
Hell-Verse: Randal's Rebellion"

Randal's Rebellion follows the journey of Randal Shrifeman, a young man mysteriously transported to Hell. He discovers that he is the son of a mortal woman and the demonic ruler, Lucifer. Randal, along with his new friends Dante Firenot and Elizabeth Eve, navigates the complex social, political, and economic landscape of Hell,... And has one hell of a time

IAMAFRAUD · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Grothak and Dante

Randal hesitated, still trying to process what had just happened. "What just happened? How come you couldn't... you know, eat me?"

Dante rubbed his chin, equally puzzled. "I'm not entirely sure. But from what I know, only high-level demons possess the ability to repel lower ones like myself. I've never encountered anything like this."

Randal raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "So, you're saying that I have some sort of power that's keeping you at bay?"

"Seems like it," Dante replied, eyeing Randal cautiously. "But what's even more surprising is that you're a human, and you possess such a power. It's unheard of."

Randal frowned, trying to make sense of this new information. "So, what do we do now?"

Dante considered the situation for a moment before responding. "Well, I'm an artificer – I create magical gear. I can tell you more about the magic of this world, and maybe we can figure out what's going on with you. And who knows, maybe you can help me with my work. It's not every day that I come across someone with a power like yours."

Randal nodded, realizing that sticking with Dante might be his best chance at understanding this strange new world he found himself in. "Alright, let's give it a try."

As they continued to talk, Randal felt a sense of relief wash over him. Even though he was still trapped in Hell, at least he had found an ally – someone who could help him navigate this dangerous, unfamiliar realm.

As they walked into Dante's house, Randal found himself in a small hut filled with artificer tools and all kinds of bizarre objects. Each item seemed to be inscribed with low-level runes, giving the space a mysterious and otherworldly atmosphere.

With a curious expression, Dante turned to Randal. "So, Randal, how did you end up here in the Hell-Verse? What's your story?"

Randal hesitated for a moment, but then began to share his experiences. "I was just a regular guy living on Earth, and then suddenly I was here. I don't know how or why it happened."

Dante nodded thoughtfully. "Strange. Well, you're here now, and you'll need to learn how to survive in Hell. It's not an easy place, especially for a human."

Randal looked around the hut, taking in the assortment of objects and tools. "What do you do here, Dante? What's your motivation for artificing?"

Dante grinned. "I've always been fascinated by magic and its potential. As an artificer, I create magical gear that helps demons survive in this harsh world. It's not an easy job, but it's rewarding. Now, about surviving in Hell..."

Dante went on to give Randal advice on navigating the Hell-Verse, sharing information about its dangerous inhabitants, the importance of making allies, and the various resources available for survival. Randal listened attentively, knowing that he would need all the help he could get to make it through this treacherous realm.

Dante's eyes gleamed with curiosity as he looked at Randal. "Since you're here, I'd like to run some experiments on you to determine the kind of magic you use. It could be interesting and useful for both of us."

Randal hesitated, but ultimately agreed. He knew that understanding his own abilities would be crucial for survival in the Hell-Verse.

The pair ventured out into the wilderness to hunt a chimeric beast known as a Grothak, which Dante believed would be an ideal subject for their experiment. Grothaks were known for their unique magical properties, and Dante hoped that by studying the creature's reaction to Randal's magic, they could learn more about his powers.

As they trudged through the wild, untamed landscape, Randal asked Dante about the different types of magic in Hell. Dante enthusiastically shared his knowledge, explaining that there were many forms of magic, each with unique properties and applications. Some were elemental in nature, while others focused on the manipulation of life forces or the control of time and space.

Despite their best efforts, they couldn't find the Grothak they were searching for. Frustration began to set in as they continued to come up empty-handed.

Suddenly, while they were talking, they stumbled upon a set of tracks that belonged to something much larger and more terrifying than the Grothak they had been seeking. The sheer size and depth of the prints sent a shiver down Randal's spine.

Dante's eyes widened as he studied the tracks. "This... this is something much more dangerous than we were looking for. We should head back to my hut and try another approach."

Randal nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't help but wonder what sort of monstrous creature had left those tracks, and if he would ever encounter it during his time in the Hell-Verse.

As they made their way back toward Dante's hut, the pair stumbled upon a fresh set of tracks that unmistakably belonged to a Grothak. Both Dante and Randal exchanged a glance, and without a word, they decided to follow the tracks, hoping they would lead them to their elusive target.

While they walked, Dante continued to explain the various types of magic to Randal. He spoke of pyromancy, the manipulation of fire; cryomancy, the control of ice; and electromancy, the mastery of electricity. Dante also mentioned the darker forms of magic, such as necromancy, which dealt with the dead and spirits, and blood magic, which involved using one's own life force to fuel spells.

Randal listened intently, trying to absorb as much information as possible. He wondered if his own powers would fit into any of these categories or if he was something entirely different.

As they followed the Grothak's tracks, the two found themselves navigating a dense thicket. The twisted branches and foliage seemed to close in around them, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. Despite the challenging terrain, they pressed on, driven by their desire to understand the nature of Randal's magic.

Finally, the tracks led them to a small clearing where the Grothak was feasting on the remains of another creature. Its massive body was covered in a mixture of fur and scales, and its three heads snapped and snarled as it devoured its meal.

Dante signaled for Randal to stay quiet and motioned for him to prepare his magic. Randal took a deep breath, focusing his energy as he had done when he had instinctually killed the wild animal earlier. Now was the moment of truth; it was time to learn more about his powers and his place in this strange, new world.