
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Chapter 14 : Dungeon Arc, pt 5

Yeah sorry another late update, I have been busy with some genetics stuff

The chapter is short so there will be another part tomorrow




Aki realising how serious the situation is, he gets indecisive wether to use a powerful lifespan weapon, wich will make his healing even slower, or use a weak ome to focus his energy on healing himself till the point he would be able to summon a hybrid. (Au,note : obviously he chose the 2rd choice)

Aki found himself in a dire and stressful predicament. The weight of the situation bore down on him, filling his mind with a sense of hopelessness. All around, the challenges seemed insurmountable, leaving him feeling trapped and overwhelmed. He healing was somehow slow, he was overusing his cursed energy in addition to his opponent being a copy from Mahoraga.

Despite the bleak circumstances, a small glimmer of hope flickered within Aki. Amidst the darkness, he clung to the belief that there might be a way forward, a chance to overcome the obstacles before him. This tiny ember of optimism was the only thing keeping him from succumbing completely to the crushing despair.

Aki's heart raced as he searched for a solution, any sign that the situation was not as hopeless as it appeared. He knew he had to find the strength to push forward, to not give in to the temptation of surrender. That faint, flickering hope was the only thing sustaining him in this moment of profound stress and uncertainty.

Outside of the domain, Two women emerged from the snowy ground, as if they had been summoned from the very earth itself. Their appearance was sudden and unexpected, did Aki summoning work ?

The snow swirled around them as they rose up, their forms materializing from the white, powdery landscape. It was as if they had been sleeping beneath the frozen surface, only to be roused and called forth in this moment.

Their movements were graceful and deliberate, almost ethereal in nature. Two Young womenn, one of them appear to be of slender build. She has shoulder-length purple hair and emerald-green eyes. She seemed to be prone to blushing heavily with a grenade pin in her neck.

The other was a tall woman with cream colored hair tied back into a ponytail. She wears an eye patch over her right eye, has a brown left eye, and possesses an atheletic build.

Both of them wore a boring office uniform, long drenched coat that was perfect given the environment, a tie with white blouse and black trousers.

"Where am I ?....."humed Reze as she turned to look around, she was confused about her whereabout and why she was in the middle of icy nowhere.

It wasn't long for her to get startled by the giant black sphere, that's how the domain looked from the outside.

She stepped aback for bit only for her to bump into Quanxi, in a swift move she went for a back kick but only to be blocked easily by the blonde. Quanxi wanted to go for another attack but their eyes met each other, they both raised an eyebrow in sync, surprised to see each other.

"Do I know you ?" Asked Quanxi, she felt a huge sense of familiarity towards this girl, and it was immense she couldn't ignore, for her to not ignore such things was off, given she considers ignoring a blessing.

"I don't know, but have we met before, you seem familiar...." the girl was surprised of her friendly instinctive behaviour, and how awfully Quanxi felt familiar to her.

Suddenly both of heads turned towards the domain, an urge of breaking through and kill whoever is there filled them, like they weren't themselves for the moment, they were being controlled, having the lust to destroy and kill out of the blue.


Aki was lying down unconscious, healing slowly while Yu marched at him, taking his sweet time. When he arrived before the boy's half dead body, he felt a strange flow of energy, Yu was now familiar with the boy's energy, whenever he once adapt with a technique, he can remember the flow and change according to it, so as to adapt without actually using his ability, just remembering the flow, and Aki's felt really strange and foreign to him, even though he just adapted and interfered with the redhead's outside energy he was releasing, in other words somehow managed to interfere with his contracts without realising, thus slowing the healing process.

As he drew his katana for a last hit, when he suddenly felt sudden exhaustion and drain in his cursed energy


His domain shattered, due to being broken from the outside, in a not long distance stood before him, two beautiful ladies, who had a murderous aura, Reze gave a smile with a "wow" while Quanxi kept her gaze on Yu.

Yu felt no cursed energy from them, that was wierd since non sorcerer can't enter the dungeon, he wielded his katana ready to kill as he lunged in supersonic speed, cutting Reze in half, chopping her head and limbs, but to his suprise, Quinxi dodged the attack, almost effortlessly.

'Does she have heavenly restrictions? ' he thought to himself, suddenly Quanxi grabbed Reze's head, pulled the grenade pin from it, then throw it at him, causing an atomic explosion.

*tick 10%*

It's new for him since his body started adapting, he fell on his legs, Katana in hand, he got suprised upon seeing Reze in her hybrid form, Reze's transformation is that of an atomic bomb, mostly reminiscent of the Fat Man atomic bomb which exploded over Nagasaki in the last moments of the Second World War. Consistent with other hybrid transformations, her teeth are always visible and are notably sharp and angular.

