
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

A Brand New Start

"God dammit I don't think I can make it!" Kakashi yelled at himself. He was ten miles away from Konoha, and the boys were fading fast.

"Perhaps I can be of some assistance?" a voice said next to him.

Kakashi almost stumbled over a branch when he heard the voice. And he almost dropped the boys when he saw who the voice belonged to.

Kakashi saw a man in blue with wings on his back.

"Gah! Who the hell are you?"

"Does it matter do you want my help or not? Choose now or the boys will die." the man said.

It was a gamble but the man did have a point, both Naruto and Sasuke were dying and he was miles from home.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Hold on to the boys tight." he said, then suddenly grabbed Kakashi and lifted him up into the air.

Two minutes and a screaming Kakashi later they arrived at Konoha's hospital. And Tsunade took the boys into the Emergency Room.

Five Hours Later

A bloody Tsunade walked into the waiting room. The sight was not pretty there were three emotionally wrecked kunouchi clinging each other for support, a very exhausted Kakashi, a blue man, and alot of very worried friends of the two.

"Tsunade-sama how are the boys?" the mysterious man asked.

"I've done everything I can for them. They'll be dead within the hour." she said sadly.


"I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do. Not even your Tears of Rebirth can do anything to save them."

"How bad are their injuries exactly?" the mysterious man asked.

"Their hearts are basically destroyed, they really shouldn't be alive right now."

"Is that all? I can fix that." the man walked past Tsunade into the Emergency Room, not noticing the people following him.

When he got to the ER room he walked over to the dying boys.

"Alright I can heal the boys, but at a price. But first you three come here." the man pointed at Hinata, Haku, and Kietsu.

"I can heal them but at a price of your souls. Will you three accept it?" he asked.

"Yes, just please heal them." the three said without hesitation.

For an entire minute the man just looked at them, and he saw nothing but love in their eyes.

"You pass then."


"That was a test to see if your love was true. Just for that I'll heal them for free, now stand back." the man said as his hands started glowing with blue chakra. He placed them over the boys chests, the the chakra enveloped every part of their bodies, and even the most miniscule of cuts or bruises on their tan skin began to heal effortlessly. All injuries they had started to heal every hairline fractures in them mended together in seconds, scars from previous battles disappeared under new flesh, and most importantly, their hearts started to mend together, then their chest plates, muscle, and finally flesh.

"Now they're completely healed, now onto serious business where is your Hokage?" the man asked, everyone pointed to Tsunade. "Oh that saves me some time I would like to join the village."

"What? Why?" Tsunade asked.

"A few months ago I felt my masters chakra, and I tracked him down until I came across this man." he pointed at Kakashi, "And he was heading towards this village, and since I was heading towards here anyways I decided to help you out."

"Who is this master of yours?" Kakashi asked.

"The Kyuubi, now here is the man?"

Everyone pointed at Naruto.

"You've got to be shitting me."

Naruto's Mind

Naruto was standing in front of Kyuubi's cage...wait Kyuubi's cage, with him in it? Something's wrong.

"Hey Kyuubi why are you here? I thought you were inside the sword." Naruto asked.

"Apparently not, somehow I was forced from your blade. But this isn't our biggest problem we have a new guest."

"New guest?"

Suddenly a women appeared in front of Naruto. She had fiery black hair coming down to her mid back, fiery red eyes, and a black dress that stopped at her knees that were slit at the sides that showed off her legs. She had deep blue skin and her breasts, were as at least D-cup. She also had flames coming off her body and deep black eyes with flames dancing in them.

"Hello child. My name is Dragona one of the many Queen Dragons of the Darkness Flame." spoke Dragona in a seductive voice. Making Naruto faint from a nosebleed.

A minute later Naruto woke up, but trying his best not to faint again.

Clearing his throat Naruto spoke, "Hello Dragona I'm Naruto Namikaze Uchiha, but what are you doing here?"

"Well Naruto-kun I'm going to have to read your memories all Queen Dragons do to find a worthy vessel should they call." Dragona said.

"Umm I didn't call you Shinigami-sensei did."

