
Walter Kingdom

[System successfully awakened.]

[Opening the Mythological Card System.]

[Opening the System Mall.]

[Opening the Dimensional Space.]

[Loading all the resources.]

[Error! Error! All resources locked, Reloading.]

[Reloading canceled, All resources reset, Stabilizing the Card System.]

[Error! The Card System is reset to Level 0.]

Looking at the familiar and long-lost friend, Aster smiled.

"Melin, Welcome back."

[Yes, Host. How were your days?]

"Unexpectedly good."

[Host, I wish to read your memories and understand this world, Allow me.]

"Go ahead."

As soon as the System got permission, A small current spread all over Aster's body, It was only for a second but it had enough presence.

[So Host, Now you are planning to go to Walter Kingdom?]

Aster nodded.

[Host, Walter Kingdom is allied Kingdom of Astrid Empire. Though on the surface it has friendly relations, according to the geographic study and resources study, The Astrid Empire is dominant. However, the Walter Kingdom does not mind this generation's dominance in this relationship as the Astrid Empire's former Grand Duchess is the Walter Kingdom's princess and Aunt of the current Walter Kingdom's King.]

Aster raised his eyebrow.

Ah, So Cedric's mother was a former princess from Walter Kingdom.

That means Cedric is half Royalty. That must be the Reason for Emperor Astrid's good friendship with Grand Duke Branor.

Aster packed the bag for the kids, Since they were going for a long trip, lots of things were necessary. He packed 4 sets of clothes for each kid and even himself.

Thea had no other clothes than the ones she always wore.

So they had to go shopping for her. As soon as she saw the ones she loved, she bought them.

However, when Aster packed the bag, he only allowed 5 clothes and some necessary things for girls, and other things were thrown back into the wardrobe.

In the early morning, Aster, Thea, Gen, and the 9 kids took the carriage to the Walter Kingdom. The fare for an adult was 100 silver coins and for a kid below age 9 it was 30 silver coins, There was no fare for kids below 3 years old.

Because of this, Aster paid 450 silver coins. Gen disagreed when he paid for him too but Aster let him pay when they returned.

It took them half a month to get to the Walter Kingdom from the Capital of the Astrid Empire.

The kids were tired, bored, and irritated due to the long travel.

"All right, Sera is still asleep, Elio, Nova, Raylan, and Aria You guys need to be good and follow Uncle Gen and Aunt Thea OK?"

The four kids nodded.

While Aster Unpacked their things in the inn they booked.

Aster booked 3 rooms for 10 days in this inn. It costs 10 silver coins per night in a room so 30 silver coins for 3 rooms. He wanted them for 10 days so he paid a total of 300 silver coins altogether.

Thea, Aria, and Erza shared one room. Elio, Nova, Raylan, and Gen shared one room. Lucian, Eiton, Auron, Seraphina, and Aster lived in one room.

Eiton, Auron, and Seraphina were sleeping in the room while Lucian and Erza enjoyed a bath and ate with Aster.

In the evening, Gen, Thea, and the kids returned with some snacks.

Raylan and Nova were a lot excited and shared what they saw. Aria also looked happy as she shared the snacks with her siblings while Elio looked disinterested he still peeked at Aster.

"So you all enjoyed? Do you like this place?"

The kids nodded.

Gen ordered the food.

Aster smiled.

"Then we will stay here for a few days, You can enjoy yourself a lot. I heard there was a famous magic Academy in the Walter Kingdom. How about we go and visit it tomorrow?"

Raylan and Lucian nodded.

"Let's go daddy!"

"Magic! I also want to see the magic! The one that goes boom~"

"Ah, Luci means thunder magic right?! I saw an Uncle doing it in the street earlier!"

"Wow! Was it cool? Did it sound boom~"

"Yes, Like that~"

Thea smirked.

"The kids are happy."

Aster nodded.

Though he was here to do some investigation it is not bad to let the kids enjoy.

'Melin, Did you find anything in the library?'

[Yes, However, most of the library is sealed due as it seems that the future cannot be seen. I looked through some past incidents and found something.]

'Oh? What is it?'

[Princess Isabella, The current dean of the Magic Academy 'Helberry' of the Walter Kingdom.]

