
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Sanosuke's Rage and the Rasengan

One Week Later

( I got a few things from the guideline, the rest is me )

Naruto, Ami, and Sanosuke walked up to Tsunade's hotel room.

Naruto was the one to knock on the door, when he didn't get answer, he knocked again but he still didn't get an answer. So deciding to open the door, the found out it was unlocked, seeing this they both got ready for anything that might happen.

When they felt ready, they ran in to fend off any enemies that were there, but what they saw was that some was knocked out on the floor. Sanosuke went to check who it was and was shocked at who it was. "Naruto, it's that hot girl that was with the old bat."

When Naruto went to see for himself, he saw it was the lady who had raven hair.

"Hey Shizune," he started to shake her, so she can wake up. "come on, wake up."

"Huh?" she then started to wake from being unconscious, when she noticed she was knocked out, she began to panic.

"Oh no, what time is it? No, what day of the week is it?" this little outburst surprised the two of them.

"It's Monday, wheres the old lady?" Sanosuke said.

Naruto looked around and noted one thing, Tsunade was missing. "Yea where is that old bat. Shizune, do you know where she's at?"

She tried to get up, but then winced from the pain in her midsection. He then saw that she had a scowl, thinking about something bad from what he could tell, she then rushed for the window.

"Naruto, Sanosuke stay here." she then opened the window to jump out, but was stopped by a kunai.

Naruto and Sanosuke went up to the window and opened the other side. They both saw was Jiraiya seemingly tired, and angry by the looks of it.

"Wait Shizune." he said weakly as he leaned against the wall of the hotel. Once they settle him down, Shizune started to check him to see what's wrong with him.

"Damn that Tsunade, she put something in my sake. I can't even mold my chakra correctly and on top of that, my body is numb and I can't throw my kunai's properly."

"You know that's not cool, and here you boast about being a great ninja and all. Let me guess, she tricked you with a perverted trick huh?" Naruto wondered how could someone be so careless.

"SHUT UP!" the old man's face then turned serious.

"She's still a medical specialist, regardless of her current state. Only she can make a tasteless, odorless drug that works against ninjas…I didn't expect her to find an opportunity to poison me, even if I was slightly drunk."

Shizune left to get water for the drugged Sannin. After a minute or so, she came back and handed a glass full of water, he then drank the whole cup in one fitting.

"Jiraiya, how are you feeling?" she asked, then poured more water into the glass.

"Better than I was at dawn." he then took another cup of water to the head.

"But then again, I've only recovered about thirty percent so far," he then snapped his head, as if sensing something.

"Hey, Shizune," she then turned her head to him. "You are going to tell me, what you guys talked about with Orochimaru now." he commanded with serious face and tone.

The three of them could see the pained look on her face, she then hung her head while covering the pain in her eyes.

"I wanted to believe in miss Tsunade, so I couldn't say it before." she clutched her stomach, where she had been hit.

"Ami stay here." Naruto commanded.

'Yes daddy.' she replied.

While they were moving, they were briefed on what Tsunade. Apparently, she was struck a deal that if she heals Orochimaru's arms, her loved one's would be resurrected. This served to anger them, especially Naruto.

"Once his arms are cured, he plans to renew his attack on Konoha." Shizune explained as she jumped from tree branch to tree branch.

"Damn him! He already caused enough damage to that village!" Sanosuke yelled.

"We need to stop him now." Jiraiya said.

"Damn that snake." Naruto said under his breath, trying not to let his anger control him.

Somewhere Outside of Town

They arrived to see someone ready to attack Tsunade and kill her, but Jiraiya threw a smoke bomb in between them, making the attacker back off.

"It's been a long time Jiraiya." the blond then sees the snake-teme off in the distance with cocky smirk.

"Orochimaru, I see you eyes are looking crazy as usual." Jiraiya said with his own cocky grin and voice.

Naruto and Sanosuke took a good look at the attacker that was going to kill Tsunade, but Naruto was the only one surprised.


"Naruto?" he said as he turned his head to the blond, with a smirk on his face.

"You know him?" Sanosuke asked as he was confused as to how his friend knew this man.

"Remember in the preliminaries of the Chuunin exams, he and his team quit before the preliminaries had even begun." Naruto replied.

"Oh...now I remember."

"Why are you here, Kabuto?" he said in an angered voice.

But he didn't answer as the old lady shoved Jiraiya aside and proceeded to try and beat him. That confirmed whose side he was on, not the mention the sound headband he had on was another indication.

