
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Chapter 16 : Friends ?


Rnjoy ? Enjoy !


As the trio kept having fun, well at least for Aki and Reze, a sudden rush of exhaustion washed over them, the land was shaking from underneath them, the waves got chaotic, trees shaking and nearby life kinds started to drope dead, Aki knew that time was up but the girls tensed up and stressed a bit before all of them collapsed unconscious, leaving the dungeon !

As Aki slowly opened his eyes, he found himself laying down next to that very rock, while the other two were piled up over each other, Quanxi also woke up after a while throwing Reze off her, making her up as well.

"It looks like time was freeze-ed during our time in the dungeon, it still sunset as I left it before " Aki said looking up then at the girls.

"Augh it's so ugly here, what are we ? In the middle of the Amazon " Frowned Reze

"Suprised that you actually know the Amazon " said the boy

"I know a lot of things except how did you 'save' us, anyway.." as she stood up, facing the quite Quanxi who was already up

"Shall we get back ! " practically shouted as he threw his arms around the girls, they were just so full, they didn't react to his annoying intimate act. With that the three if them dived into the woods.

After a long and arduous trek through the dense, tangled forest, the group finally emerged from the woods. Though their minds were weary from the mental strain of navigating the maze-like terrain, their bodies were still relatively fresh, not having been physically taxed to the same degree. A sense of relief washed over them as they stepped out of the tree line and into the open, their eyes adjusting to the brighter light. Reze lifted her hand up trying to stretch a bit while Aki and Quanxi dust themselves up, mostly off their skins as they barely had clothes on.

As they took in their new surroundings, they realized they had arrived at the edge of the Kamo territory - a region known for its strict patrols and vigilant guards. Aki knowing they would be in grave danger if spotted, he quickly took stock of their situation, searching for the best path to sneak through undetected. He informed them about their whereabout, he received a nod from the blonde and whines from the bomb girl.

"Why don't you just use teleportation ! Don't tell me of all your techniques you don't have one " whined lady bomb

"Yes I can but I don't want you to miss the excitement of sneaking past ! " he shrugged while the girl literally was ready to transform if it weren't for Quanxi interfering.

"Are you fucking kidding me ? " her hand was on the pin of the choker, Aki just laughed trying to ease the tension.

"Ha ha ha um....sorry I can't use it now, it has some restrictions" Reze didn't seem to be convinced but just sighed trying to not cause more fuss about it, being the very mature version of herself.

They moved with a renewed sense of purpose, their steps light and their senses heightened, acutely aware of the high stakes should they be discovered.

Crouching low, they scanned the area for any signs of movement or patrols, their hearts pounding in anticipation, not the blonde one since she were pretty calm. Slowly, they began to make their way forward, pausing at regular intervals to listen for any approaching threats. As they navigated the unfamiliar terrain, they encountered a series of obstacles - a shallow stream to cross, a rocky outcrop to scale, and a dense thicket to navigate. Each challenge was met with a careful, calculated approach, the group working together seamlessly to overcome the hurdles without drawing unwanted attention. A remarkable display of teamwork !

The tension mounted with every passing moment, the group acutely aware of the high stakes should they be discovered. They held their breath as they caught glimpses of Kamo sentries in the distance, their vigilance unwavering as they scanned the area for any signs of intruders or guards. Inch by inch, they made their way through the Kamo territory, their senses on high alert, their movements fluid and precise. The adrenaline coursed through their veins, fueling their determination to reach the other side unscathed.

Suddenly, a twig snapped underfoot, and the group froze in terror as a Kamo sentry emerged from the shadows, his eyes narrowing as he spotted the intruders. In a split-second decision, Aki, the control sorcerer, stepped forward and instinctively manifested his control ability in a form of chain that extended from his waist. The chain swiftly pierced through the sentry's head, but instead of causing any physical damage, it seemed to connect with the man's mind. The sentry's expression went blank, and Aki's eyes glowed with a faint red light as he concentrated on erasing the sentry's memories of the encounter.

After a tense moment, the sentry blinked, his gaze unfocused, and he turned and walked away, like he is totally unaware of the group's presence. The others let out a collective sigh of relief, their hearts still racing from the close call.

With renewed determination, the group pressed on, their steps even more cautious and their senses even more heightened. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they caught sight of the edge of the Kamo territory, the promise of safety and freedom just within reach. With one last burst of effort, they pushed forward, their relief palpable as they crossed the invisible boundary and left the Kamo domain behind, their hearts still racing from the harrowing experience.