'You mean to say that Moon Wraith is related to Isabella? The sister of the current Emperor and now the Dean of the Helberry Magic Academy?'

[Yes, Host.]

'What did you find?'

[Host, There was a case of murder in Princess Isabella's Palace 10 years ago, Princess Isabella celebrated her 20th birthday that year. It was said that the victim was killed mercilessly without skin, his limbs were cut off and hanged on different trees.]

'And how is this related to Moon wraith?'

[Host, There was a painter in Princess Isabella's Palace, He worked there for 6 years and drew many paintings of Princess Isabella. However, he disappeared 10 years ago at the time of the incident that occurred that day.]

Aster was a bit surprised.

'A painter vanished, A murder occurred...And what is the name of the painter?'

[Calypso Vantimi.]

Aster was silent for a moment.

'Calypso means Moon right?'

[Yes host, Calypso means moon in Valtec Empire.]

Valtec Empire? The long-term Enemy of the Astrid Empire?

There seems to be a complex backstory of this so-called Moon Wraith or should we call him Calypso Vantimi?


Emperor Viktor had a headache now. Though he was glad his son was saved and didn't have long trauma.

Cedric even solved the black sorcerer's gang and helped him clean up the rest.

But just when he thought he could rest, the next day he had important and rude guests come over from the Zyrragon Empire, The Empire of Ancient Royal Dragons.

They came and stayed for almost a month now and still haven't found the so-called fated partner of their 1st prince.

And how can they even find that person so easily?

Just how?!

The current population of Astrid Empire is 85 Million, It is top in terms of population.

Nathaniel and Mariana, These two young Princes and Princess...who have hot-tempered personalities and can't stay together at all were now eating his brain.

"Just what type of Emperor are you?! How can you not know where and when a person in your Empire can be?"

"Yea, you said that your Empire is most respectful towards guests but you are only making us humiliated, You lost our sister-in-law in your Empire!"

Emperor Viktor:..Mind you I am an Emperor, not a locator machine that I will know where to find any person in such a huge Empire! And how is your sister-in-law lost in our Empire?! In the first place, your 1st prince is still not married!!

After venting in his heart, Emperor Viktor smiled nicely.

"The Empire is so big, it will take time for your sister-in-law to come to the Palace, No?"

Nathaniel frowned.

"Sister-in-law is our sister-in-law, You call her crown princess."

Emperor Viktor:..Oh.

"Then, can I ask when will you return?"

Mariana smirked at the question.

"That's until we find our sister-in-law."

Emperor Viktor:..As I have already said, your crown prince, the 1st prince is unmarried!! How can you have a sister-in-law?!!

Sigh, However, he had to handle it with a smile.


Celine glanced at the carriage and then at the handsome black-haired man in front of him.

"Are you sure?"

Clyde nodded.

"Since father and mother have to handle state affairs then only I can attend the event instead of my brother."

Celine sighed.

"Yes, But you have never attended such events before."

"I am not a kid, I won't get lost."

Celine smiled and chuckled a little.

"Oh I believe you, But be with your attendants all the time. I don't want to come to fetch you."

Clyde glared at him and was about to enter the carriage.

"Oh and keep an eye on the kid that Prime Minister brought, I don't think he is a really Uncle's child."

Celine flinched and nodded. Their Uncle, the Grand Duke was blamed that he married someone outside, he even killed his fated partner to be with that woman.

And that's impossible. Their Uncle, The Grand Duke, the research maniac hasn't even left his laboratory even once in 15 years...and suddenly he has a fated partner, even married someone and also has a 10-year-old Dragon son...Are you sick somewhere in the head Prime Minister?!

Such a lousy lie!!

But that kid looked 60 to 70 percent similar to Uncle.

This mess is huge to handle.


"I don't want to brag but I am much better than these professors, they can't even control their own powers."

Thea grumbled. Erza who was in Thea's arms nodded.

"Yes, Aunt Thea is the best!"

Lucian in Gen's arms nodded proudly.

"Yes, Aunt Thea is the coolest! Best Aunt!"

Thea was embarrassed and coughed.

"As expected of my nephews, you guys understand the world."


Okay, I can let this stubborn item brag around.

