
Heir of Depravity

*Warning: Restricted Content* Nikolai is the last born of his seven brothers, and the only one left behind when his father, the king of Rodakrov, went mad. Six years later, the king dies and Nikolai, at just fifteen, must take the throne for himself. But succession is never that easy. Soon after his inauguration, his eldest brother appears before him, demanding that he cede power to the oldest of their shared bloodline... forgetting that the brother he was commanding was a child of a mad king, raised in the deepest pools of insanity. An heir to depravity itself. And depravity does not take orders. It does not follow the law of man or kingdom. It knows not the meaning of mercy. A single drop within an ocean, and the entire ocean is blighted. **The romance included within this story is slow burn, and it is neither linear nor simple. You've been warned! Also, LGBT elements are included throughout :) ** Find me on Discord: https://discord.gg/PuEFyDQKmZ

OfficialHiggins · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
82 Chs

Unholy Transformation - Part 24

Krovic inns were significantly different than Casterian inns – even on the borderlands. All floors had some for or another of a rug, creating a buffer between the freezing stone beneath and the poor, perpetually underprepared feet of the occupants traveling north. Blankets were strewn about for anyone to claim, so long as they returned them before their stay was through – and no one dared to rob a Krovic inn, mostly out of necessity. One robbery and the very comfort of warmth would be forfeited for all who followed.

Another curiosity of the inns were the mass amounts of housecats. Of course, the Krovs called them mousing cats, since they didn't restrict them to houses and didn't quite understand why an owner would provide it food, when it was quite capable of hunting itself.

It was a brilliant addition – little balls of fur and warmth mewling and demanding affection from strangers, all the while warming the laps of cold travelers.