"I doesn't matter how we get called, we still have to test you."

"Test me?"

"Yes and you should know that should I agree to you becoming my vessel there are a few things you should know. Every three months I will produce a female 'princess' dragon out of countless male 'prince' dragons that will be made from your chakra. All I ask is that in return for you housing me and allowing me to create several 'princess' dragons that will leave your body to go back into the depths of demon world. In doing so they are able to become queens in their own right when they do. In return I will let you use my male 'prince' dragons that I produce for you as when they are made and contained within your arm. Plus if you need an extra kick to amplify your powers."

"But Shinigami-sensei said I would lose my Darkness Flame abilityfor an undetermined amount of time."

"Don't worry about it I'll reactivate it once I fully bond with you. Now let the test begin."

Seeing the boy nod his assent she reached out and touched his head before starting. She was shocked by what she saw through his memories from his first years until becoming a Genin. She saw how he trained hard always never giving up. Then saw what shocked her the most; him dying to save Haku and Zabuza. Then talking to Shinigami and receiving his powers. His first kills, the Chuunin Exams, finding Tsunade, his two girlfriends which made her jealous for some reason, Snow Country, and finally his fight with Sasuke.

"Naruto-kun I must say that you impress me greatly, so I will accept you as my new vessel." spoke Dragona.

"This is touching and all but it's time to wake up. Your mates are worried about you." Kyuubi said ruining the moment.


Naruto woke up to see a very relieved Haku and Hinata. Seeing this everyone decided to give them some room.

However they had to take Sasuke out of the room so they can finally get rid of that damned Curse Seal.

Once they got into a new room. Tsunade started making some last minute touchups on Sasuke's health and then Jirayia came in to take a look at the Cursed Seal.

"So Tsunade how do you want me to get rid of it?" he asked.

"Do whatever you have to do." she replied.

After a few hours of trying to figure out how to remove the damned thing, Jiraiya finally gave up.

"Dammit Tsunade I don't know know what to do. I've tried everything from the Five Pronged Seal to redoing the Curse Sealing Jutsu, ( sigh ) I hate to admit it but Orochimaru created one hell of a seal." Jiraiya raved when he accidentally knocks over a vial of Hinata's Tears of Rebirth.

"Jiraiya watch where your going-" she stopped when a drop of the tears fell on Sasuke's shoulder and the seal started acting up. It was like a wounded animal, cringing in pain.

"Tsunade pour a entire vile on his seal, we might be able to destroy that seal once and for all." Jirayia begged.

"Hmm...I'll do it if you stop staring at my chest, and me her sake for a month." she said devilishly.

"What! Tsunade this is no time to-"

"Take it or leave it."


Chuckling at her cleverness Tsunade dumped an entire vial on Sasuke's shoulder. The seal literally screamed like a guy was having an exorcism until it disappeared completely.

"Now we know how to get rid of them." Jiraiya said.

"I'll go write this down in the medical records." Tsunade said leaving right away.

A Month Later

After a month of healing Tsunade released Naruto and Sasuke from the hospital. She used Hinata's Tears of Rebirth on Anko and Kimimaro to get rid of those damned Curse Seals, however there were two side effects to getting those damned seals off. First one was the bad one because IT HURT LIKE A BITCH making Sasuke glad he was unconscious when it happened to him, but the second was the good one because the person who had it kept its power...minus Orochimaru's influence and transforming them into monsters.

But now the mysterious man, Naruto, Jiraiya, Shizune, and Sasuke were in Tsunades office.

Today they finally got a first good look at the man. He was 6'4, and had chakra blue hair. He was wearing a navy blue vest, pants, and sandals. The thing that kind of creped them out was his blue wings coming out his back, but the thing that confused him was that he had no weapons on his person.

"Alright I'm very grateful that you healed both Naruto and Sasuke, but you are very suspicious to alot of us I hope you can understand why I'm doing this." Tsunade said.

"Yes, but are the chakra cuffs really necessary?" the man asked indicating the cuffs on his hands and feet connecting to each other.

"You're a potential enemy, but if you tell us about yourself I'll release you."

