
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Android 22 & Trunks vs Android 17 & Android 18

Third POV

It has been 2 years since Android 22 meet Bulma and stayed with them that night. 22 has been training with Trunks and help gather parts for Bulma's secret project. While hunting for parts he finds some humans survivors and help carry them to a safer location. At Capsule Corp right now Trunks and 22 are sparring against each other, both are delivering punches and kicks. After a while the two jump back from each other. We both land on the ground and bow to each other.

"That enough for today, you seem tired." 22 says and Trunks nods while catching his breath.

"You improved a lot Trunks I bet you give them a hard time now." 22 says while giving Trunks a water bottle.

"You really thinks so 22," Trunks asked with a smile.

"Yeah," 22 say with a smile and the two begin walking to capsule corp doorway.

22 POV

"Hey you two! Come in! I got something to show you!" Bulma shout at 22 and Trunks.

"Alright mother!" Trunks say.

Trunks and 22 run to Bulma then she leans us downstairs to see and egg shaped machine.

"Ta Da! What do you guys think? Bulma says pointing to the machine.

"So are you still playing with your toy," Trunks asked in a teasing tone after recognizing the machine while 22 stare at it out of curiosity.

"I know you think that I am crazy sweetheart, but others thought your grandpa was crazy and he became the greatest inventor in the world," Bulma says not reacting to Trunks teasing.

"Yeah but he wasn't trying to go back in time." Trunk say in an annoyed tone.

When I heard "go back in time," my face went to shock and my eyes widen. She was building a machine to go back in time for what. I just stay quiet as she mutters something while tweaking some stuff on the machine.

"Beside, where is your pioneering spirit anyway? Don't you want to help defeat the androids excluding 22?" Bulma asked while turning to look at Trunks and 22.

"Look mom. I don't need dead people from the past to help me defeat them. I can beat them right here and now because I can go Super Saiyan now!," Trunks says in a serious and proudly tone.

"So was Gohan, Trunks, but that wasn't enough!" Bulma yelled angrily.

"Go get yourself killed if you want to! I'll take the antidote to Goku. But if you think trowing your life away will make Gohan happy you're are wrong," Bulma says in upset tone and Trunks face scowls up in anger.

"Don't talk to me about Gohan! He was my friend and master, what do you know about him," Trunks said in anger and scowl.

Trunks was about to say something but the radio went off.

"Attention! We interrupt this broadcast to bring you the news on android activity. Bridgetown is currently under attack. The southbound interstate is the only route that hasn't been destroyed, I repeat Bridgetown is under attack." Newscaster says with panic and fear in his tone.

"That's pretty close," Trunks says while thinking.

"I know that. But you're not thinking of going, are you?" Bulma asked with fear while looking at Trunks.

"I have to save those people," Trunks says with determination and rushes off.

"There is another we can use the time machine!!" Bulma yells at him but Trunks didn't hear so she turns to 22.

"Please help I can't -" Bulma says with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry I promised Gohan I will look after him and I promise you that I intend to keep this promise at the cost of my life if necessary," 22 says with seriousness in his tone.

I then rush out after Trunks only to be late arriving to the scene to see Trunks in his Super Saiyan form fighting with 18. The city was in ruins and I sense no other lifeforms around the area. 18 was giving Trunks a hard time as she hold him back form hitting her.

"You wouldn't hit a lady would you?" 18 says in a mocking tone before smacking him aside.

"Nah but I will fuck a bitch up," 22 says surprising 18 before firing large Ki blast that hits her and knocks her to the ground and putting distance between her and Trunks.

18 stands up off the ground and dust her self off.

"Guess who decided to join us 17," 18 say in an upset tone.

"woo hoo," 17 says in a bored tone before disappearing from his spot to beside 22.

I catches 17 fist and slams him on the ground. 17 gets up and dashes towards me and we exchange blows canceling out each other. This continues going on for a while until Trunks was knocked into me making me stagger. 17 kicks me in my side hard sending me flying into a nearby ruin building.

Trunks POV

"22!" Trunks shouts out in worry.

17 & 18 dashes towards me and 18 throws a Ki blast at me sending me flying before 17 sends a barrage of blast right at me. I knock the blast in the ground creating a smoke screen. I dash out of the dust to attack the androids while they where surprise that I wasn't hurt. I gather a large amount a Ki in my hands and fire an energy wave at full force, it hit them. I look at the crater I made and got happy.

"Finally I Did it!," Trunks say with a happy tone at the deaths of the androids.

The smoke clears up completely to reveal the androids kneeling on the ground

"What Did he do?" 17 asked and he and his sister get on their feet.

"Other than getting our clothes dirty. Nothing." 18 says with a bored tone while dust herself off again.

I got angry and fire a barrage of energy blast at the two, until I was out of breath.

I start running into a building hiding to recover energy.

22 POV

I Finally got out the rubble and was able to save that family in the building basement. I then sense Trunks ki that was very low.

I get to the location only to see trunks on the ground and the twins standing over him.

"Move… Now!" 22 yelled at the twins as they look amuse at me

"Your back stud, that's bad" 18 says frowning at 22

"You have been hanging out with the humans for too long, that they made you weak. So how about we eliminate this human to make you strong.," 17 says with a cruel grin.

"Sure let's see," 18 says agree with 17 as he point he finger at Trunks and fire a blast that hits him full force. It send him flying into water.

"I hope you are ready for a world of pain," 22 says in cold tone.

I took off fast and kick 18 in the face and disappear beside 17 and fire a blast into him sending him into 18 and knock both of them into each other and create a large ball of Ki in my hand.

"Full power energy ball," 22 says and fire it at the twins it hits them and damages them.

All of sudden out of the smoke the twins fired a full power energy wave and it hits my legs. I fall from sky to the ground and land in pain. The twin closes in on me.

"That looks like it hurt," 18 say with cruel grin.

"Time to end this,"17 says. As he fire a beam through 22 stomach and he went silence.

I was conscious but didn't have the strength to move. I hear a splash from the area Trunks landed.

"I have to give him credit he is more durably than I thought." 17 say with amusement.

I hear hear blast go off and I start to crawl to Trunks ignoring the pain coming from my miss legs. I see 17 blast Trunks and he falls to the ground and 17 lifts trunks head with his foot checking if he was alive.

"He's dead." 18 say in a bored tone.

Why? I don't get it. W-Why are you two doing this? Trunks asked in weaken tone.

"Dr Gero created us with the purpose of world domination, but that doesn't matter to us." 17 says with cruel grin.

"Whenever we see humans it angers us. We hate you humans." 18 says finishing the answer to 17's statement.

"What? You monsters! You can't get away with this! Trunks says with anger while gritting his teeth and standing up on his feet.

Trunks then punches at the both off them but it wasn't effective because he too weak. He keep swing until 18 trips him, catch him by his jacket and punch him into 17 and 17 kick him away into the ground. Trunks revert back to his normal state and was knocked out cold. 17 was about to end him.

"Wait, let me" 18 says while smile cruelly.

As she began charging up for a powerful blast I begin to charge my energy to put up a barrier around Trunks. At the second she fired her blast I put the barrier around him and the blast creates dust that surrounds the area the Twins left to go find their next victims.

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