When she was about to finish him off, he took out a kunai out of a rock that was implanted in it and the next then he did was an unexpected move that served to paralyze the lady sannin…he cut his hand. The blood coming from the hand had spilt onto Tsunade and she was seen trembling at the feel and look of blood.

'Huh? Is she afraid of blood...shit.' Naruto thought.

As he looked at the situation. He then saw that he punched her in the face and made her fly into her attendant.

"Kabuto you're a traitor!" he yelled.

"Naruto where have you been to develop so much?" he said sarcastically, "I'm really reconsidering what I thought about you not having any talent to be a shinobi."

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment, you traitor!" Naruto said with venom dripping in his voice.

"Oh don't be like that, you really wound me with that look you have on your face." the spy said in a mocked hurt tone.

"Enough of this!" he said in an enraged voice. "You shall pay for your crimes against the leaf village!" he then charged in, ignoring the protest from his perverted sensei.

Sanosuke was going to fight with him, until he was interrupted by a white flash.

The person in front of him had green eyes and blond hair. He wore a white cloak, a baggy sweater, pants, and combat/snow boots all stained with blood. His shuriken holster was on his right leg, and his kunai holster on his left leg. He wore his forehead protector as a belt, it had fiour snowflake designs on it and was slashed across the metal plating making him a Missing-nin.

Seeing him stopped Sanosuke in his tracks.

"Long time no see Sanosuke." the man said.


Back with Naruto

Jiraiya caught Naruto, before he was able to fight Kabuto

"Gr...just you wait! I'll kick your ass you fucking traitor!" Naruto yelled.

Kabuto shrugged and took out a pill.

"Huh? That's a blood pill." Shizune called out, which made Naruto confused.

"Is it to make up for all the blood he lost?" Jiraiya asked Shizune, as he didn't take his eyes off his former snake teammate.

"That kid...he's the same as me, a medical ninja."she answered, knowing that answer would be enough for him to know.

"Looks like you bleeding rather severely, Kabuto." the snake Sannin said as he too never took his eyes off his former teammate.

"Lord Orochimaru, please remove the bandage from your left arm" Kabuto asked while chewing on the pill.

The snake bastard smirked and lifted up his left arm that was bandaged and took a bit out of the bandages themselves, showing an arm that was decaying.

"It seems it's time to show off our skills." he then turned to the Medic-nins.

"Shizune, you take on four-eyes," she was about to take the order, but an enraged voice interrupted.

"No I'll take him on!" Naruto shouted.

"No you won't, he's stronger than Kakashi. What chance do you have against him, if Kakashi couldn't beat him." Jiraiya said in a commanding voice.

Before he could say anything else, they heard Kabuto yell Summoning Jutsu!

And a two headed snake appeared, and was about to attack until Jiraiya shouted, "Earth Style: Dark Swamp Jutsu!"

A large area of land turned into a sinking swampland, but since he was still drugged a semi-deep swamp that merely inhibited the movement of the snakes he was targeting.

"They're not going anywhere now!" he yelled, and charged at Orochimaru.

Sanosuke's Fight

"Jinn-sensei what is the meaning of this!" Sanosuke yelled.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm fighting with Orochimaru." he replied.

"Don't tell me you joined him...and Doto allied himself..."

"Yes he did! We are working with Orochimaru!" Jin interupted.

"But why did you betray the village? Your people? Me?"

"For money, and power." he answered simply.

Then the temperature dropped sixty degrees, scaring the hell out of everybody.

"Oh this is not good." Naruto said.

When Jiraiya looked at the scene, he hoped it was an illusion but sadly it was not.

"Orochimaru you didn't."

"Yes I did old friend, I hired the Crimson Blizzard."

Naruto overheard this and asked. "Jiraiya-sensei who is the 'Crimson Blizzard'?"

"He is the only ninja to kill overfive-thousand shinobi and kinochi with one attack. He just used a jutsu called the Ice Style: Ice Blizzard Jutsu, from what I heard he is one of the survivors from the Hyouton clan from The Village Hidden in the Mist, and that he had one apprentice. And by the looks of it, Sanosuke was his apprentice."

"Sanosuke be careful." Naruto said worried about his friend.

"MONEY AND POWER! WHAT THE HELL! HOW COULD YOU BECOME AN ALLY OF MY ENEMY! Sanosuke yelled out in rage, and charged at his former sensei .

He threw a punch only for Jinn to catch it. He then punched Sanosuke in the stomach, sending him flying. Only to hear him yell out.

"Ice Clone Jutsu!"

Sanosuke created three Ice Clones, they then did one handed seals and yelled out, "Ice Style: Swallow Blizzard Jutsu!"