Bomb fuses cover her arms like sleeves while also making up a portion of her apron along with sticks of dynamite. While Quanxi slowly pulled and arrow from her right eye socket, Quanxi's teeth sharpen along her head, transforming into hardened arrows with wide curved horns taking the shape of a bow on the side of her head. Arrowheads stick out of her neck while her forearms grow glove-like flesh with sharpened bow-shaped attachments.

Yu was surprised to see this new kind of species, they were neither a cursed spirit nor humans (au,note: given the nature of hybrids). But they seemed weak in a way.....

The battle begins with Quanxi unleashing a rapid-fire barrage of crossbow bolts at Yu, the four-armed white-head. The arrows tear through the air, but Yu's adaptability allows him to gradually reduce the damage he takes from the projectiles.

Reze, the bomb girl, joins the fray, her body transforming into an explosive state. She detonates small blasts around Yu, the shockwaves and shrapnel forcing him to constantly evade and defend. The constant explosions made him drop his katana, relying on his hand to hand combat and four arms.

Quanxi switches tactics, using her speed and agility to dart in and out, firing crossbow bolts at close range. She avoids direct melee combat, instead relying on her ranged attacks to keep Yu off balance.

Yu struggles to keep up with the coordinated assault from Quanxi's crossbow and Reze's explosive onslaught. His four arms give him the dexterity to deflect many of the attacks, but the sheer volume of firepower wears him down.

Sensing an opportunity, Reze detonates a massive explosive, the blast engulfing both Yu and Quanxi. Quanxi's speed allows her to evade the brunt of the explosion, but Yu takes the full force of the blast.

However, Yu's adaptation ability kicks in, and his resistance to the explosions rapidly increases. Reze's subsequent detonations become less and less effective against him.

Quanxi, realizing her crossbow bolts are no longer enough, abandons her ranged approach and charges in, using her agility and acrobatic kicks to try and overwhelm Yu's defenses.

Yu focusing his cursed energy, managed to sned her flying, she shot arrows only for distraction so she could jump at him, trying to stabb him with her bolt hands. It was all useless, now he adapted almost fully to their attacks.

Reze realises she is quite useless now, she uses her ability as a shockwave or a knock back effect on Yu, trading blows and kicks then ran off with an explosion.

During this whole time, Aki managed to heal his brain, regaining his flow of energy and his regenerative ability, allowing him to come back even stronger, he reached a whole another level of energy manipulation, almost a step behind a six eyes user !


I woke up like I was sleeping for eternity, my mind was conscious but I lost my sense, I focused my energy using every cursed energy manipulation trick I could think of, even coming up with new ones, as I slowly regained my senses in the process of healing, the first thing I did was mumbling healing spells I gained, while thinking of a way to regained again my sense of contracts, eventually I changed completely the composition of my cursed energy, I don't know how he intervened with my contracts, it was like he cut the connection, or maybe weakened it.

I was able though to summon Reze and Quanxi the last moments by choosing to use a weakass dagger and the left of energy for summoning or I shall say 'call' since it was a mix between seance technique and cursed spirit manipulation.

But I only woke up to see their ass getting kicked by Yu, can't blame them, that guy was stronger than dog raga (that's what i think at least) he was able to survive being torn into pieces, his fleshed got ripped !

So I suppose he has an adaptation ability that relies on changing the flow according to the technique, since the whole fight he changed flow like cake, must require a high level of control over his technique.

Yu now is killing the girls effortlessly, he adapted to their attacks, too bad for him now because I got a whole new set of energy.

" I wasn't shot ! " I shouted to get his attention, he looked suprised to see me all good like I wasn't just dead minutes ago.

"Welcome back ! Guess you couldn't handle hell, well too bad I'll sent you again there " he scoffed

"Aww man what did you to the girls ~~" as I walked up to him, like the immortal creatures they are, with few drops of blood they were all healed.

"Hi ! Ladies, care to join me to kill this bastard!?" They both looked at each other, Reze blushed with giggle in agreement while Quanxi just gave a nod.

"Hey ~~ handsome, what's your name ?" Reze asked in a flirty tone, while Quanxi gave her a judging look.

I just giggled like a teenager " well, I'm sure blessed with extraordinary look*flexed my chest, proud* I'm Aki, the one who saved your lives, brought you back to life, you shall serve me with all your might" I said in a tone that had both domination and sweetness in it.

To my suprise, they looked unpleasant, were they not brainwashed? It's not like I want them to be, anyway I wanted to make them my candidate with manipulation not control.

"Let's make a contract, I will assure you two a good life if you become my candidate...and for your information, I won't take your freedom just do some tasks for me ..." I proposed

They seemed unsure so I added " it's a contract, as I sorcerer I can't break it nor change, so be reassured ..."

They looked at each other before accepting, if you wonder about Yu, for some reason he waited for our conversation to finish, what a gentleman!

"Now girls, let's get started ! " As both of them transformed into their hybrid form, me and Yu made our domain signs.