Aki giggled seeing Reze's sigh of relief "I told you it'd be fun as hell ! " he said while jumping around surprising her with his overly positive attitude.

She couldn't help but giggled back as she shook her head dismissively "You're really something "

They shared a moment of laughs making sure to make Quanxi join them, after a while of walking in the empty roads, Reze asked seeming genuinely curious.

"Um were literally half naked , we have no money and I suppose you live far away from here , right ? " as they walked in sync.

"We'll just get a hotel room, and for clothes I'll have a friend deliver some to us the next day " he suggested

"Sounds like plan* agreed Quanxi

"Fine by me, just make sure for it to have separate beds" well that didn't go as she wanted since Aki got them a double bed room, well he could get what she wanted since he literally used his techniques.

Aki, Quanxi, and Reze collapsed onto the double bed, exhausted from their adventure in the woods. They were all half-naked, their clothes torn and dirty from the fights. Aki, with his fiery red hair and golden eyes, flashed a flirtatious grin at Reze, who was giving him the stink-eye.

Reze, with her dark hair and piercing green eyes, crossed her arms over her chest. "Ugh, Aki, I told you to get separate beds. This is so not what I signed up for."

Aki chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Aw, come on, Reze. We're all adults here. A little cuddle fest won't kill us."

Reze rolled her eyes. "You're such a creep, Aki. I swear, you're only doing this to get under my skin."

Quanxi yawned and snuggled deeper into the blankets. "Guys, can we just sleep? I'm dead."

Aki leaned over, his face inches from Reze's. "Oh, Reze, you're so feisty. I love it."

Reze shoved him away, her face scrunched up in annoyance. "Back off, Aki. I'm not in the mood for your games."

Quanxi, still half-asleep, mumbled, "Sleep... just... sleep..."

Aki chuckled and settled in beside Reze, his arm slung over her waist. "Fine, fine. I'll behave. For now."

Reze glared at him, but Aki just winked and whispered, "Sweet dreams, lady bomb." She gave him a good kick in the nuts.

Quanxi, still mumbling, snuggled deeper into the blankets, completely oblivious to the tension between Aki and Reze. "Sleep... zzz..."

The three of them lay there, a tangled mess of limbs and exhaustion, the only sound Quanxi's gentle snores and Aki's soft groans. Reze, still bristling with annoyance, eventually drifted off to sleep, Aki's noise of pain made her a little less annoyed yet she knew damn well that he is faking it, her last words being "fucking lunatic "

The next day

Amidst the bustling activity of the biology university campus, a woman stood out with an air of quiet elegance. Her hair, a striking shade of pure white, cascaded in soft waves down her back, framing a face of captivating beauty. Her eyes, a mesmerizing violet hue, sparkled with intelligence and a hint of mischief, drawing in all who dared to gaze into them.

The woman wore a simple sundress, the delicate fabric accentuating her lithe, graceful form as she moved with a regal bearing. There was an effortless confidence to her stride, a sense of serenity that seemed to emanate from her very presence.

Surrounded by a group of her friends, the woman's laughter rang out, a melodic sound that lifted the spirits of all who heard it. Her companions, though no less intriguing, were overshadowed by the woman's sheer magnetism, their attention drawn to her as she engaged them in conversation.

In that moment, the woman embodied a sense of majestic poise, a living embodiment of the university's pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Her natural grace and intellectual curiosity made her a captivating figure, inspiring all who crossed her path. The angel of the university was her nickname, though she might be one.

The nerdy Ru sat regally in the cafe, her white hair cascading down her back like a river of snow. Her violet eyes sparkled as she laughed, captivating the attention of everyone around her. Her friends, a group of biology students, hung on her every word, mesmerized by her elegance and charm.

"I'm so done with this semester," Ru said, rolling her eyes. "I need a break from all these textbooks and lab reports."

One of her friends, a bespectacled girl, chimed in, "I know, right? I'm just trying to survive until summer."

Ru's smile grew wider, and she leaned in, her voice taking on a sultry tone. "Survival is overrated, darling. I'm all about thriving. And speaking of thriving, have you seen the new guy in our biochem class?"

The group giggled, and the salty girl with a pierced nose and a leather jacket walked by, eyeing Ru with a mixture of admiration and envy.

"Hey, Ru, you're so hot, you could melt the polar ice caps," the salty girl said, winking.

