
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Returning and a explanation

It took Naruto fifteen minutes to get to the bridge now supporting his katana on his belt, he had his trench coats hood up, and he was wearing his hannya mask. When he got there he got a lot of shocked expressions until he met up with his team.

Sasuke's was curiosity and a hint of jealousy. Sakura's was pissed offness and lots of fear. Kakashi's was admiration and seriousness, Zabuza was really confused, and Haku was speechless.

Finally Sasuke broke the silence.

"Hey dobe what's with the outfit." Sasuke smirked..

"I thought it was time for a change teme." Naruto replied coolly.

"Don't call Sasuke-kun a bastard Naruto!" yelled Sakura.

"Shut it Sakura!" Naruto snapped coldly. This of course surprised the entire team especially Sakura.

While they were in a daze Naruto went up to Tazuna.

"Tazuna I know getting Wave back to normal won't be easy. So I got this for you." said Naruto handing two sealing scrolls leaving him with five.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Those my friend are sealing scrolls one of them contains one-hundred thousand dollers to help you guys out, and the other contains furniture and lumber to help rebuild your homes." he replied.

Everyone...minus Team Seven Zabuza and Haku...who heard this wonderful news started crying with happiness.

"Naruto thank you for everything, but can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Can you please take off your mask, so we can see the face of our saviour?" Tazuna asked.

"Sure." replied Naruto as he took off his mask. And when it came off a majority of the female population blushed as red as a tomato or fainted. Naruto then hugged Inari saying, "I'll come back and visit you I promise." he then put his mask back on, and with that Team Seven, Haku and Zabuza walked away on the bridge. And with that Team seven, Haku and Zabuza walked away on the bridge.

"Inari that boy gave you hope again as did the people of this country, so all in favor of the bridge being called The Great Naruto bridge say aye!" Tazuna said.

"Aye!" said the villagers in the back.

"The its decided, from now and forever The Great Naruto bridge shall stand." Tazuna with pride.

The trip back was uneventful, except for Sasuke trying to figure out Naruto's change, and Sakura trying to take off his mask. Only to get yelled at by Naruto, and getting a lecture from Kakashi. Zabuza asking Naruto some question's which he answered truthfully. Okay he lied a little he said he had a growth spurt, got some tattoo's, put some highlights/streaks in his hair, and worked out a lot. He also told the truth saying he killed one-hundred and five bandits and mercenaries, took their cash to buy his weight's and katana, but he didn't tell his he learned some new jutsu's. And Haku was holding and petting Ami, which Sakura tried to pet only for Ami to bite her. ( she hates her too yay )

Once they got back to Konoha, Sasuke went to train with Sakura following him like the fan-girl she is. While Kakashi took Naruto and the others to the Hokage.

The Hokage's Office

The Hokage looked at the two now in his office. Both of them stared at him nervously. The old man gave a small cough. "Well…Zabuza, you are currently a Missing-nin and a wanted felon to the Mizukage; and Haku you are still technically a citizen of another country…while your bloodline was hated and there was even an attempt on your life, your clan was still registered under it and any prominent clan member can not change countries without the Feudal Lords recognition." said the Hokage.

Both of them looked down not liking where this was going. Their moves were silent, they weren't going to kill the old man but they were definitely preparing for a fight to get out.

The old man noticed all of this even though he wasn't facing them. "That's how it would be normally…"

He let his words trail off at that and both Haku and Zabuza stopped what they were doing. "I beg you pardon?" Zabuza asked.

"Haku…how much do you know about Naruto?" asked the old man ignoring Zabuza's question.

"Naruto-kun?" Haku froze as the man mentioned Naruto. At this Zabuza raised his non-existent eyebrow at the word kun.

"Yes…if that's what you call him." said the Hokage with a small modest smile.

"I didn't get to know him all that well but…I owe him a lot and…I would…like to." said Haku blushing as she thought about Naruto. She definitely wanted to get to know him.