"Ask away then."

"What is your name?"

"My name is Jacob Shinescar." the man now known as Jacob replied.

"That's a weird name." Sasuke said.

"And you're funny looking, what's with your hair you look like a cockatoo." he said making Naruto laugh, and making Sasuke want to kill him badly.

"What exactly are you then?" Sasuke retorted indicating his wings.

"I'm a hummingbird hanyou."

"A what?"

"A hanyou is a a mixture of a human with a demon." Naruto said, seeing their confused look Naruto sighed and continued. "What I'm saying is he's a human that has demon blood running through his veins, thus creating a half-breed as we call them. But half-breeds aren't really accepted by anyone because he or she usually inherits their demon parents traits."

"Traits?" Tsunade asked.

"( sigh ) By traits I mean they might have wolf ears for example, or they would have tails, claws, or in Jacobs case wings. However if they have these traits this makes humans detest them. And because they have human blood demons usually try to kill them, and they usually succeed. Am I right Jake?"

"Yes you are correct."

"Wait so can you change into a hummingbird?" Shizune asked.

"No and whoever said that demons, and hanyou's can change shape was probably drunk or high when they wrote that." Jake snickered.

"Wait a second from what I've read about demon folklore, they can live for hundreds if not thousands of years. So how old are you?" Jiraiya suddenly said.

"Yea he's right you look to be in your late twenties, but you could be alot older." Tsunade mused.

"...I'm two-hundred and sixty-three years old." he said shocking them, but they quickly got over it.

"Do you have any special abilities like a bloodline?" Naruto asked.

"Actually yes I have three." Jake said ( I'm calling him Jake for short )

"What are they?" Tsunade said in a panic.

"Why so scared? It's not like I'm going to use them on you."

"It's not that if the council gets wind of this you'll be used a a breeding stock!"

"Really? Now that wouldn't be so bad." Jake giggled pervertedly.

"No not another pervert! First Oji-san, then Iruka-sensei, then Kakashi-sensei, then Ero-sennen, and now you. How come everyone I meet is a pervert?" Naruto cried out in frustration. But everyone ignored him.

"Right anyways my first ability are Aura Powers, which allows me to use spirit energy like a weapon, heal people, and increase my strength." he stopped as Tsunade wrote this down.

"My second ability I can use my feathers like Gaara can use his sand." he stopped again seeing their shocked looks. "What?"

"You know Gaara? And can use abilities like him?" Naruto asked with some fear in his voice, knowing how bad Gaara's sand can be.

"Yes I met the lad on my way here, he's pretty strong but no match for me."

"You beat Gaara?" Sasuke asked not believing him.

"Yes I'm that strong if I use my Aura Powers to increase my strength to thirty-six percent. I will have the power of a Kage." he said noticing their scared looks, "However there is a price If I use this power for too long I'll go into a coma. And if I use one-hundred percent I will die."

"Now for my last ability." he took off his glasses to show pure white eyes with tints of blue surrounding them. "This is my doujutsu The All-seeing Aura Eye. And I know these are the eyes of the Hyuuga, however these are a better version of them it has all the properties of the Byakugan except it can actually see three-hundred and sixty degrees. After all my father is the one who created them."

After getting over her shock Tsunade wrote down his abilities and finally got to her important question.

"Why are you here?"

"Like I told you I felt Kyuubi's chakra,a nd decided to seek him out."

"What exactly is your relationship with the fox anyways?" Naruto asked.

"He is my master and I owe him a life debt."

"Life debt?"

"When I was younger my mom was killed by my village, and before they could kill me Kyuubi-sama destroyed them and took me in as one of his own." he said sadly, "However Kyuubi-sama disappeared thirteen years ago, I had no idea how or when because I was in my month long hibernation period until three months ago in Snow Country. However when I got there his presence was gone, but then three almost four months later I felt it in The Valley of the End. And now here I am can I please go now?" Jake said.

Keeping her promise Tsunade released Jake, gave him the title of Jounin, and sent him off to live with Naruto.

Little did she know that this would be a turning point in Naruto's life.