Ru's laughter was like music, and she replied, "Well, darling, I'm not sure about that, but I do know I can make your heart skip a beat."

The group laughed again, and Ru's friends teased her about being a "heartstopper." As the conversation continued, Ru effortlessly charmed everyone around her, her violet eyes sparkling with mischief.

As she sipped her coffee, Ru whispered to her friends, "You know, I've always thought that a good kiss was like a perfectly balanced chemical reaction... explosive, yet harmonious."

The group dissolved into laughter once more, and Ru's majestic presence commanded the attention of the entire cafe. Meanwhile another guets entered the building.

As Ru's laughter echoed through the cafe, the doors swung open and a tall, imposing figure walked in. Geto Suguru, the undercover new student, strode into the room, his piercing brown eyes scanning the space with an air of quiet confidence. His sharp jawline and chiseled features seemed chiseled from granite, and his dark hair was slicked back, revealing his prominent forehead, hiding his stitches with make up.

The room fell silent, with all eyes fixed on Geto. His presence was like a magnet, drawing in the attention of everyone around him. Students whispered to each other, their faces filled with a mix of awe and intimidation. Even the salty girl with the pierced nose couldn't help but stare, her eyes all hearts.

But amidst the sea of captivated faces, one group remained oblivious to Geto's entrance. Ru's friends, still basking in her radiant presence, continued to chat and laugh, completely absorbed in their conversation. Ru herself, however, sensed the shift in the atmosphere and turned to face Geto, her violet eyes locking onto his piercing brown ones.

For a moment, the two simply stared at each other, their gazes like two opposing forces, each trying to outdo the other in intensity. The air seemed to vibrate with tension, as if the very fabric of reality was being stretched to its limits.

Geto's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing through the room, as if searching for something or someone. His presence was like a dark storm cloud, his cursed energy was so immense the none sorcerers can fell that something is wrong, casting a shadow over the entire cafe. And yet, despite the ominous aura surrounding him, there was an undeniable allure to his presence, a sense of power and authority that commanded attention. (Au,note : this feels so cringy)

Ru, still smiling, raised her cup in a silent toast, her eyes never leaving Geto's. It was as if she was daring him to make a move, to see who would emerge victorious in this unspoken game of wills. The room held its breath, waiting to see what would happen next, as the two captivating figures faced off in a silent, electrifying standoff. Well at least that what the crowd thought, this was their point of view and imagination.

Ru knew immediately his nature, she would recognise binding vows from miles away, and that make up was bad, not to mention his cursed energy, it was at that moment she received a call from a world she once left, a world ruled by power and cursed energy, a duty she abandoned, and now that is coming after her again.


The three friends woke up in their hotel room, still feeling the aftermath of their wild adventure in the woods. Aki bounced out of bed, full of energy. "Morning, squad! Time to get this day started!"

Reze, with her dark hair and piercing green eyes, groggily opened one eye, her face scrunched up in annoyance. "Ugh, Aki, can you tone it down a notch? My head is killing me."

Aki chuckled, tossing a playful wink at Reze. "Sorry, girl, but someone's gotta get us moving. We've got a long day ahead of us."

Quanxi, with her blonde hair and dark eyes, sat up, her expression as cold as ice. "I'll have black coffee. No sugar, no cream."

Aki grinned, handing her the coffee. "You got it, Quanxi. And, btw, you look stunning with bedhead."

Quanxi raised an eyebrow, but Aki just shrugged, his flirtation game subtle but present. Reze rolled her eyes, tossing off the covers. "Ugh, we need to get some decent clothes. These dirty ones are gross."

Aki nodded, already rummaging through the hotel room's closet. "I got this, guys! I'll find us some fresh gear." As he reached for the room fix phone, dialled a number and talked for 15min. They did not hear the full thing since thay took turns for the shower.

Later on, he opened the door to a delivery, well he got them clothes saying they should go to a coffee shop nearby so later on he would join them to introduce someone he know, Reze and Quanxi just went with it without questioning any further. He was meeting with a friend.

Aki and Uritchi strolled into the cozy coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping them like a warm hug. The sun-kissed duo, with Aki's fiery red hair and Uritchi's golden locks, drew more than a few admiring glances from the patrons. They high-fived each other, grinning from ear to ear, as they made their way to the table where Quanxi and Reze were already seated.

