and, would only come downstairs to help when most of the hoard of horny demons were either settled in their hotel rooms or gone from sight.

Vaggie was stuck at the check-in counter telling people to fuck off while Charlie was struggling to hand out flyers for their Lustlorne Afterglow Celebration. The princess figured she could try to use the opportunity to inform guests about it but so far she's been pushed away [figuratively and literally], ignored, and any who did take the flyers just used it for some menial prop like toilet paper or a makeshift dubbie. The poor girls really could've used some help dealing with these animals but the only other help they had was either busy or absent not to mention they still had to plan the party but no one seemed to give a damn, as always.


Outside in the streets a sad looking blue deer demoness wandered around aimlessly eyes fixed to the ground and clutching desperately on a staff- a radio staff that was blue in color. The demon appeared to be a blue haired version of Alastor with lighter accents and a more timid persona. She seemed lost, confused, and frightened of her loud unpredictable surroundings. She felt like prey put on a platter for potentially hungry lions. She wanted to ask for help but she was too scared, besides she had a feeling she wouldn't get any when everyone was either too busy not giving a shit, having sex, or filming others having sex. She didn't mind the sight of fornication but now wasn't the time to be fantasizing. "Oh...I-I hope I c-can f-find it." She mumbled a stutter as she walked on. She avoided the ruffians and shady characters as well as watched her step so to not step on any drunks, dead bodies, or pools of blood and other fluids. The doe was getting discouraged she took out a piece of paper from her blazer looking it over to try and match the buildings to its contents. She then became frightened when she heard the sound of someone being thrown out of a building the blue deer hid immediately as she heard the angry voice of what she assumed was the owner of the establishment. "Unless you're here for redemption stay out you cum-sucking shitwads!" The person yelling then slammed the door leaving the brutish demon pair to leave grumbling and huffing in frustration. After the two left cursing girl who kicked them out the timid stranger came up from her hiding spot and looked up to the building. It was pretty big and the sign said 'Hazbin Hotel' in big lit up letters. This made the mysterious demoness curious especially after hearing the girl say something about redemption. The deer's eyes were alight as her ears perked up in realization prompting her to look at her paper again. It was a flyer for a Lustlorne Afterglow Celebration at the Happy Hotel. The name threw her off but it was a redemption hotel as the owner stated it was worth a shot. "Maybe this is it!" She whispered. The demon surveyed her surroundings before taking a deep breath and straightened herself up as confidently as possible. She was mentally ready as she knew she'd be walking into more unknown territory.

As the crowd was starting to died down the only patrons left were the non-lustful demons looking for free boarding and alchohol. Charlie sat on a nearby couch sighing dejectedly and looked around observing the now more tame hotel lobby. As she watched some patrons being served by Husk she wondered what she was gonna do about her party. She looked at her large stack of flyers forelorned and discouraged. She just wanted to celebrate those who survived the cycle and give her patrons something to look forward to once this lust-induced nightmare ended. Luckily it wasn't an annual thing like the exterminations it was just a shift in the cosmos that came around nearly every thousand years for 'lust-lorne' souls to get most of their sexual desires out of their systems. It could get brutal and some sinners need to be allowed to have some kind of commemoration for getting through what they have to endure.

Vaggie looked at Charlie for a bit before going over to comfort her. She wasn't very good at pep talks but she wanted to try something. "Look hun why don't we focus on planning the party for now. It's only been day one of the cycle, things are bound to get hectic later on. Maybe if we give people some time to get their act together they'll come around." Vaggie didn't believe her own words at first but it seemed to work well enough for Charlie's smile to return before standing up to give the shorter girl a big hug. When the moth and princess pulled away to look at each other there was a knock at the front door. Vaggie sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose before reluctantly pulling out of her partners embrace and went to answer the call of whatever horny freak was seeking refuge to fuck around in.

The door opened and Vaggie's frustrated expression fell into a horror-filled shock when she saw the demon on their door step facing their back to her and seemingly trying to recite some kind of greeting. The moth stared mouth agape as she tried to comprehend what she was seeing. Even from behind it looked like a blue-clad more timid version of Alastor. Similar looking clothes, same staff, it was even a deer demon for God's sake, the only difference was that it was a demoness.

As her mind was coming to a hault the female Alastor look-a-like turned and raised a finger to speak. "Um...excuse..." *SLAM* Vaggie looked away from the door in shock not sure if what she saw was real. She paced for a second with a curled finger to her lip before opening the door again, to make sure she wasn't loosing her mind. "Me..." *SLAM* nope it was real. She turned to face toward the lobby shocked beyond belief. "Charlie! Alastor--I think... is at the door!" She said pointing a thumb toward the large entryway. The princess looked confused as she joined her partner at the door and check to see what she was talking about. Vaggie moved aside to let Charlie open the door when she did she was just as astonished, by the spitting image of Alastor sulking on the stoop sadly.

