
Hell's Resonance

In front of absolute power, everything crumbles . . . If Ethan could choose which person he'd reincarnate into, he'd choose the strongest person in his favourite book- the ever powerful protagonist, Noah. Somebody who has his powers practically handed on a plate with the help of his omniscient, overpowered system. And to his delight, Ethan gets reincarnated right where he wants. Except, he's not in the body of Noah. And he definitely doesn't have a system. In a world where monsters threaten humanity's existence, powerful humans called gatekeepers venture into gates, risking their lives to protect everybody. But the path to a gatekeeper is not an easy one. Can Ethan make it to the top? Can he hope to grow as strong as the protagonist? Can he survive in this period of turbulence, where Noah's presence shakes numerous forces, both within and outside the planet? And most importantly. Is Noah really as amazing as Ethan thinks?

J_Striker · Fantaisie
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78 Chs


Thump...thump...thump. SCREE! The thorny dragon stepped into view, yellow eyes gleaming as it stared at them. Its mouth was full of sharp teeth, while its neck was covered in tiny needle like protrusions, making it look like it had a beard. Splash...splash! Its large legs were full of bulging muscles that glistened as they navigated through the swamp with ease. A row of spikes line its back, spreading across its spine. Its long tail ended in a spiked ball as large as Ethan's head. Thump! Thump!

Ethan stared above to see a 3 metre monster glaring viciously at him. "Physical types! Protect the Mage types!" Pew! Another wave of needles shot out, crashing into the three Physical type awakeners. Slam! Slam! "Oof!" Kara was pushed back as she bore the brunt of the attack with her body. She'd channeled mana into her body, so she was safe for now. But she wouldn't be able to withstand too many attacks. "Goddamn! It's an F-3 rank monster. We've got no chance against it!" SCREEEE! The thorny dragon smashed its legs into the ground, preparing to charge at them.

Ethan felt like laughing as he watched the terrifying sight in front of him. Just a week ago, he'd hunted down a Spinolanus as a part of his mission. A reptilian monster with spikes. Just like the creature in front of him. And the thorny dragon was an evolved version of a Spinolanus. It was like karma had coming knocking, preparing to punish him for killing monsters.

Thud...thud...thud. The thorny dragon rushed forward with frightening speed, feet pounding into the swamp as it sent splashes of water everywhere. SCREEEE! "Samuel, Thomas! With me! Push it back!" Kara rushed forward with her spear pointing forwards. "Thomas! Do what she says!" Samuel rushed forward with his sword raised as he ran next to Kara.

"Get ready to strike its chest!" Whirrr! The three poured mana into their weapons as they rushed towards the monster. SCREEEE! The thorny dragon raised a clawed leg, aiming to crush them underneath its foot. Splash! Samuel and Thomas mirrored Kara's movements as they slid through the water. Slam! The thorny dragon slammed its leg downwards, sending up a torrent of water.

SCREEE! It screamed in frustration. It had missed. "Now!" Kara called out loudly as she thrust her spear forward. Samuel and Thomas followed her, driving their spears into the same point, as they tried to penetrate its tough skin. Clang! Clang!

Ethan's eyes widened. Their weapons had failed to get through the monster's tough skin. "Get out of there! The thorny dragon can..." Pew! Pew Pew! Sharp spikes shot out of its abdomen. They rained onto the three, hitting them at point blank range.

"Aaah!" "Argh!!" "Urk!!" The spikes pierced their armour, embedding themselves into their soft flesh as they screamed in pain. "Get them out of there!" Charlie screamed desperately as she stared at them in horror, not knowing what to do. Ethan rushed forward.

"Charlie! Slow down the monster! Use the water around it!" Kara shouted at Charlie, giving her commands even as she was in danger. "Alright!" Charlie pumped mana through her body, controlling the swampy water surrounding the thorny dragon. The other Mage type awakeners placed a palm on her body, supplying her with their own mana, bolstering the strength of the spell

Slide! Ethan slid under the monster, rushing towards the three of them. Splash! Tiny whirlpools of water materialised around the thorny dragon's four limbs, pinning it to the floor. SCREEE! It swung its tail viciously, trying to hit the people beneath it. "It takes time to recharge its spikes. Quick! Get us out of here before it can shoot us again!"

"Got it!" Ethan nodded as he landed next to Kara. The spikes had immobilised them, making it difficult to move. "Here! Take these potions!" Ethan passed a group of vials to each of them. SCREEEE! "I don't think I can hold it for long!" Charlie shouted desperately as she felt the spell weakening.

SCREEEE! Ethan grabbed Kara by her armpits, preparing to throw her. "Hey! Send me first!" Evidently, Samuel couldn't bear to see somebody from Dust House disrespect his position. Even when there was a monster struggling right above him.

"Fuck you," said Ethan. "Wha..." "Shut up and sit down! Now's not the time to whine about hierarchy. I'll send Kara first because I feel like it. Unless you're so reluctant to leave her that you'd prefer to die together." Samuel's face turned red. "You.."