Uritchi's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight of Aki surrounded by not one, but two gorgeous girls. "Bruh, what's the tea?" he asked, dropping into the empty chair beside Aki. "You're looking like the ultimate player, and I'm low-key impressed."

Aki chuckled, waving his hand dismissively. "Nah, man, it's just a casual hangout. Don't get too excited. Reze and Quanxi " as he introduced.

Uritchi raised an eyebrow, his gaze flicking between Quanxi and Reze. "Casual hangout, huh? With two babes? You're a sly one, Aki."

Quanxi, with her icy blonde hair and dark blue eyes, gazed at Uritchi with a cold, unyielding stare. Her expression was a mask of indifference, her beauty radiating an aura of untouchability.

Reze, the dark-haired beauty with piercing green eyes, snickered, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah, dude, you're barking up the wrong tree if you think you can charm us with your smooth talk."

Uritchi, undeterred, flashed his most charming smile. "Hey, I'm just trying to break the ice, ladies. You know, be a good host."

Quanxi's response was a swift, silent punch to Uritchi's face, her eyes never leaving his. Uritchi took the punch with a laugh, rubbing his jaw.

Aki burst out laughing, holding his sides. "Bro, Uritchi, you got served! What did I tell you, man? You can't handle the cold, hard truth?"

Uritchi turned his attention to Reze, who was watching him with an amused expression. "Hey, Reze, you seem like a cool chick. Want to grab a coffee with me sometime?"

Reze's grin grew wider, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, Uritchi, you're so cute when you're trying to flirt. But let me ask you something: do you even know what my type is? I like the country mouse type.."

Uritchi's face fell, confused, and he looked at Aki, who was still laughing. "Uh, bro, help me out here?"

Aki shook his head, still chuckling. "Dude, you're on your own. You should've done your research before trying to swoop in, skill issues, huh ?"

Reze leaned in, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Yeah, Uritchi, it's a latte with exactly three sugars and a dash of cinnamon. But I'm sure you already knew that, right?" Shifting the whole topic, like she was a nuisance, maybe to bore him off?

Uritchi's face turned bright red as he realized he'd been trolled. Aki high-fived Reze, laughing. "Yo, Reze, you got him good! Uritchi, you fumbled real bad again, bro!"

Quanxi remained silent, her gaze fixed on Uritchi, her expression unchanging. The group erupted into laughter, the tension dissipating as they joked and teased each other. Uritchi, still rubbing his jaw, shot Quanxi a sheepish glance, but she didn't flinch, her icy demeanor unbroken in the midst of the 'friendly' atmosphere.


Ru walked past Keno, cat-walked her way out after excusing herself, making sure to release some of her cursed energy, an unsaid invitation to follow her, as she made her way to an empty classroom, located in an isolated section of the building. Soon after Keno walked in, or shall we say Geto ?

Ru's fingers danced across the velvet-covered table, her eyes locked on Geto's piercing brown gaze. The air was thick with tension, the dimly lit room pulsing with an undercurrent of violence.

In a sluty voice she playfully said " Hello there Melon bread, long time no see, Wait ! Did we even meet before? " her finger on the corner of her mouth.

"No, too bad we didn't, I just recently found out about your existence, Ru or shall I say angel ?" He replied stepping closer.

Geto's dark hair fell across his forehead, framing his chiseled features as he leaned in, his voice low and husky. "You're a hard woman to find, Ru. I've been searching for you for a long time."

Ru's lips curled into a sly smile, her voice dripping with seduction. "And now that you've found me, what do you plan to do with me, Geto?"

Geto's eyes flashed with a hint of amusement, his gaze roving over Ru's curves, probablya human reaction that kicked in. "Oh, I think we can come to some sort of... arrangement. You see, I have a certain.... offer..."

She raised an eyebrow "offer you say, what kind ?" She asked, though obviously uninterested.

"Well it's about a suspected lost soul...." waiting for her reaction, meeting his expectations, she frowned as her violet eyes glowed with cross shape in them.

"Are you for real now ? " well he didn't expect her to go immediately defensive, thus stepping back.

[Technique extinguishment ]

Kenjaku's reflexes were on point as he immediately covered himself with dragon cursed spirit, only for it to get immediately demolished and killed by the attack.

In the midst of the light caused by angel's technique, as the light slowly faded, Keno laughed realising that she escaped.

"Until our next encounter, Ru, the falling angel ..."


End of the chapter

I was sick the whole week , sorry for late update + I rewrote the first chapter