The doe then turned and made a motion to speak "Oh uh..." *SLAM* the door was immediately shut in her face again. "Oh God!" Charlie said as she put a hand to her mouth. "Uh Niffty! Could you come here please?" Like lightning The one-eyed housekeeper was in front of the girls. "Yes?" Charlie sheepishly asked with a nervous shrug. "Um...do you know if Alastor is still in his office?" The little Cyclops nodded assuredly. "Yeah! he's working. Why?" she said. The girls shared glances before opening the door once more.


The blue Alastor just stood outside the door discouraged looking down sadly as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She didn't know if they just wanted her to leave or what but they seemed pretty unhappy to see her. It made sense concidering she looked exactly like the Radio Demon so it was understandable that they'd be so cautious she was use it by now. Oh why was she cursed to be a deer? Wasn't sharing animal traits common among family memembers and spouses in Hell? She contemplated moving on elsewhere but before she even finished the thought the door opened again. Before she could speak the white-haired demoness shoved a spear into her face and said in demanding tone. "Who the hell are you?" There was silence as the deer processed the question. "I-I...My n-name is uh..." She struggled. "You can't be Alastor so why do you look like him?" The Latina gave the visitor no chance to speak. "Vaggie come on let her talk." The demon loosened her collar nervously trying to answer. "Uh...I'm called..." She was cut off by Niffty grabbing her wrist and pulling her inside frantically.

The blue haired demon was a little frightened as Niffty circled her at dizzying speed. "Oh wow you look just like him; except your clothes are blue and you're wearing a skirt! My gosh your waist is so tiny although Alastor's is tiny too and your frame is so small I didn't think that was possible for Al!" Niffty continued darting around the tall female pulling and pointing at her clothes listing off the differences and similarities between the doe and her master. It was strange. Her hair and clothes all matched similarly to Al's but the bob cut was rounder, the blue pinstriped tailcoat seemed to fit around her thin frame clasped with a button as well as the fishtail skirt she wore around her waist which reached down just pass her calves. Her boots had blue toe tips and heels somewhat resembling hooves and her round glasses were crooked from Niffty pulling her inside the hotel.

The two observed everything with slight pity for the taller demoness as Niffty kept talking. Vaggie noticed the troubled face the poor woman made and decided the small motor-mouth needed to stop. "Uh Niffty I think that's enough." She said kindly. Niffty abruptly stopped and looked up to the confused doe. "Oops! I'm sorry." The little cyclops squeaked holding her mouth. She then patted the blue deer demoness sweetly. "Anyway welcome miss!--..." then pulled her feather duster back out and proclaimed. "Well back to work!" Then disappeared from the entryway leaving the three alone. The silence was a bit awkward as the ladies looked around in all directions accept for each other.

The stranger struggled with what to do to ease the silence so she said the only thing that she thought would be entertaining enough to break the ice. "Uh...heh G-golly g-guess the Radio Demon and I could be twins huh?...heh." It wasn't a very smooth comment as Vaggie glared and Charlie pursed her lips in worry. The doe then looked down in sorrow. "I'm sorry if I caused any trouble..." Charlie stopped her rushing her words when she saw the saddened expression. "No, no don't worry about it! Everything's fine." She said.

The Alastor doppelganger blinked and stared back at the astonished pair. Vaggie leaned toward her partner and whispered to her somewhat quietly. "What are you talking about? This chick looks exactly like Alastor, there's a lot that is not fine about that!" She stated. Charlie just shrugged in response. The blue doe just watched as the two conversed wondering if maybe she was in the wrong place after all until she noticed something on the opposite wall then walked away to get a better look. "Common Vags don't be rude. Maybe she's a family member or a friend of his." Charlie tried calming her lover down so that she wouldn't offend the woman. "All those theories just make me even more worried!" Vaggie whispered. "Look we don't know anything about her yet there are lots of demons that share similar traits and animal forms, familial or not. I'm sure she'll be willing to give us a rational explana-..." Charlie stopped when she noticed the woman was no longer in front of them. "...tion." She finished as she looked back toward the door to see if she'd left. Vaggie darted her eyes toward the opposite wall and saw the woman looking at their poster for the big celebration. She was also lifting a flyer from the wall which made Vaggie growl before stalking over toward the woman as she adjusted her glasses trying to read the paper properly. "Hey!" The moth yelled. "Don't go taking stuff off the walls like that!" She then snatched the paper from blue-tip gloved hands making the deer flinch and flattened her ears. One look at the timid reaction and Vaggie started to feel bad. This bitch may have looked like Alastor but she sure didn't act like him at all. The Latina then calmed herself enough to delicately ask the older woman who she was. "Look just tell us your name?" She asked as Charlie leaned over cautiously to listen in. The mysterious woman fiddled with her hands before answering as loud as her nerves would let her. "M-my name is Allison--A-Allison Blue." She said. God even her name is similar to Alastor's.

To Be Continued...