The magic academy 'Helberry' was a gorgeous place. Nestled amidst a picturesque landscape of rolling hills and ancient forests, this institution stands as a testament to the fusion of magic and practicality. While it may lack the grandiosity of towering spires and mythical creatures, its beauty lies in its simplicity and harmony with the natural world.

The academy's architecture boasts a blend of classical elegance and contemporary design, with stone walls adorned with intricate carvings and arched windows that allow sunlight to cascade into the spacious hallways. Flowering vines climb gracefully along the walls, adding a touch of color and vibrancy to the otherwise subdued façade.

As you step onto the cobblestone paths that wind through the campus, the gentle hum of magic resonates in the air, accompanied by the soft rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. The fragrance of blooming flowers and fresh herbs from the magical gardens fills the senses, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and wonder.

Since it was vacation, the Academy was open to outsiders to visit.

Aster looked at the highest window and saw a silhouette. From the figure, she was a woman.

But Aster couldn't see more and left it be.

As they ventured inside the Academy, they saw the classrooms.

The classrooms are thoughtfully designed, each tailored to accommodate various magical disciplines.

There are rooms for potion brewing, where cauldrons bubble with mysterious concoctions, and others for rune studies, where glowing symbols shimmer on ancient tomes. An observatory perched atop one of the towers allows students to peer into the night sky and study the movements of celestial bodies.

In the evenings, the grounds come alive with the soft glow of fairy lights, guiding people to cozy corners or serene gardens.

Thea and Gen were the most impressed by the Academy. Thea who hadn't watched much of the world and Gen who was a commoner and was the breadwinner of the family never had the time to go around and enjoy the world.

"It's evening, Let's go back, Shall we?"

Eiton and Auron following their brothers, Elio, Nova, and Raylan grabbed the corner of Aster's pants.

"Daddy, Hug me."

"Me too, Daddy, Auron is tired."

Aster was already holding Seraphina and was carrying some kid's stuff in a bag.

He glanced at Gen and Thea.

"I will carry them both."

Gen came forward, He put down Lucian who ran to Nova and Aria while Gen carried the two little kids.

In this way, the adults had to watch the kids and carry them too.

Aster sighed and suddenly had the urge to joke. So he said.

"I've become a one-man circus! Here I am, juggling baby bottles, chasing toddlers, and trying not to drop any of the balls—err, I mean, kids"

Thea sneered, This guy who never got tired and irritable easily was now so easy to irritate just by his own kids.

"Well, you've certainly mastered the art of parenting acrobatics! I'd say you deserve a standing ovation for your impressive juggling skills. Just don't forget to add 'Ringmaster' to your list of titles!"

Not to be outdone and be the one to finish the conversation, Aster added.

"You're absolutely right! Ringmaster of the family circus it is. Now, if only I could find a way to get them all to perform synchronized nap times, that would be the real magic trick!"

In this way, they came back to the inn and rested.

Today was tiring and hectic and there was not much of a clue to hint at his problem's solution.

'Melin, Anything new from the library?'

Since Aster was busy and his system had awakened he let the System check the library of the future.

The future library opens new books at 00:00, right at the start of the new day.

[Yes Host, There were only 2 books today. One was about a murder that occurred in a Marquis's family and the other was about a young boy who was a beggar and wanted to become a mage from childhood and today he saw a magician mercilessly kill two beggars and became disheartened.]

'The murder story can be understood that it has something with the instability of the Kingdom or something however what does the young boy have anything to do with the grand scheme of fate?'

[I don't know Host. However Host that young boy has affinity with two elements of mana, Fire and Water.]


Aster was stunned.

Two opposite elements mana?

Impossible, But if he has such a big talent why was he not mentioned in the novel or anywhere near extra characters?

'What is the ending of the story of the young boy?'

[He becomes a servent in the house of a noble and serves a rude lord. One day the rude lord goes hunting and the boy loses his life instead of the lord as a meat shield, That's the ending host.]

Such a waste of fabulous Talent.


Aster glanced at Thea.

He might be able to use this stubborn item correctly.

"Thea, You control mana so wonderfully, Have you learned it before?"

Thea who was eating grabes raised her eyebrow.

"Ah? Not at all, That's my innate talent."

Aster smiled a beautiful smile, Thea's grape fell down as she felt shiver down her spine.

