
Hell's Prince

Best friends forever, Kenshin and Ray are two young college students really close to each other, but one day, as fate would have it, the both of them mysteriously pass away. They are the chosen candidates for the Hell's next supreme ruler. How will these two young ones deal with such a crazy situation? As they are tossed in a completely new world full of war and bloodshed to compete with several others for the right to reign supreme over the underworld, without any knowledge about each other. What even is this competition about?

tomoya_sensei · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Who Are You?

"Blasphemy! Cleanse him completely before even sending him on his way to God!"

"...I bring to you the gift a from hell... JUDGEMENT!"

Karma picked his injured body up, rage engulfed him in a fierce flame. A flame that seemed could burn down the whole world. As the flame rose from his body furiously, he was holding two single-edged short swords with teeth like indentations in both his hands. He just stood there, hair flowing up with the flames, staring into nothingness, ready, as he stated, to pass out Judgement.

He flashed away before everyone's eyes, to only appear immediately behind the religious leader. For the others, what could be seen, as nothing more than a scratch on his shoulder, but for the religious head, it was all the pain he had ever inflicted ten fold, JUDGEMENT was just as it sounded, it was retribution, but neither from God nor from the heavens.

He was screaming in agony, no amount of healing or holy spells could help him. No one realized the reason for this reaction by the divine messenger to a mere scratch inflicted by the Devil's minion, until after a while, when flames emerged out of his little wound like gushing blood immersing him inside their fury. Utter chaos, both the soldiers who were trying to help the religious head and the crowd that had gathered to witness justice being administered started running away. Nobody could handle him, the terrifying sight of the religious head had cleared that. A brutal stampede broke out.


Karma did not take any time to get on the move, he was in control, he started moving to get outside the execution grounds and scram. Karma was almost safely out of there when he turned around, where was the woman claiming to be his sister? had she gotten out safely as well? He hurried back. There was no sign of his sister, only thing he could see were victims crushed in the stampede, he was helpless to do anything for these people, the only capability he was aware of right now was setting others on fire, he couldn't touch them. As he looked at them, unable to help, the flames surrounding him started to slowly fade.

With a sudden movement, he managed to duck and ignore a huge club full of spikes coming from right behind him. The fiend, the executioner, the head mage and their wall of personal guards blocked his way as the ambassador still looked down from up above in the Royalty's stands.

The religious head was just a powerless religious figure after all, his position was his only source of authority over anyone. And so, of course there were people who could stand against Karma, as they did. A whole army of them against the injured man, his flames began to regain their intensity as the people responsible for those very injuries stood before him.

His gaze pierced through their souls,

"I can't believe someone can cause this much pain to another life, you wanna punish me? After causing such unspeakable grief for your sick gratification" Karma spoke with complete disgust. He did not hesitate to make the first move, and aimed directly for the Fiend. With both blades blazing hot he carved his way through the guards. Fiend's and Karma's weapons clashed, the thick metal club was melting away rapidly, Fiend realised what being slightly touched by those blades would entail. Aldaon, the head mage, started chanting, waved his hand in Karma's direction to make a circle and Zap! There was a bolt of lightning flying straight at Karma. Karma pushed himself against the club to dodge, but ended up adding one more injury to his many. Fiend lost one of his arms right from it's root by Aldaon's magic, he writhed in agony not for long before he collapsed from the pain.

Aldaon kept chanting more spells, making more magic commanding gestures, he did not flinch for a second. But, Unlike Shin Karma didn't wanna fight, he was a monster of rage, Fiend was his target, "I said I deliver the punishmentttt!!!!!!!!" he yelled at Aldaon

"You underestimate us too much boy!" All of the soldiers gained their motivation back seeing the old head mage in action, but for them, it was only their doom. Karma began a slaughter fest. The head mage had a plan, he knew it was a battle of endurance against Karma, and the plan worked.


The attacks of so many mages maintaining their distance, covering for each other had put Karma in a tough spot. Before he could reach his prey he was being blown away by several other of them. It was all he could do to stay away at least from Aldaon's devastating attacks.

"Stop!.... I said Stop!...STOP right now or the princess dies!"

Karma's supposed sister was holding a blade to the neck of the princess. "You want your fake peace, don't you?"

Aldaon would stop for nothing, there was nothing more important for him, than to kill Karma.

"Cease at once Aldaon!" Madam Velvet ordered.

"I won't let him go!" He was determined, relentlessly attacking, But the ambassador asserted herself loud and clear, "This whole colony would end without her and I will be the one held responsible!"

Karma's sister gripped his arm, "This is not what's important." she said. He could still reason, so when he saw an opening he used it and they both vanished away from sight in the blink of an eye along with their hostage.


"Madam Velvet why did you let those heretics get away!" Jeff was by Velvet's side

"Do you have any idea of the importance of the princess' life, Jeff. She can't be sacrificed for exterminating one single annoying rodent, already trapped within our fences."

She ordered that the guard around all the cities and not only the one they were in be tightened, especially the one's where rebel activity was strongest. "It will be a little troublesome if the rebels get to the princess first."

Aldaon came up to the ambassador, "You should know that dealing with the devil boy was more important than this kingdom. If we leave him alive for enough time, he could pose a threat."

"Are you questioning my decision, Aldaon, or perhaps you doubt my foresight.?"

"So what is the next step?"

"As you said, we are not gonna give him enough time for things to get ugly. We end him before he has a chance to breathe... By the way, I observed the whole fight, so you don't have to act tough, Head Mage sir" Velvet remarked, with a hint of sarcastic intonation in her voice. The old man was tired and covered his own bruises.


"Where are we going?" Karma was aimlessly chasing behind his sister who was holding the unconscious princess on her back, and yet Karma was barely keeping up with all his injuries, plucked out nails, missing teeth, whip marks, all from the torture, and then the fight, the fire surrounding him had completely died out.

"Just keep following me." They went on and on through the city that seemed like the calm after the storm. They reached the shady part of the town, the parts where Shin and Charlotte first met. Karma watched as his sister bribed one of the guys in an alley sitting by himself, "I know they smuggle stuff from around here, tell us the route."

The man then guided them to a tunnel opening going through a sewer, "It's a straight path with only one exit, but if you come across any of the smugglers in there, it'll be a one-way ticket to the grave.", the man spoke in a monotonous voice and left them.

They got down into the tunnel. His sister slowly placed the princess down on the ground. She looked at Karma, and silently began approaching him. Before Karma realised that he was fooled by her calm movements, he had a blade placed right on his throat, he could tell that she wasn't kidding around, the murderous intent she'd concealed upto this point, was overflowing her right now, and yet, she was so focused and directed towards him that if he even lifted a finger he wouldn't have survived. She broke the silence, and yet her tone did not givr away her emotions,

"Who Are You?...."