
Hekate of Krypton

「 Hiatus 」 Incarcerated, Immured Indefinitely. Forgotten, Then remembered. Abandoned, lost in space. Stasis, Immured Again. To Terra. ...The House of An stood for Law, Justice and Integrity... Within the reality of Earth Forty Two of the Arrowverse, Hekate of House An was born on the extraterrestrial planet of Krypton, later becoming a host to the extra-dimensional reality warping symbotic entity known as Guardian-1. She is imprisoned by a stasis field facility at the ripe age of eleven years old for aiding and abetting a known criminal, she is quickly forgotten as she was left frozen for over a decade. As Krypton begins to crumble during its supposed unforeseen destruction, her stasis containment field fails, releasing her from her long slumber. Her mother and father, whom she believed had abandoned her, arrived and facilitated her escape. However... There was only one symbioship left... 「Tags: Anti-Hero, Genius Protagonist, Multiverse, Romance Subplot, R-18, System」 Would you like to support me? I have a Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ZGearCecil

ZGearCecil · TV
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21 Chs


She was flying several meters above the street in the commercial district of National City. Cheers could be heard, but there was no one without their critiques. Like the days that Superman first appeared, people feared her. The world wasn't perfect, the fact that she had no qualms killing criminals means if someone were to corrupt her in some fashion, she could go on a murder spree.

The idea wasn't fathomable to her, she didn't think that anyone could force her to do anything. She was strong, but at the same time she was young. She was a genius, but there were many things about herself she didn't know.

Hearing the voice of the young Maxwell Lord on a television set on display at a technologies department store, she heard mention of herself.

Barrel rolling before doing a backflip, she changed directions and went directly towards the storefront. Within moments she landed flat on her feet, her head cocked to the side, her face hidden by the shadow generated by the hood. Only her glowing two colored eyes being visible to anyone looking as of now.

Her eyes traced over the face of Maxwell, the CEO of a Technology Manufacturing Company. She licked her lips slightly, walking towards it.

"What are your thoughts on last night's events Mister Lord?" A girls voice spoke up, it was one of the most constant reporters on the News station. They were standing in front of the ruined bank, the entire front of the building was virtually gone. The debris had been cleared up and it was quite clear there was a lot of damage.

"A controlled explosion? Robots with guns?" Maxwell Lord shook his head on national television, "National City has become just like Metropolis when Superman arrived. It's become a super badguy war the moment Agent Cadmus appeared!"

Her eye twitched slightly seeing this man talk on the television. It was annoying to hear him compare her to superman. She wanted to just strangle him, like she did anyone else that compared her to him. Yet she restrained herself, she killed villains and people who were ready to kill others for selfish deeds.

"Who is she anyway? From what I can see, she looks like a kid in a mask, who in their right mind lets their kid go out and fight and nearly die!?" Maxwell Lord's eyes seemed to be lit up with fire, while he was pro-human, he was mainly pro-life. He couldn't fathom the idea of a child being allowed to fight like this by their parents.

"Her parents are dead," the reporter subconsciously blurted out, seemingly combating his statement of how her parents were letting her do this.

Maxwell Lord's eyes snapped to the reporter than to the television. Her looked to the side as he could relate, his parents had died in a government experiment with a biological virus. "So she shares his backstory..." He huffed quietly and scratched the side of his head.

"Do you have anything more to say Mister Lord?"

He stood there silently for a few seconds, but finally spoke. "If she hadn't killed all of the robbers, we could have learned about this stint. Instead, in the middle of the night the bank was bombed and there was a second robbery attempt. Though she did try to stop it, at her own cost." He ran a hand through his hair, clenching his jaw. "She needs someone to advise her, to keep her on the straight and narrow. Otherwise, our maintenance cost will skyrocket, which we clearly don't need."

Blasting away from the Television, she made her way towards the bank. As she approached, twirled as she went straight overhead of all those present. She double backed and headed straight for a landing position a few meters away from Maxwell.

However several seconds before she could land, the sound of a rocket launching breached her sense of hearing. Turning her head, she saw the trail of black smoke, a rocket propelled grenade coming right for her.

Frowning, she spun around and flew directly at it, her heat vision charging up. "You're not taking me down this time..." She uttered and fired a beam of two colors, causing the rocket to explode enroute to its target.

Just then she flew through the smoke, heading straight for the Intergang robot which was situated on a rooftop just down the block.

The familiar nauseating feeling was spreading through her body, she felt clammy, and it became hard to breath like her throat was closing up. Her eyes darted over to see that there were Kryptonite shavings stuck to her suit.

'Purchase the protected suit,' in that moment her suit transformed. several pieces of metal grew from her elastic suit and a helmet composed her face beneath the hood. She looked like an armored Quarian from Mass Effect.

『Purchase Approved. Please check your status for your current balance.』

The sickening feelings vanished as quickly as they came. Even with the Kryptonite on her body, she didn't seem at all effected. She had adapted with the help of this suit and landed directly in front of the bot.

"Hello, hello." She said, the little light on her helmet below the mouth flashed with every syllable she spoke. Unlike a Quarian helmet, her eyes were not visible, it simply looked as if the inside of the helmet was filled with eternal darkness.

She was the Abyss.

The intergang robot dropped the RPG and pulled out a pulse rifle, aiming it directly in her face. "Die Kryptian!" The mechanical voice was cold and lethal.

"So flimsy," She said before reaching forward, taking hold of the robot's rifle arm and tugging it with a flick of her wrist. The arm popped off like a lego, and she tossed it aside.

"Damage critical... OVERLOADING!"

The robot seemed to have electricity arcing from it after losing its arm. It's dark outer shell was becoming a red color. It was as if it was getting ready to explode. That is just what it did, as the robot exploded, it sent the girl flying and barreling on the asphalt below the building. The roof collapses inward, but there was no one inside. Nothing had been lost.

Maxwell Lord and the News Crew captured it all.

Mister Lord held his jaw, his palm over his mouth, as he shook his head a little. He was holding a small smile at the fact that she had gotten blown up again.

As she moved to stand back up, half of her helmet's visor had been blown open. Dusting herself off she seemed entirely nonchalant as she turned to face the news crew. The suit itself was repairing itself, the visor covering her face quickly.

Lord stared at her for a few moments, he had seen part of her teenage babyface before the visor had completely repaired itself. "She really is just a kid," he said to himself as she kicked off the ground and flew straight into the air. "With some pretty high self repairing tech..."