"Ah, I see." said the Hokage with a small knowing smile. "Then let it be known that Kakashi succeeded in driving Lightning Blade through your heart Haku…and Zabuza you were so overcome with grief that at the sight of Gaotu…who lets say…defiled Haku's name, you charged at him with only a kunai in your mouth. You then ran through the man's army killing as you went and finally sliced the man's throat. You then died from your wounds."

Zabuza's eye twitched. "You certainly have some imagination." said Zabuza. The old man only smiled at this.

"Yea I know, but Zabuza I have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

"How strong do you think Haku is?" Sarutobi asked.

"Well I'd say Chuunin." Zabuza replied.

After that Sarutobi reached under his desk, and pulled out a Chuunin vest and gave it to Haku.


"What is it Haku?"

"I was wondering if I can train to me a med-nin?"

"I'll contact to hospital."

"Now I need you two to leave, I need to speak to Naruto and Kakashi alone."

After those words Haku and Zabuza left.

"Now Naruto Kakashi has told me you died, came back to life, and you're getting trained by Kyuubi? Is this true?" Sarutobi asked.

"Yes, it's true." Naruto replied.

"And why is he doing this?"

"He said he didn't want a weak vessel. After all he said he would be humiliated if other demons found, out that the strongest demon in existence was sealed in a weak person."

"I guess that makes sense, okay you two are now dismissed."

"Wait I need to talk to you Hokage-sama." Naruto said.

This surprised Kakashi and Sarutobi, because they always heard Naruto call Sarutobi old man, they never heard Naruto call him Hokage-sama, so this was a serious issue. So Kakashi went out the door in order for them to conduct their business.

"Hokage-sama what I told you wasn't the whole truth." Naruto admitted. Surprised Sarutobi asked what he meant.

Sighing Naruto took off his mask told him the story about him meeting Shinigami, learning some techniques from Kyuubi and Shinigami, him killing 105 people, and telling him why Kyuubi attacked Konoha. Which shocked Sarutobi and thought he would have a heart attack. ( he did not tell him about his Kurashagan yet )

"Wow, Naruto this is a lot to take in." Sarutobi exclaimed.

"That's not the worst of it." Naruto said.

"What do you mean?" Sarutobi asked again, getting a bad feeling in his gut.

"I want to know who my parents are." said Naruto activating his Kurashagan, then activating his Mangekyo Kurashagan further shocking the Hokage.

"But how..."

"It was Shinigami-sensei who gave me this power, and I would to know who my mother and father was."

"I knew this day would come, but I didn't think it would be so soon." Sarutobi sighed.

"Very well, your mother was Kushina Uchiha and your father was Minato Namikaze the Yondamie Hokage."

"WHAT?" Naruto's scream could be heard all over the world.

"Naruto I'm so sorry."

"Old man you owe me BIG!" Naruto said..

"I know, your father said you get everything when you turn sixteen, but I can give you a few things to survive until then. So what will it be?"

"I only need a few things."

"What is it?" Sarutobi asked.

"I need a new home far away from the villagers."

"Well I could put you into the...

"The Forest of Death." Naruto interrupted.

"What! That area if forbidden only Chuunin and above are allowed in it!" Sarutobi exclaimed.

"Old man I'm as strong as a Chuunin, so I'm allowed in."


"Hey if I can kill one-hunderd and five people by myself, I can live in The Forest of Death."

"( sigh ) Fine you win, here's the map to an abandoned cottage." said Sarutobi as he handed Naruto a map.

"Thanks old man now, I would like a few scrolls for training, preferably my father's favorite jutsu's while he was training."

"I'll deliver them in the cottage later."

"Please don't tell this information to anyone." Naruto pleaded.

"Don't worry I won't tell a soul." Sarutobi reassured 'Like I would tell those council bastard's anything.' he thought bitterly.

"And I have something that could help you with your paper work."

"What is it?" ( He really hates paper work )

"Use the Shadow Clone Jutsu, to do all the work." Naruto smirked as he walked off to The Forest of Death.

Sarutobi was as white as a sheet, after what Naruto said.

"I was called the Professor, master of every jutsu. Yet Naruto came up with something so simple, I need a drink." said Sarutobi as he took out a huge bottle of sake, and started chugging it down.