
Chapter 79

The moment his dad, ahem, uncle left, Chris dropped to his knees. "Mother?" Despite all the shocking news, he didn't forget what she'd done.

She'd taken a blow meant for him. She cared.

Her dark gaze fixed on his face. "Don't you dare start blubbering. I'm dying, it's not a big deal."

"I thought you couldn't die."

"The demise of this form only means I shall transcend."

"But what if I don't want you to go?" He'd never given her a chance. He'd spent so much time hating her that he never even tried to get to know her.

"You have no choice. This body is weak. Too weak for this. . . " She let her hand fall from her side, and the gray mist thickened as it poured. "Just do me a favor. Don't forget me."

How could he? His mother was Morgana Le Fay. He grabbed her hand. "I won't."

"Good." She closed her eyes, and then she was gone, her body collapsing inward as if the mist were the only thing keeping it inflated.