Thousands of ice needles in the shape of miniature swallows appeared, and flew at Jinn hitting him dead on.

But after the attack dispersed, he saw Jinn he now wore a grey bodysuit. With blue trim and these weird devices on his arms and shoulders he had on a pair of fingerless gray gloves. He then put a hood over his head making it a whole bodysuit.

"Tisk, tisk, tisk, Sanosuke you can't beat me with this suit on me. By joining Dotu he gave me this suit, that amplifies my power by ten fold! Now I'll allow you to see why I'm called the 'Crimson Blizzard'!"

He then did what was like, one hundred hand seals in ten seconds and yelled out, "Ice Style: Ice Blizzard Jutsu!" Then out of nowhere a huge ice blizzard hit him head on, spewing up a lot of dust.

When the dust died down Sanosuke was covered in massive cuts. The skin had been torn of half his face, but his bandages managed to stay on, and his right arm was barely hanging on. Jinn was surprised but smirked when he saw his condition.

"It's over Sanosuke, you've lost. after all I've taught you everything you know you can't beat me. But you are the first person to survive my attack, after all you are a demon container."

'Dammit he's right, Gobi...please lend me your power.' he thought.

"I will but you'll be out for a while." Gobi said.

"There is nothing that I don't know, I know everything about you." Jinn then stopped talking when a huge wave of white chakra poured out of his former student.

As his wounds were healing he looked at him, his hair grew longer, and a white tail of chakra popped from his tailbone. Everybody flinched at the amount of pain and hatred coming off him. He watched as the muscle on his face regenerated itself and then covered itself in skin, and got scared when he spoke.

"You think you know me? Hahahaha that's a laugh. I've been hiding my bloodline from you, the entire time you've trained me. Now prepare for my bloodline limit White Light!" he shouted in a demonic voice, while taking his gloves off.

He then rushed at him with unimaginable speed, tearing up the ground as he ran. He punched Jinn in the chest, and then kicked him in the chin sending him up into the sky. Sanosuke jumped higher than his former sensei, and forced the white energy into his left hand.

'Goodbye Jin-sensei.' he thought with tears in his eyes.

"Falling Star!"

He then shot down and impaled his former sensei, incinerating his body except his head. And crashed into the ground knocking him unconscious.

Naruto's Fight

"Sanosuke...rest easy for now." Naruto said.

Taking advantage of the situation Kabuto formed chakra scalpels, and rushed at Shizune he landed in front of Shizune before she could react he had cut her leg ligaments with his chakra scalpels. Tsunade grabbed a hold of Shizune and jumped away.

Kabuto sensed this and cut Tsunade's right leg, and right arm ligaments a soon as she landed. He then went to stab her with a kunai, only for Naruto to intercept it with his left arm.

"Hey Baa-chan you owe me that necklice." he said charging up the Rasengan, after it was complete he yelled, "Rasengan!"

Naruto slammed the ball of chakra into the Kabuto's stomach and the full effects of the Rasengan took place. Kabuto was blasted across the field on and huge ball of energy spinning wildly. He finally slammed into a boulder and crashed.

Naruto starred at him as he slowly rose. Despite the boys amazing healing abilities he was still coughing up blood and collapsed. He didn't pass out but he was unable to move.

Orochimaru saw this and ran at Naruto, with his long sword comming out of his throat hopping to kill Naruto, but stopped when Naruto activated his Kurashagan.

"Sharingan." he spoke with horror.

"No Hebi-teme, it's the Kurashagan." Naruto answered.

"You're a Uchicha, well I'll make you mine."

"Sorry but I like girls, and if you are thinking of taking over my body forget it."

"And why not?"

Deciding to mess with his head, Naruto took off his forehead protector to show him his Jagan Eye.

"Because Hebi-teme I hold Kyuubi, and I'm Shinigami's-sensei's pupal."

Hearing this almost made Orochimaru shit himself.

"And just like the Sharingan I can copy any jutsu, but with these two extra tomoe's hold something special."

"How so?" Orochimaru asked.

"You see one of these tomoe's holds the Darkness Flame Shinigami-sensei gave me, if you recall what I did to Zaku."

Orochimaru paled when he remembered that day, and he's never been scared ever.

"And the last holds my father's bloodline, it allows me to use any jutsu without hand seals."

"You mean to say..."

"Yes my father was Minato Namikaze, the Yodamie Hokage." Naruto said.

But Orochimaru shook out of his stupirior, and a snake shot out of his mouth. And then a blade shot out of the snakes mouth, quickly stabbed Naruto in stomach in a blink of an eye.

Tsunade then punched Orochimaru, and went to heal Naruto.