[Domain expansion: Hell's scent]

[Domain expansion: Evolutionary Singularity]

Pov 3rd p

The two domains clash ended with Aki winning, Yu was cooked since was going to experience one of the most powerful domains to ever exist, the effects started to kick in, from fear, illusion, upside-down vision, soul damage and cursed techniques weakening, he started using his maximum output of adaptation

70% cursed energy--------> to quickly reach 50% adaptation

Now, it was a bit bearable for him, Yu is getting tired, he had used an enormous amount of cursed energy to reduce the damage of the domain by half, and there's still more techniques he had to deal with.

[Use : 100 years]

The fight started !

Aki lunged at him with a massive blade aiming at his left arms, Yu's reflexes were quick as he managed to dodge it but he became a ping pong ball as Quanxi and Reze kept sending him flying with bolts and explosions, but they had no damage.

[Cursed technique: Earth binding]

As he shot multiple big stones at them, the trio dodged it effortlessly but it was only a distraction so he could slice the hybrids in half using the eternity chain, this tool can extend forever as long you hide the grip with your hands.

Aki's pov

My mind focused and my blade steady. This guy was no joke but again he is in my domain, I'm the advantageous here.

The tall grass rustled in the gentle breeze as I faced the spirit, Yu, across the open field. I gripped the hilt of my razor-sharp blade, giving death galres . Yu stood calmly, his four arms hanging at his sides, a glinting katana blade attached to the end of a long, heavenly chain that extended endlessly behind him.

Yu suddenly whipped the chain forward, the katana blade slicing through the air towards me. I dodged to the side, the blade missing my torso by inches. Before I could counterattack, the chain retracted, the blade swinging back around. I ducked just in time, feeling the steel whistle past my head.

Seizing the opening, I lunged forward, my blade slicing through the air. Yu's four arms moved in a blur, his katana deflecting my strikes with ease. The sound of clashing steel rang out across the field as we traded blows, neither gaining the upper hand.

Frustrated, I redoubled my efforts, my enhanced speed and strength allowing me to press the attack. Yu was forced back, his chain lashing out defensively. I parried the strikes, my blade a blur as I sought to find an opening.

Suddenly, Yu's chain whipped around, the katana blade slicing towards my face. I jerked my head to the side, but the blade still grazed my cheek, drawing blood. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I countered with a powerful slash of my own.

Yu's four arms moved in a blur, the chain a deadly blur as he deflected my strike. But I sensed his growing fatigue, his movements starting to slow. Seizing the opportunity, I feinted left, then brought my blade slashing down with all my enhanced might.

Cutting through his flesh, creating molds alongside damaging his soul, he quickly backed off, he became immune to slashes but not to soul damage.

His healing was taking over the mold, every injury healing almost instantly, I knew right then that I won't be able to finish him with succession of strikes rather with a final one.

Yu stopped upon sensing the change in cursed energy, his widened upon sensing my enormous amount I was using, he quickly started his full output

[Cursed technique: Singularity maximum output]

99% cursed energy -----> 90 % instant adaptation to a new attack

I decided to unleash a heavy technique, to break the limits of control and get stronger, awakening my full potential.

As a bloody halo formed above my head,multiple devils appeared attached to me by chains alongside 100 random japanese citizen, I smirked a I extended my arm saying


[Ability activated: The Essence of Domination]

Contracts using: future devil, angel, spider devil, snake devil, stone devil, fox devil, gun devil ( 30%)

As the halo widened, above Yu, an army of enhanced devils, devils empowered with Contracts, with lifespan, with cursed energy with the main one, the gun devil.

As the devils started eating Yu, alive, using multiple techniques at once, he can't help but focus on healing to survive using his adaptation to the next level, enormous floating humanoid figure with multiple building-sized rifles for arms, a roughly skeletal body crammed full of disembodied screaming heads, and an oversized barrel and slide emerging from its skeletal face. The Gun Devil is also missing the lower half of its body and is instead replaced by 6 long giant 7.62×51mm NATO ammo belts attached to the bottom of its torso.

He aimed one of his arms-gun at the pile of devils that Yu was stuck, eating alive by them, the air thickened, the domain turned into utter blindness, earthing was dark, the poor guy didn't get to see what's going on, but his heat fell, if he had one, the fear overwhelmed him as he witnessed for this first time in his life, the energy I transferred to enhance the gun spirit.

[Cursed Energy: Lure]

A mix of lapse and reversal, with a strong flow and manipulation on molucular level that makes them direct against each other ( as known as repulsion, which is kind of impossible since they're of different charge (-,+)), creating a new set of energy that has a neutral charge, but affect severely both spirits and sorcerers.

The shot (attack) lightened the whole dark domain, aiming at Yu, earning and breaking every single molecule into atoms. With this final attack I won the fight .....




sorry (._.)

I broke physics....