"Y-You just speak what you want, don't act like that."


"Ahem, Thea, You are so beautiful, smart, talented, wonderful mage, aren't you?"


"Ye-yes, So?"

"So...won't you want to teach others your talent?"

Thea was stunned for a moment. Then she pointed at herself.

"Me? Teach? Whom? Why?"

Looking at the surprised Thea, Aster nodded in agreement.

"A little boy, not much little, 11-12 years old, cute, innocent, sweet, talented. So how about it?"

Resolutely shaking her head, Thea said.

"No Thanks, I am fine."

Aster glanced at somewhere.

"I will let you hunt 3 evil spirits per day."

Thea was moved and gulped.

"10 at least."

Aster smirked, got the cat, however.

"4 at maximum."

"Ah? then, 7."




"...5, deal."

The two made a deal and left the kids to Gen and went out to find the little boy.

The sun dipped below the horizon, leaving the slums enveloped in darkness.

In a narrow alleyway, surrounded by the stench of decay and despair, a heart-wrenching sight unfolded. A young boy, no older than eight, huddled by a pile of trashbags. His big, innocent eyes held a glimmer of hope as he sifted through the refuse in search of something edible.

His once vibrant face was now a haunting portrait of malnourishment. His cheeks were hollow, his skin stretched taut over his bones.

Every movement he made seemed to accentuate the fragility of his small frame. His clothes, torn and dirty, hung loosely on his emaciated body. Many small scars and bruises told the silent story of a life lived in struggle and pain.

As he gingerly picked through the discarded remnants of others' lives, he tried to suppress the gnawing ache of hunger that had become his constant companion. His small hands trembled as he clutched a half-eaten piece of bread, not minding the dirt and grime that coated it.

To him, it was a treasure, a lifeline in this harsh world.

Passersby hurriedly glanced in his direction, some with pity-filled eyes, while others turned away, unable to confront the harsh reality of his existence.

But the young boy was accustomed to invisibility, and he remained steadfast in his search for sustenance.

In the distance, the faint sound of laughter reached his ears, echoing from a well-lit street where people enjoyed their meals in warmth and comfort. It was a stark contrast to the cold, desolate alley he called home.

As the night deepened, the boy's strength waned further. He was torn between leaving empty-handed and continuing his futile search.

His head throbbed, and his body ached, but he clung to the hope of finding just a morsel to soothe his hunger.

As the young boy continued to search through the trash, a sudden movement caught his eye. He looked up to find a beautiful woman standing before him, draped in a long coat that swirled around her like an elegant shadow. Her face was partially hidden by a mysterious mask, adding an air of intrigue to her presence.

"Hello there," she said, her voice gentle and soothing.

"I couldn't help but notice you here. What is your name?"

The boy hesitated for a moment before replying softly,

"I'm Alex."

"Alex," the woman said, lowering herself to his eye level.

"You have a remarkable spirit. I see the fire in your eyes, the longing to become something more. Tell me, have you ever thought of becoming a mage?"

The boy's eyes widened with surprise.

He had dreamt of becoming a mage, harnessing magical powers to transform his life and the lives of others. But in a world where poverty and despair seemed to be his only companions, such dreams felt out of reach.

"I... I have."

Alex stammered, his hope mixed with uncertainty.

"But who would want to make a beggar like me their apprentice?"

The woman smiled warmly, her eyes filled with understanding.

"The world may have been unkind to you so far, but that doesn't define who you are or who you can become. Your circumstances don't diminish your potential; they only make your determination more admirable."

Alex looked at her, a glimmer of hope returning to his eyes.

"But why would you want me as your apprentice? You don't even know me."

The woman chuckled softly.

"Ah, Alex, there is more to you than meets the eye. I see potential in you, a spark of magic that awaits its chance to ignite. I've been searching for someone with a spirit like yours, someone who understands the value of resilience."

"But... I have nothing to offer."

Alex whispered, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within him.

"You have everything to offer." she countered.

"Your determination, your willingness to endure in the face of adversity—these are qualities that cannot be taught. You may lack material possessions, but you possess something far more valuable: the spirit of a true mage."

The boy's heart swelled with emotion as he listened to her words. It was as if she could see the very essence of his being, the dreams that had been buried deep within him.

