
Chapter 2 Coliseum Fight Level 1

'I'm still clueless on a lot of things around the settlement, I need more information." Seamus began to brainstorm on what he needed to do.

"Can i get some help?!" Seamus called to whatever was around him, he knew that he was always being observed.

"What would you like to know Test Subject 50195303." A hologram appeared in front of Seamus.

"I'm new here and I would like information on what I can and should do here. For example I would like to eat right now but I don't think you guys provide food for free?"

"You are correct, nothing is free here except the room you are put in. Food, furniture, clothes and even being able to go outside require merits to be exchanged for it."

"This is your sleeping quarters. As you can see it is currently barren. To add objects into your room you will need merits which is the main currency that is used in transactions. There are multiple ways of obtaining merits, notable ones are participating in tests or missions on the board. The merits are provided by the Terminal, the highest order of machine in our society.

"What is the lowest order?" Seamus asked with the intention of fishing for more information

"Starting with the lowest order are hybrid humans. These are humans that have mechanized a large portion of their body including certain parts of the brain."

"Doesn't that mean they can be controlled?"

"There is no need because we need you guys to perform tests that we as machines cannot perform. Although they are the lowest order they can be considered as still human, but they will receive a monthly subsidy for them to purchase the necessities they need every month. This lowers their need to participate in tests and separate themselves from you Test Subjects."

"The second lowest order are hybrid machines. These are machines that have been implanted with a human personality and artificial bodies that are both organic and robotic. Although outwardly they look the exact same as regular humans. They don't perform in many dangerous activities but they take the roles of doctors, police officers, guards, and any other that require manpower. They live like regular humans before the apocalypse albeit with altered schedules. There is no notable difference between what hybrid machines and hybrid humans receive in benefits. 

"I am unable to tell you more than that due to your lack of qualifications." The helper ai finished explaining to Seamus.

"I would recommend entering the Coliseum, the first few levels are not too difficult and reward you with a substantial amount of merits."

After that huge info dump Seamus sat down and began brainstorming his next steps. 'I don't have any merits currently so if I want to eat I would need to to either go on missions, participate on a test or fight in the Coliseum.' Thinking back on the descriptions he saw Seamus decided to steer away from the tests and missions before being adequately prepared.

After surveying the location of possible hidden cameras he got up abruptly and walked towards to the digitized panel.

After ruminating on what he should do, Seamus turned on the kiosk to the starting screen and pressed the Coliseum icon.

An interactive screen popped up introducing to Seamus a phantasmal tower. An indicator at the bottom of the tower showed him that he has not started. The upper floors were grayed out hiding the information of the preceding floors.

'Is this supposed to be entertainment?' Seamus was flabbergasted at the design of the 'Coliseum Tower'.

"Welcome to the Coliseum Test Subject 50195303" A the same ai showed up in front of Seamus providing him with an explanation on the coliseum. 

"It's called the Coliseum but it's outwards appearance is more like a tower. Inwardly it's a large coliseum where you will fight a singular opponent hence it's name the Coliseum."

"The first 10 are combat robots, they are pretty simple with telegraphed movements and actions. They will increase from difficulty but there won't be any curveballs. After the 10th floor you will face other Test Subjects from the Settlement, losing means death, but if you win you will get a substantial rewards."

After explaining the rules of the Coliseum the hologram disappeared from Seamus' vision. The lights on the ceiling of the room focused on a certain area. A wheel appeared with the light and began to spin increasing in speed. Looking closer Seamus could see images of different weapons imprinted onto the wheel. "Am I allowed to keep the the weapon given to me in the Coliseum?" 

"No, the reason you're given a randomized weapon is because you don't have one currently. Each time you fight on a new floor your weapon will be randomized. You can use merits to buy any weapon you want from your room and bring it to the coliseum to utilize." "But you will not be able to keep your weapons and armor with you outside of the coliseum." The virtual ai appeared beside Seamus to explain.

Seamus was slightly disappointed but he didn't let it show on his face. While he was talking to the ai the wheel finished spinning and landed on the image of a Morning Star. Seamus' face could not look more ugly. "Do I get time to practice with my weapon?" Hoping for some respite Seamus looked at the ai. "No, you can practice while fighting the ComBot." Unfortunately the ai was unfeeling to his plight.

Picking up the Morning Star that was dropped down to him Seamus walked into the maw of darkness slightly nervous of fighting something out of his league.

All Seamus could see was a sea of darkness, he could make out a few edges around him but without seeing what was in front of him he refused to go any further. All of a sudden the door behind him shut with harrowing speed. "DAMN!" Seamus was thankful he walked a bit more before stopping his march. 

A bevy of lights turned on blinding Seamus for a few seconds. Adjusting his eyes, Seamus was greeted by a bulky robot with a light armor frame, donning a standard sword and shield it had a simplistic design, but that didn't diminish it's raw combat power.

Seamus slowly edged closer to the ComBot preparing to take it on. After reaching a certain distance the lights on the ComBot turned on. Like a desktop from the previous era it booted up and began to whirr. Observing it's surroundings the ComBot locked on to Seamus and rushed at him with zealous vigor. 

"Shit." Seamus began to distance himself from the Combot that wanted to to maul him to death.

The mechanized demon did not want to let up, following up with a rising strike on Seamus' face. Unable to react in time, Seamus' tried to maneuver away from the sword hungering for his blood. Unfortunately Seamus was unable to fully dodge the upward attack, getting slashed on the right side of his face. 

"ARGH!" Seamus growled in pain. Stumbling backwards he wasted a lot of his stamina trying to dodge the ComBot's flurry of bashes. Trying to catch his breath, Seamus stood stoically for a few seconds, trying to ignore the pain coursing through the right side of his face. 

The ComBot's glowing eyes stared at him with unfeeling coldness, leaving Seamus in fear. 'How is this not difficult!' He raged inwardly. He was starting to regret his choice in entering the Coliseum.

Note: This took longer to write this chapter than I thought. Let me know if the way I'm writing the dialogue or the pace of the chapters.