
Hell-Verse: Randal's Rebellion"

Randal's Rebellion follows the journey of Randal Shrifeman, a young man mysteriously transported to Hell. He discovers that he is the son of a mortal woman and the demonic ruler, Lucifer. Randal, along with his new friends Dante Firenot and Elizabeth Eve, navigates the complex social, political, and economic landscape of Hell,... And has one hell of a time

IAMAFRAUD · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


As Dante and Randal left the Demonic Gatherers Guild and were about to exit the village, they were confronted by the same man Dante owed money to. Dante paid the man back with the money he had just earned from selling the Grothak materials. However, the man's expression darkened as he looked at the money in his hand.

"This isn't enough," he growled, his anger palpable. "You owe me interest."

Dante sighed, exasperated. "That's not fair! We never agreed on any interest!"

The man clenched his fists, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "You think you can cheat me?!" With a snarl, he lunged at Dante, starting a small skirmish between the two.

Randal, still cloaked, decided to intervene. He stepped in between Dante and the angry man, attempting to defuse the situation. The man's attention shifted to Randal, his anger now directed at the mysterious stranger.

"Who are you to interfere?" he spat. "You don't know who you're messing with."

Randal remained calm, his voice steady. "There's no need for this to escalate further. Dante has paid you back. Let's just move on."

The man sneered, his eyes filled with malice. "You better watch your back, both of you. I work for the Aziel Clan. They own this part of Hell and this village. Crossing me means crossing them."

With that ominous threat, the man stormed off, leaving Dante and Randal to process what had just happened. They exchanged a glance, understanding that their actions had potentially drawn the ire of a powerful demon clan.

After the man left, Dante looked around to make sure no one was watching them before pulling Randal aside to a more secluded area of the village. He sighed deeply, concern etched on his face.

"Listen, Randal, we may have just stepped into a really dangerous situation. I think it's time you knew about the Aziel Clan," Dante began. "The Aziel Clan is one of the most powerful demon clans in this region of Hell. They've been around for centuries, accumulating wealth and influence through various means, including extortion, assassinations, and control of many businesses and organizations within their territory."

Randal listened intently as Dante continued, "Their leader, Lord Azgath, is a cunning and ruthless demon. He's known for his unpredictable nature and a twisted sense of humor. Some even say he enjoys playing with his enemies before finally crushing them. His power is immense, and he has a vast network of loyal followers who would do anything for him. That's why they've managed to stay in power for so long."

Dante paused, looking around nervously. "Now that we've angered one of his underlings, we might have attracted unwanted attention from the Aziel Clan. We should tread carefully from now on, Randal. Crossing the Aziel Clan is a dangerous game, and we need to be prepared for any consequences."

As Randal absorbed this information, he realized the gravity of the situation. They were now entangled with one of the most powerful demon clans in Hell, and their actions would have repercussions. He nodded solemnly, understanding the need for caution and discretion in their future endeavors.

After their encounter with the Aziel Clan member, Dante decided it would be best to change the mood and continue their tour of the village. They headed to a small shop with a sign hanging above the door that read, "Zorkan's Demonic Implements." The shop was dimly lit and packed with all sorts of magical tools and trinkets, their energies giving off a faint hum.

As they entered, a cheerful, rotund demon with four arms and horns greeted them from behind the counter. "Ah, Dante, my favorite aspiring artificer! What can I do for you today?"

Dante grinned, "Hey, Zorkan. I'm actually looking for something to help me identify runes and their capabilities. You got anything like that?"

Zorkan's eyes sparkled, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! I recently got my hands on this beauty," he said, pulling out a delicate-looking eyeglass with intricate carvings along the frame. "This is the Runic Spectroscope. It allows the user to see the inner workings of runes and analyze their properties. Perfect for an artificer in training like yourself."

Dante's eyes widened with excitement, "That's exactly what I need, Zorkan! How much?"

Zorkan smiled, "For you, Dante, I'll give it to you for 200 hellgold, that's a good discount from the usual 300."

Just as Dante was about to accept the offer, another demon entered the shop and snatched the eyeglass from Zorkan's hand. "I'll take it for the full price," he said, smirking at Dante.

Dante clenched his fists, but kept his cool. "Alright, Zorkan, I'll be back in three days with the cash. Could you hold onto it for me?"

Zorkan hesitated, eyeing the other customer, but nodded, "I'll do my best, Dante, but I can't make any promises."

Dante thanked Zorkan and left the shop with Randal, determined to gather the necessary funds and claim the Runic Spectroscope for himself.