"I will train you." the woman continued, her voice firm yet gentle.

"Together, we will unlock the magic within you, and you will learn to wield it with grace and purpose. You will become a mage, not just in name but in spirit."

Alex felt tears welling up in his eyes, a mixture of joy and disbelief.

"Do you really mean it?"

The woman nodded, her eyes gleaming with sincerity.

"Yes, I do. But remember, becoming a mage is not just about the powers you gain. It is about the responsibility to use those powers for the greater good, to bring light to the darkest corners of this world."

"I promise," Alex said, his voice filled with determination.

"I will use the magic for good, to help those in need."

The woman smiled, her mask seeming to radiate a subtle aura of approval.

"Then it is settled. From this moment on, you are my apprentice

With those words, the woman extended her hand, and Alex took it without hesitation.

Alex came to an inn with his Master and slept in Gen's room after eating his full.

Aster and Thea walked in the garden.

Aster glanced at Thea.

"Bring light to the darkest corners of this world, Use magic for greater good, Wow, Thea, I never knew you had such ambitions."


"O Please, I almost vomited when i said those lines. My heart still feels yucky."

Hearing her grumblings, Aster laughed out aloud.

"Oh good, hahaha...Ahem."

Getting a stare from Thea, Aster calmed down.

"Anyhow, you did a good job."


Aster stopped and looked at Thea.

"Thea, now you have an apprentice who will depend on you, So mature a bit OK?"

Thea:...Are you complimenting me or insulting me?


5 days passed by and Aster got no clue.

Gen came inside the inn room with a stack of newspapers and put them on the table.

"Here are the newspapers from 2 years ago, There are 48 of them."

Aster nodded without looking up from the book in his hands.

"Thanks, brother Gen."

Gen sighed.

"Thea and I will take the kids to the festival tonight, How about you coming with us?"

Aster shook his head.

"No, I am a bit busy. However, let the kids buy some things as a souvenir."

Gen nodded and left the room a moment later. Aster put down the book and massaged his head.

Last night his sister connected with him again in his dream.


"Brother, Don't use this path of hiding in the shadows once again. The result was not good at all before and we learned the lesson of that path...I don't want to force you to choose the path under the eyes of everyone or show off however I don't want your end to be the same."

Maria looked at him with seriousness.

Aster smiled.

"Your heart still hasn't mended after all this time?"

Maria looked away from Aster's eyes.

"Same can be said for you."


There was a point in her words but he needed to think about how to come in light and be the shadow at the same time.

[Host, May I say something?]


[Host, If you are in the light you will have a shadow. The two can exist together.]

A bit stunned, Aster gulped.

'Yes. The two can exist peacefully together.'


10 days had passed since they came to Walter Kingdom, It was time to go back and make more money since he was running out of money and had to keep his customers.

However, the night before they departed. Thea came to Aster's room.

"Heyo~ Still not asleep?"

Aster was patting Seraphina and reading a book with the other hand.

"Hm, You know I need to read these books in the library to not leave any clue."

Thea sat on the window sill, Her golden hair was loose and her golden eyelashes dropped down as she looked down the window.

"What's wrong? You have something in your mind?"

Aster glanced at her and put down his book.

Thea said without looking away from the window.

"Yep, I want to attend the Helberry Magic Academy."

Startled, Aster asked.

"Why the sudden decision?"

"Not sudden. I was thinking about it for a while now."

Thea shook her head and looked at Aster.

"Since we will stay in this world now, We need to belong to this world first right?"

Belong to? Aster smiled.

"Yes, I never thought in this direction."

Thea also chuckled.

"When I first took Alex as an apprentice, I wanted to belong to this world for that kids' future."

Hearing this, Aster understood.

"Ah, So you want Alex's Master to be a famous and powerful person?"

Thea nodded.

"Yes. I want the kid to have a bright future and strong backing."

Thinking about the path Thea wanted Aster nodded.

"Alright. I agree."

Thea raised her eyebrow.

"Who said I wanted to get your permission?"

When Thea said this, Aster had an ominous premonition.

"Then what?"

"What else? You need to pay my fee and buy my uniform, Also prepare my house here."

Aster coughed and put a hand on his heart.

"I have no such amount of money!!"