"Get ready." Ethan ignored him, preparing to throw Kara. ROAAAR! Pew! Pew! Pew! Suddenly, a round of spikes shot out of the thorny dragon's face, heading towards the Mage type awakeners. "Charlie!" Kara screamed, trying to warn her before she was hit. Thud! A Mage type jumped in front of her, protecting her from the attack. Thud! He fell to the floor, needles sticking out of his body as he lost consciousness.

"Fucking hell! His spikes on his face already regenerated!" Kara stared in shock as she saw the boy collapse. "Brace for impact!" Thud! Kara sailed through the air, landing right in front of Charlie. SCREE! The thorny dragon slightly broke free as it thrashed around even more. "Quick! Get them out quickly!" Kara shouted in desperation as Charlie's control weakened.

"Samuel! Get ready!" Ethan dug his arms under Samuel's armpits, lifting him up. "Three...two...one...hup!" He tossed him into the air. Samuel sailed through the air, crashing into the muddy waters of the swamp.

"Get Thomas out of there," he cried. Ethan didn't reply, preferring to focus on saving Thomas. He grabbed him, preparing to throw him away from the monster's underbelly. SCREEE! Thump..thump.....thump. Suddenly, the thorny dragon stopped thrashing around. Its limbs stopped flailing as it slowed down its movements.

It was eerily quiet. The thorny dragon had ceased all movement. "Keep holding it. Its probably trying to trick us!" Kara urged Charlie as she eyed the stared at the monster with bated breath. "Splash!" Thomas sailed through the air, landing next to the Kara, eyes closed as he lay unconscious.

Huff...huff...huff. The sound of Ethan catching his breath could be heard as the thorny dragon lay motionlessly. All of its muscles were tensed as it stared ahead as it was instinctively afraid of something.

Whirrr! Bam! Charlie lost control over her spell as the whirlpools were dispelled freeing the monster. But it didn't move. "Get out of there," shouted Samuel. Ethan tensed his body. That damn fool might have alarmed the thorny dragon by shaking it out of its stupour.

Drip...drip...drip. Water dripped of Ethan's hand, returning to the swamp below as he clenched his knife apprehensively. The monster hadn't moved. Clat...clat...clat. Ethan's dagger broke apart to form a kusarigama. The monster didn't care about him. Every creature's brain was a balance of probabilities and possibilities. Was it safer to hunt, or to starve. Should it risk drinking water, or stay thirsty for a while longer. Should it stay safe, or risk its life. And now...at this very moment. The thorny dragon had decided that risking its life was the worst possible option.

HISSSSSS A loud voice echoed throughout the swamp. The very earth seemed to tremble as every living creature in recognised the sovereignty of the monster that had just let out its voice. Ethan grabbed the chain of his kusarigama tightly as he prepared to fight. It was a Lesser Python.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Suddenly, a rain of spikes flew out of the thorny dragon's body. "Argh!" Ethan groaned in pain as hundreds of needles penetrated his skin, boring deep into his flesh. Thud! He fell down, twitching in pain. The damn thorny dragon had shot out all of its spikes reflexively. Scree! It screamed in fear as it turned around and fled.

HISSS! The sound of the lesser python grew louder as it grew closer, sniffing out their location. Ding! A bunch of ringing noises could be heard as all the stonographs were set off, turning blue. "We're done with the mission. Let's get out! Grab one person and haul them away!" Kara ordered everybody, trying to get out of the gate before things got any worse.

HISSSS! Suddenly, a large white snake Appeared through the fog, directly opposite to them. "Damn it! Its caught up! Move!" Charlie grabbed Kara as she pulled her away, dragging her towards the exit. "Hey! What about him?" Samuel pointed towards Ethan with his face as he was carried by one o the Mage types.

Kara glanced at him. "Forget about him! He's just a commoner. Nobody'll be sad if he dies." Thud! Kara's words descended into Ethan's ears, shocking him to the very core. He was bein abandoned. Fucking hell! He should have never trusted these rich bastards. "You...you assholes! After I went to the trouble of saving you!" He shouted in disbelief as he tried to move his limbs desperately.

HISSS! The shape of the lesser python grew clearer as it slithered through the purple fog. Charlie dragged Kara away as Ethan stared into her eyes. Splash! Splash! After using him and throwing him away like a broken toy, all he could see in her eyes was....nothing. Kara watched Ethan emotionlessly like a scientist watched a lab rat, with a bit of interest and indifference. She didn't regret anything.

Kara believed that Ethan's sacrifice was natural- as natural as the motion of the sun, and viewed it like it was meant to be. Ethan thrashed around as he tried to move his limbs desperately. He was full of rage. He might act all cool while trying to imagine himself as above these rich bastards, but when it came down to survival, all Ethan felt was a sense of inferiority. His life was worth less than theirs. And there was nothing he could do about it.

Splash! Splash! Slowly, Ethan could see their figures disappear into the fog as they left him behind. "Fuuuuck! Come back! You goddamn assholes!" He screamed as he tried to call them back, but to no avail. In this hellish infested swamp, where terrible monsters ruled, Ethan was all alone

Here's the new chapter. It's got a bit of a bad ending, but don't worry. Good things will come in due time ;) Also, I've got an exam on 26 (less than 48 hours from when I post this chapter). So chapters won't be released for a while. Sorry. Thanks for reading! J_Striker out.

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