Thea nodded in understanding.

"Yes I know, That's why I have a suggestion."

Aster looked at Thea.

"How about you take some mercenaries missions?"


"You can take some missions of cleaning evil spirits or bad souls, in this way I can help you clean up without you needing to do anything, You can get money and I will also become full, Isn't that a win-win?"



In the end, The trip back was delayed for another 10 days since Aster and Thea went to hunt evil spirits and earn some good money however the Dragon siblings in Astrid Empire were almost about to blast the Royal Palace.

The grand hall of the Astrid Empire, where Emperor Astrid is sitting on his throne, looks regal yet exasperated. Prince Nathaniel and Princess Mariana enter the hall with determined expressions.

Emperor Astrid already sighed in his heart, Yet another day.

Crossing his arms Prince Nathaniel asked.

"Your Highness, What about our request?"

Emperor Astrid smiled.

"That request...Do tell me how you expect me to do that?"

Nathaniel smirked.

"Oh don't be so innocent, He spent a night within the Astrid Empire, so obviously, you must have something to do with it!"

Emperor Astrid looked up and then back at the Dragon siblings.

"Just because our elder brother visited doesn't mean I know who his fated partner is. That's not how these things work."

Mariana impatiently said.

"Nonsense! You're the Emperor, you have connections, spies, and all those fancy resources! You can find out anything!"

Trying not to laugh, Emperor Astrid finally asked.

"And why is it so important for you to find his fated partner?"

The two said at the same time.

"That's our future Empress and sister-in-law!"

Emperor Astrid:...Ok, you win.

"Alright, I'll humor you both. I'll use my "fancy resources" to see if I can find any information about your elder brother's fated partner."

Before the two could be satisfied and happy, Emperor Astrid continued.

"But you have to promise me one thing in return."

Mariana glanced at the Emperor.

"What is it?"

Emperor Astrid smiled.

"Go back to your Empire."

The two siblings:...

The secret Guards who heard this:...The emperor must be annoyed beyond the realm of humans.


In these 10 days, because Gen was looking after the kids, Aster and Thea worked day and night and actually made 10,000 Gold coins.

"Take these and pay your tuition fees. I will go and buy you a house."

He gave Thea 6000 Gold coins, This was only half a year's fee.

Aster and Gen took the kids to search for a house.

In the end, they bought a house for 750 Gold coins. It was a bit old but was spacious and had double stories. Three bedrooms, One kitchen, two bathrooms, and a small Garden.

They prepared the furniture in the nick of time and let Thea, Aria, and Erza decorate while Lucian, Gen, and Alex went to buy clothes for Alex.

Aster went to buy some food and seasoning for the house.

And then he paused.

Thea and Alex can't cook...

He sighed and glanced outside the window, it was almost evening. He put the things on the table and went out. Elio, Nova, and Raylan followed him.

"Daddy, Where are we going?"

"To the restaurant at the corner."


"Sigh, To arrange food for your Aunt Thea and brother Alex in the future."

The three made an understanding sound.

Aster made a deal with the restaurant to deliver the breakfast and dinner on time and paid an advance payment of 500 Gold coins. For half a year they will take care of the food of two and this will also let them focus on their studies.

After making all these preparations, Aster only had 1500 Gold coins left which was quite a lot of money for a commoner.

They left the Walter Kingdom after staying for 23 days, The kids cried when they found that Thea and Alex wouldn't come with them. But Aster promised to come visit them after 3 months which made the kids quiet down.

Another half a month journey back and they reached the Capital of the Astrid Empire, Falsin.

Aster hired Gen in his Shop and the two became busy with the work and kids.


3 days after they came to Astrid Empire, Melin suddenly said.

[Host, There is another book. It is about a severe drought in the Astrid Empire.]


Aster froze.

'A severe drought...wait there was mention about this in the novel right?'

[Yes Host, in Chapter 34, When Juven, The Elven Prince came to visit Astrid Empire. He mentioned in that chapter, How the economy of Astrid Empire could have been better if that huge drought hadn't come or could be solved properly.]

Aster thought and said.

'Get me the book, I will check out the details and find me some modern solutions for the drought, Quickly.'

[Yes, Host.]

Maybe the chance to belong to this world had come.